480 Reviews liked by Dreamer

if i see another fucking person complain about how the game doesn't have rain im gonna strangle somebody its called RISK of rain the rain was never guaranteed

Better than you'd think, but less than you'd hope.

I don't know what's missing from this game, but it's held back by whatever that is.

Its like Lost Levels for pussies

i think more video games should have sword boyfriends and/or girlfriends.

is it possible for supergiant to make a bad game? i've yet to see any evidence otherwise

It has been several days since I completed Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device, and still I find it impossible to compose my thoughts. The experience has shaken me to my core... nay, it has destroyed it. What was I before Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device? Do I even care? I am not so desperate a masochist that I would contemplate my previous existence any farther. I have left that grim, ignorant darkness. My life before this game was one of waste and sloth... desolate of purpose. Boldly, Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device subverted my every expectation and has remade me in its image. Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device is not merely a game, it is mockery. It is a cruel and merciless indictment of all our hubris. Mortal hands will never again achieve the rapturous bliss that is Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device, and to chase it would end only in calamitous despair. 9.5/10.

This game fucks almost as much as Dante doesn't. Very excited it play it on PS5 where the long ass load times, the only real big issue, are severely diminished.

Where do I even begin with this game. While it's no Luigi's Mansion ( 2001 Gamecube ) it completely blows that game out of the water. The lack of ghosts is upsetting at first but why the need for ghosts when you have PARTY BABYZ? The immersive gameplay, exquisite character customization, and beautiful soundtrack is just the icing on this awesome Babyz cake. Countless hours of fun (3,456 hours according to my Wii.) is to come from this game, and has helped me get over my awful meth addiction. Why the need to name this game Imagine Party Babyz when there is no need to imagine? The Party Babyz are right there; always and forever ready to party. I wish I was the Party Babyz.

if you have not played cave story then you are a zoomer. Zoom zoom.

this is secretly the best igavania