Games I'll Probably Never Stop Playing

The games I see myself putting a lot of time into for the rest of my life, just because they're that replayable or I have that much of an attachment to them.


2 years ago

Of course you have dead or alive

2 years ago

who's your fave dead or alive character dusty? i like la mariposa and nyotengu

2 years ago

Dead or Alive is fun so sue me, as for my favorite it's Mila

2 years ago

respectable DOA choices all around

2 years ago

including not playing it

2 years ago

all of your doa character takes are very choice. Hitomi and Mila are neat

2 years ago

I do want to mention now that this list is suddenly getting more attention these last couple days that Dragon Ball FighterZ and some newer Tekkens just missed me putting them on here. FighterZ because at least for now a sequel seems likely and will probably be even better than the first and that modern Tekken like 6, Tag 2, and Tekken 7 (through DLC) fills out the roster to the point nobody seems like they won't return so it's more about the vibes of Tekken 4 and 5 that keep me playing.

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