most fun ive had with a pokemon game in a long time, will keep coming back to do quests

game is really good, but i got sick while playing

main story started slow but picked up around midway through the game, ending strong. not doing intergrade because yuffie smells.

[completed through pc port] game felt great with 60fps and 16:9 aspect ratio. ganon fight was so cool, might get into other zelda games now

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third semester is peak persona

the first game to sell 1 pizillion copies

a fun little platformer with golden age spongebob humor, a few levels are a bit obnoxious though

can we stop releasing quarter-cooked games in "early access"? just play the first game and wait a few more months/years until they finish this one.

999 has such a crazy & interesting story, will come back to this review once i finish vlr

this game looks and sounds great, but the gameplay is constantly interrupted by a ton of unskippable dialogue, the story isnt too interesting, and the game doesn't go in-depth with any of it's concepts UNTIL the second half of the game. story also just doesnt make sense? idk

genuinely how the fuck does this even work

play it if you like rhythm games at all

game crash and lost 2 hours of progress :(

Wandered around for like 90 hours and didn't get bored and then decided to actually focus on the main quests. Easy 5 star, if you enjoyed BOTW at all, get this game.