420 reviews liked by Emiiru

Sem dúvida alguma é um jogo especial e muito importante, e por mais que os encontros tenham me cansado até que bastante, principalmente mais pro final, foi uma experiência satisfatória. Acabou que o que mais me segurou no jogo foi a atmosfera em si e como os mistérios se desenrolam, o Freeman desde o início é colocado em uma posição de culpa e é responsável por coisas que ele sequer imaginava que existiam, e o jogo tem um esforço considerável em contextualizar a fábrica em decadência e as consequências do experimento dele. Até o final, o mistério continua e o jogo não se preocupa em responder diretamente nenhuma das perguntas, mas através dos cenários e atmosfera, ele se mantém constantemente interessante e permite com que o jogador chegue a uma resposta através de sua própria interação com tudo isso. No fim, reconheço porque o jogo foi tão influente para o gênero e o quão impressionante é para a época, mas admito que o fato dos desafios apresentados pelo jogo não terem me engajado tanto, me fez perder a imersão com o jogo vez ou outra e me cansar, por isso demorei bastante pra terminar e não chega a ser um dos meus favoritos entre clássicos do gênero.

Every man dreams at least once of being the world's strongest... It does vary a bit... but everyone dreams of it. But everyone gives up on it at some point... When they lose a fight with their brother, when they run into a bully, when they learn the pain of their father's fists...Most people wind up moving on to other dreams. But... there's still a handful of men who refuse to give up on matter what, no matter who they run into, no matter how much they age...Ridiculous as it is...

A great homage to the western genre, very fun to read and the three protagonists are interesting in their own, i wish this get translated someday, i'm certain this will be very popular in the west when translated



gary is so personal to me i wanna dunk him in a jar of milk

I cried when this game was announced and i cried at the credits roll, I’m so unbelievably happy that this game exists and was everything I could have wanted and more.

Wow, what an incredible game this is. Devil May Cry 3 is a super complex, satisfying, challenging, and overwhelmingly great experience. Capcom nailed literally everything in this game. The story, characters, combat, music, enemies, level design, everything. They perfectly walked the line between being badass but also being self-aware and not edgy. The cutscenes and story in this game are awesome, I loved all of it. Dante, Virgil, Lady, and Arkham are super well-written and have such cool character arcs. The cutscenes are also incredibly well done.

The combat is so wonderful and addicting, that I kept wanting to learn more and more on how to get better. There are so many options available, including all the guns, weapons, and styles, all of these mechanics work well and give you so much control over how you want to play, while giving so much variety in the gameplay. It's perfect. Not only that but there's so much depth in this game combat that I'm pretty sure veterans who've played this game for years still haven't found everything. It's simply that good.

DMC3 also has great replayability, with bloody palace for practice, getting better at the combat, and of course, getting to play as Virgil. I have no doubt in my mind I will be coming back to this game all the time.

Anyway, it goes without saying that DMC3 is one of the greatest games of all time, absolutely blowing its predecessors out of the water times 1000. Also being a sequel to DMC2, which is one of the worst games ever made, kinda makes this the best sequel ever made, considering how much it really improved, and this being one of the best games ever. Anyway, DMC3 is a perfect 10/10 and I can't imagine many people really disagree.

Go ahead and destroy the financial district, Godzilla.

Até que o careca filho da puta sabe o que faz

It takes about 4 hours of excruciatingly bad jokes and nonsensical puzzles to get to the point in which you see the funny fugu fish that says "don't pee on the floor use the commodore" and not even 5 minutes later he's used in a setup of a racist joke, very cool, thank you game.

Okay, actual review time.

If you've been following the excellent saga that is 'random Irish guy writes shitty one-liners about video games' the beloved spinoff to 'random Irish guy writes shitty webnovels inspired mostly by video game plots as well as whatever was in the Spotify playlist that day' you'll know I wrote an actual review of Portal , and thought it was just okay. A decent demo of new tech with a fun enough plot even if the momentum based puzzles were a bit jank in areas. But everyone said Portal 2 was the great one and god damn they were right.

Right from the beginning when Wheatley wakes you up and the world starts crumbling around you as Glados notices your presence, in psychics showcases that to this day are extremely impressive looking, with dialogue that's genuinely funny as you talk to two parties who absolutely hate each other, going through more fun puzzles that feel more tightly designed than in one.

Then the big halfway twist happens.

I'm not gonna go too in detail on how you end up in the abandoned part of aperture, because I knew what the twist was and was still shocked at it. But the second half leads to the game's greatest strength.


Every part of this game oozes atmosphere thanks to the more varied settings, getting to traverse with portals outside of the first games testing environments for longer periods of time. The prerecorded messages as funny as they are deeply unsettling. I do have a personal phobia of both abandoned places and the whole 'upload your brain into a machine' concept so maybe this whole thing spoke to me on a deeper level, but god damn if I wasn't creeped out the whole time. This has scared me more than basically any horror movie I've ever watched, and the plot and premise probably wouldn't be that hard to rewrite into a dreamworks film, which adds to the game's artistic qualities.

So in general, it's a masterpiece. You didn't need me to say that. Only flaw is some of the later puzzles last a tad too long, and the orange gel kept sliding me just besides my portal instead of into them (or maybe that's just me getting filtered by first person gaming again)