good music, graphics, an interesting world and a story with a lot of potential, unfortunately the game gets too slow halfway through and the combat system is undecided as to whether it wants to be an rpg or an action game and it ends up doing neither very well

Great game, I thought Ichiban was an excellent new protagonist and as a big RPG fan I really liked the change in gameplay style

one of if not the best game in the franchise

This game has an excellent combat systems, beautiful world and a simple but captivating story.

the game is extremely good, the main story and additional content are very well done and the changes in gameplay make the combat extremely fluid and addictive

very challenging, extremely fun to play with a friend

Impeccable game design but does not have the same replayability as other fromsoftware games


The beginning is interesting but having to constantly improve your weapons and farming xp gets very boring eventually.

This game feels like it was made for me, the incredible combat of Sekiro with the aesthetics of Blood Born and a good story is quite a combination, despite taking great inspiration from these games it adds its own spin that makes this game a unique experience, definitely one of the best souls-like I've ever played

The story was a bit convoluted but the gameplay was

The remake is good, but certain dated design choices end up getting in the way of the experience.

Among Assassin's Creed RPGs this is one of the most decent

Even though I'm not a big fan of horror, this game really gave me a new appreciation for the genre.

extremely addictive, great to turn off your mind and play