i find this game somewhat hard to go back to after eternal

damn good shooter with amazing soundtrack

My favourite Star Wars game. Has a few issues (lack of meaningful side content being the main) but Survivor looks like it will remedy those issues

zombies is 5 stars, local multiplayer has brought me many fond memories with friends and family, campaign is ass

very nostalgic and comfortable game. the pc port is pretty bad, requiring a fan patch to fix audio issues and the framerate

batmobile overstays its welcome, but the combat and story are great. this game also still looks unbelievably good for a 2015 game

this game is too important to my development as a person to rate any lower

rpg mechanics are not great, but the atmosphere, exploration, and mods kept me hooked for over 100 hours

best of the classic zelda format. great story, cool dungeons and boss fights

The best version of my favourite character of all time


incredibly smooth combat that shines in big group fights. not a big fan of most of the bosses. story is nothing to write home about

This game introduced me to the souls games. feels incredible to play thanks to top tier animation work and sound design

the only turn based rpg I've actually enjoyed

one of the most immersive games I've ever played. already enjoyed the vanilla experience, having played for a few hundred hours on console without mods. However modding the game increases replay value and enjoyment immensely.

first game but better in almost every way