Pretty good tactical shooter, but you die too fast

Amazing lego game. The pure amount of jankiness, particularly with vehicles just refines the game to perfection.

Pretty spooky but just like alien and aliens is more of an action sequel - still amazing

Amazing game with brilliant world building and a worthy successor to the first game and adds pretty good pretty cool new features and improvements

Pretty good game with very nice settings

they are effecting pretty massively

pretty good game kinda just throws you into the action which perfects creates the atmosphere it needs

actually amazingly good after all the years, and probably one of the best games ubisoft has ever made if not THE best

Pretty nostalgic - actually not a bad game but not as possible to jank as the previous licensed games so not as good

Not too bad - custom games are kinda cracked even if the story isnt

Holds up quite well other than the fucking dream world