I'd play the shit out of this game if I didn't have depression to be honest

There was a lot of yaoi that I had no idea existed that I discovered because of this game, I think that makes it peak

I really should come back and finish this game considering some guy has been asking me to play it for the past half year, and also the fact one of my best friends fucking loves this game but it's genuinely never going to happen.

I should finish this game considering it's one of my best friends favorite game of all time but lowkey??? I don't feel like it. I'll come back to it later probably

My ass when a hot asian woman in a red dress asks me to do something

I'm playing the remake my ass can't cope with the controls

Here I am, I'm about to talk about this small game about lawyers. Well not the full game, just one single case that little did I know would influence my future career.

Shortly after Phoenix proves Edgeworth innocent in court and Maya leaves for her home village, we see our favorite ace attorney clientless and caseless. Turns out he hasn't been taking any cases despite getting numerous offers. That is until a brown haired highschooler comes knocking on his door and begs him to take a murder case. Phoenix eventually decides to take the case because the girl reminds him of Maya.

The girl's name was Ema Skye by the way, and Phoenix's client is her sister, Lana Skye (who just so happens to be the chief prosecutor). Not sure why I started this review like I was gonna recap everything that happens in this case BUT now I can talk about how this dumb ass game inspired me to go into forensics.

I absolutely love Ema, her passion for forensics, her funny little quips, and of course the dumb little minigames she makes you do. The fingerprinting minigame, and testing every little area for luminol reactions had me hooked. Of course this barely scratched the surface of forensic science but it still caused that spark of interest within me. And this was just around the time where school was asking me what classes and future career path I wanted to take so I decided to really get into chemistry to pursue forensics.

I probably would've gone into the medical or engineering fields if I didn't play this game, would I have been better off financially if I didn't? Yes, would I be happy? No. It's really interesting how this silly game about lawyers being bad at their job has inspired people to pursue career paths they wouldn't otherwise. I know people who got into law just because of this game, and for me it got me into criminal investigations. The amount of people I've gotten to bond with because of this series and the amazing people and teachers I've met because of the classes this game encouraged me to take is insane. I don't really know where I'll be in 10 years, whether or not I'll still be talking to the same online friends, whether or not I'll still be hanging out with the same in person friends, but I do know that I'll always be able to come back to this series and be able to go back to a much simpler and happier time in my life.

Nostalgia makes me not want to give this less than 7/10

I just want you guys to know that the ign review for this game said it sucked because it's just a better version of a game the reviewer already played. https://www.ign.com/articles/2009/10/13/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-review

Persona 3 is a game I hold near and dear to my heart. When I replayed this game last summer I was a total loser, I hated my life and just wanted to give up. The story of Persona 3 is about fighting that feeling, the feeling of just wanting to give in to despair, to fight giving up and staying in bed due to having a lack of motivation to live. Near the end of the game the cast of Persona 3 is thrown into a situation where they have to fight the very embodiment of death and despair. The characters all have a reason to continue to live, to fight against the sometimes overbearing feeling of despair. Akihiko continues onward in order to gain the strength to protect his loved ones, Yukari simply wanted to learn why her father had to die, Ken lived to get revenge on the man who killed his mother. Junpei doesn’t even really know why he fights, he isn’t particularly good at anything and the protagonist is way better than him at the one thing that he is good at. Sometimes it’s okay to not know why you continue onward in life, because just like how Junpei eventually finds a reason to fight so will you. Then there’s Shinji Aragaki, someone who had made a horrible mistake in his past and has lived in guilt ever since, he had given into his despair and decided to stop fighting. He simply just wanted to forget what he did and move on. Of course running away from your mistakes doesn’t solve anything, the only thing that will lead you to is down a path of self hatred. It isn’t until Akihiko convinces Shinji to rejoin SEES that he’s able to continue fighting against his guilt, despair and finally take accountability for his actions that allows him to find peace. The main character lives to spend time with people. Time is limited, you might not be able to spend time with certain people in the future, you might not be as close to certain people as you are now in the future. So don’t waste your time living in self hatred or living as a shut in. Walk away from your soundless room, spend time with the people you care about, and go do things you always wanted to do. Sometimes it might be tedious, sometimes you may want to give up, but refusing to give up and finding the strength to carry forward will make life a lot more fulfilling.

Real ones remember this game.

Never say a man's favorite game is worse than Danganronpa.

Pokemon Sword is like wild because it's really one of the only reasons I still use discord. In early 2020, like before quarantine early some random guy in a server wanted to make a sword and shield group chat since the dlc was dropping and he wanted to play with some people. I lied my ass off and said I had the game to get in, I don't really know why other than just I thought it would be a good time. I rarely played the game with em but we all started talking about random shit we liked and became pretty good friends and still talk to this day. So I guess if this game is worth anything it did give me a pretty cool friend group to talk to about my interests since my real life friend group doesn't really share the same video game interests I do, still a shit game though glad I never played it much with others lmao

Looking through my eyes, If perhaps you feel I woke up with you, just smile. Don't you want it, baby? Keep it real, let's keep it real

Whoops accidentally started singing School Days from Persona 1 there. Sonic 3 and Knuckles is a game I have played and loved ever since I was a wee little lad. I must have been around 8 or 9 when I learned about what a genesis emulator was and of course being a massive Sonic fan (still am) I just had to play the fabled Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I spent a lot of time looking at the rom hack page on Sonic 3 Retro playing whichever rom hacks looked interesting and of course stumbled upon Sonic 3 Complete fairly quickly since the romhacking scene for Sonic 3 was pretty dogwater and honestly still is, there's still only like 7 romhacks listed on the Sonic Retro page compared to the dozens Sonic 1 and 2 have. I don't really think I can criticize this game almost at all, it stands true to being the best 2d platformer I have ever played so I'm just going to spout some personal stories I have with this game since I have played it so many times.

The Rankles Incident:
Rankles the Otter was a shitpost character created by a UK magazine for S3K. He was basically a green recolor of Knuckles (Original character do not steal) and if you saw him and presented proof you would get 1 million pounds. Of course they also said to go to a psychiatrist because he isn't real and you must have been seeing things. But one day while I was playing through carnival night as Tails or (Sonic I don't remember) I accidentally didn't manage to hit the button to turn the lights back on and completely jumped over it. When Knuckles shows up in the level again he was green. I SAW RANKLES, AND THIS BRITISH ASS MAGAZINE MADE IN THE 1990S ISN'T GOING TO GASLIGHT ME INTO THINKING HE ISN'T REAL HE WAS I SAW HIM.

The Sandopolis Act 2 incident:
I was playing as Knuckles and I got to a part of the level where you need to hit some random switch that made sand fall to make it so you could progress but like you could BARELY make the jump as Knuckles, I desperately tried to make this jump not realizing what you were actually suppose to do for like 5 minutes. I even went hyper and I finally made the jump, except it was one of those time doors in the stage and I didn't make it in time and the door closed, then I finally died of a time out. This was traumatizing as hell and I still hate Sandopolis and Knuckles because of this even if I was being a dumb idiot baby and didn't realize what I was suppose to do for like 10 minutes.

The I have no life incident:
I have played this game like 16 times. This wasn't intentional mind you. I always had a 100% savefile for all 3 character plus Sonic without Tails and I was content with that. Except then all of my savefiles got wiped because for some reason hitting pause during debug mode deleted all of my saves. So being a dumb idiot kid I just decided to replay the game as all 4 characters. So at this point I've played this game 8 times. Nice and dandy right? Except I don't learn so I hit start while on debug mode again, so rinse and repeat I replay the game 4 times again. Okay I've played this game 12 times at this point any normal person would just walk away. Except a power outage happened while my phone was charging which somehow wiped all of my data from the phone. Which means my Sonic 3 Complete save files were wiped again, so now I'm back at it again I've decided decided to play this game another 4 times, 100% all hyper emeralds on every character on a phone emulator and the thing is that I am not even sick of this game in the slightest. I still love this game.

Anyways that's enough of story time with your good pal IceFisher. I tried to use bold letters in this review and if it didn't work, shit oh well! I ain't changing it, if playing this game like 16 times instead of doing things like studying or doing chores it's to live with your mistakes.