When I started the game I really thought the age of the game would be a problem. The gameplay was stiff, the graphics were lazy, the voice acting was atrocious, and I said to myself: "Oh, this is gonna be a long, miserable, and janky game."

Fast Forward to me spending all of my time today and yesterday seeing this game to completion, having forgotten my concerns about the game's quality. Every single aspect of the game got better as the game went along, including the gameplay, the bosses, the music, the story, the worlds to explore, and even the voice acting! I thoroughly enjoyed myself throughout the game, and I'm very excited to play Kingdom Hearts 2 and 3 and whatever other games are needed for me to understand the basic storyline.

2016 was the hardest year of my life. Pokémon Go was the ONLY thing I had to keep me happy, and for that I will cherish it forever.
I've decided that this game doesn't really deserve a number score, as the worth it has to me, it's worth to the world, and it's overall quality, are all vastly different and impossible to generalize.
The last thought I have is Pokémon GO TO THE POLLS.

This review contains spoilers

The hotel is one hell of a place to explore, with so much interpretable history and personality. I got really scared, despite the fact that there was no mention of this being a horror game anywhere, but it doesn't matter because that fear was hella motivating. That all being said, they really butchered that ending. Nicole had absolutely no reason staying behind, or trying to reconnect with her dead parents at all. YOUR FATHER WAS A RAPIST AND YOUR MOTHER WAS A MURDERER NICKY! GO HOME!

Also the game's bugs were incredibly frustrating. A walking sim shouldn't fuck up a cutscene making you replay 30 minutes of story over again. This happened twice.

I'm so glad that this game's story is as strong as it is, because the combat, while fun, wouldn't have been enough to carry the whole game. THAT STORY IS CRAZY THOUGH! Y'ALL GOTTA PLAY THIS!

Can't wait for the sequel! :D

I think the next Castlevania series adaptation should be based on this game


Completely forgot this existed, and I never would have remembered it if it weren't for the Portal Series Wikipedia page. I honestly think it's a hilariously inspired crossover, that falls depressingly flat because of the shitty SMB physics. Still, the 2D portal levels are somewhat fun, until you reach the bullshit level 2-2 and lose all of your lives.

"I'll do mission control this round"

Watches everyone die horribly and doesn't do anything to help

I’m SHOCKED and AMAZED that nearly everything that made Pikmin 3 so good was already implemented in the first game! I was really expecting a game that was janky and hard to work with, but no! It has aged phenomenally well!

That’s not to say it’s easy, good grief, it’s nightmarishly hard! I can’t imagine playing this game as a kid because I NEVER would have beaten it within the 30 day time limit. Hell, I almost didn’t this time! (And don’t get me started on that final boss that took me well over an hour to beat and ate all of my Pikmin) I loved the challenge though, this was a tremendously fun game! That makes two in a row now! Pikmin 2 is next!

You ever just realize that you haven't played a game in a while that you were right in the middle of, but have absolutely no motivation to jump back into it because - and you only realize this now - it just doesn't have the sauce?

Maybe someday I'll get back to it, because it's not bad by most means, it's just... average. And long.

Half-Life as a franchise is cool as fuck. I can't think of any other company other than Valve that's able to put as much thought and detail into it's world to this extent. The level designs blow my frickin mind at how they balance such an immersive and natural-feeling atmosphere with epic set-pieces and a raw sense of genuine exploration. The original Half-Life's best understated feature is how it makes you feel like a hero. It's not the feeling of your typical schlocky action hero played by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson; Half-Life makes you feel in your soul that despite your limitations, and the daunting task you're faced with, the adventure you're on is the most important thing in the world, and there's absolutely no way you're gonna back down. Inconsequential freedoms the game allows the player to do sells this feeling even more, such as the ability to lead and rescue civilians caught in the mess. There is absolutely no consequences for rescuing people OR becoming a serial killer and mowing them down for fun, and it's that level of immersive freedom that really makes Half-Life special. For me, the original Half-Life stands to be a technical feat in pairing a high-quality story with a carefully perfected location to harbor the action.

Half-Life 2 brings you right back to that. There's no question to be had at this point that you, Gordon 'mother-fuckin' Freeman, are a hero and inspiration to the not-so-free world. What Half-Life 2 does is the admirable way to go about making a sequel. Whereas Half-Life confines you to march through the endless halls, tunnels, deserts, and sewers of Black Mesa, Half-Life 2 opens the lid on the world and gives you a car with a gun strapped to it for safe travels. You explore a richly defined world with new characters that fight by your side, new enemies that terrorize you in unique ways, and new weaponry that defines the game as a whole. The Gravity Gun is such a batshit crazy thing to put into a game like this, but it's not only the best weapon in the game - it's the single funniest tool in a video game since... well if it came before everything else, I guess I can't say "since", but... oh you know what I mean, I don't need to make a comparison, it's more or less the funniest tool in any video game.

While the less-confined world negates the feeling of heroism in some ways, the large interconnected world featured in Half-Life 2 is on the exact same level of quality as it's predecessor. Every location and set-piece you come across weaves into the story and gameplay beautifully, mastering what makes a game like this fun and exciting. The only thing I can begin to dislike about this game, is it's final chapter. It's very good, with exciting story twists and a fun gauntlet to get to the end, but the ultimate climatic final showdown was unimpressive. I'm sure that Half-Life 2: Episode 1 & 2 will satisfyingly continue where this game left off (Hell, maybe I'm being a bitch for not playing the following episodes before reviewing Half-Life 2), but from where I stand, the "final boss" wasn't a strong end to to this game, and I was really hoping for a lot more considering how highly I think of the game as a whole. I liked the whole ending, but it just felt a bit lacking. G-Man's cool though, I love that scrinkly little guy.

I appreciate the FUCK out of this game/franchise, and it blows my mind to think about every innovation it brought to gaming as a whole. Anyways, I'll shut up now and go play Half-Life 2: Episode 1 and 2. To give it a score for you score lovers, I'd generalize it at an 8/10, but if you zoom in closely, it's like an 89/100. Actually, I'll round it to a 9/10! If you ask me to pick which Half-Life game is better I will explode because they are both equally great.

Got it from Fanatical and I thought it looked fun enough. It was basically just a mobile puzzle game ported to PC, but it's a good time killer, and is simple enough to play half-minded while watching a movie or show. I managed to watch an entire season of Teen Titans while playing!

Lacking in story, but it still somehow has plenty of personality! The puzzles are alright, and strike a pretty solid difficulty, but I was kind of expecting more new mechanics that took advantage of the time travel. Maybe it's because I played Mel and Revolution before this, but when those games add new gameplay elements in cohesion with the ongoing story, returning to the same old puzzles feels regressive, especially considering they didn't even bring back elements from Portal 2 like the gels. I like the time travel mechanic a lot though, and it sure did stump me a few times! Solid experience, but definitely the least inspired of the Portal mods.

This game has no right being as good as it is. The world and gameplay are so wonderfully charming, the story and characters are incredibly endearing, and thinking about this game at all gives me a big goofy smile! It's so good! Play it right now!

I just can't bring myself to come back to this game. It's perfectly adequate for a short run, but after a handful of hours it becomes a shallow, monotonous slog. The diving and the restaurant sim are extremely hollow, the characters are universally assholes and not fun to deal with, and the visuals are... charming, but when it's mixed in with the bad stuff it just feels like the game is trying to be something it's not: a tried and true indie game.

I crave this game as quickly as I grow tired of it. If only Nintendo made a sequel on the Switch that added tons of new and fun content to keep you interested, and gave you the Mii Maker from Miitopia, then MAYBE we'd have an easy masterpiece on our hands, but alas I have to return to this game every few years to get my fix.