Castlevania is bullshit hard, and damn-near impossible without save states, but may very well be the coolest thing to come out of the NES era. The enemies, level design, and items are so finely made, that if Castlevania released as a niche indie game today, it would be celebrated as a masterpiece. The game is so genre-defining, that the genre is NAMED AFTER THE GAME!

I crave this game as quickly as I grow tired of it. If only Nintendo made a sequel on the Switch that added tons of new and fun content to keep you interested, and gave you the Mii Maker from Miitopia, then MAYBE we'd have an easy masterpiece on our hands, but alas I have to return to this game every few years to get my fix.

My first introduction to a Non-Nintendo AAA Game... How the fuck have I been living without this?

Quite literally a perfect game. I don't need to break any of it down. It's ALL Amazing. Fuck 100% Completion though...

I just can't bring myself to come back to this game. It's perfectly adequate for a short run, but after a handful of hours it becomes a shallow, monotonous slog. The diving and the restaurant sim are extremely hollow, the characters are universally assholes and not fun to deal with, and the visuals are... charming, but when it's mixed in with the bad stuff it just feels like the game is trying to be something it's not: a tried and true indie game.

I'm embarrassed to log this, but I'm more embarrassed that I enjoyed myself for the most part. I mean, it's an EXTREMLEY basic game that gets old fast, but as a time-killer, it's pretty solid. Oh yeah, and there's naked women.

I set this game down many months ago saying "I'll come back to this later", but looking back I don't think I wanna do that. I went in expecting a funny destruction game but got an extremely difficult and repetitive heist game that became way too stressful for my liking. There's fun mods and other modes that I could've tried to venture into but I'm afraid the overall experience has soured for me.

The DLC is a mess. The new items are horribly imbalanced, the game is now full of glitches & typos, and there's a plethora of other signs that shows a distinct lack of quality control. I wanted to like this game so much, but there's disappointment at every turn.

It's funny how you can come back to this game after literally any amount of time and you remember every single thing you were doing like it's only been an hour.

It's a perfect game, and we must pray to ConcernedApe every night for this marvelous gift.

There are HUNDREDS of games rotting on my backlog, and for some unknown reason, I played LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. I’m supposed to be an adult, why do I keep doing this?? 😭


It's fine. There's really nothing very interesting about it besides its aesthetic, but the aesthetic is not nearly enough to make this as special as some people claim it to be. Inside is a great improvement over this, so I can respect the developers a lot for honing their craft, but dare I say: Limbo is mid.

-Combat System is very fun!
-Great Action Sequences
-Fantastic Music & Graphics
-Good Characters (Assuming they're given more depth in later installments)
-Hot Goth Girlfriend that I was not expecting

-The Story is Fairly Basic (Not bad, but not impressive)
-Hardly ANY Enemy Variety (Still fun to kill stuff though)
-Odd Immersion-Breaking Glitches
-Uninspiring Collectables (As a Completionist, this is Disappointing)

I'm the guy who patches the holes and yells "bail" when I suck at my job.

It gets unusually boring REALLY fast, and the achievements insist that you do thousands of runs which is both funny and annoying. The Papers Please reference is tasteful as hell though, and this works as a pretty solid mobile game, so I still respect it.

I've got to start compiling a guide to the complex Stanley Parable Expanded Universe. The rabbit-hole is endless.

After 85-ish hours, I became the god of the land, with weapons of mass destruction that could slaughter any previously-threatening boss within seconds. That was when I knew, it was time to end the story.

Tears of the Kingdom is absurdly fun in the way that only Nintendo Games can be. I love when a game can just give you copious amounts of fun shit to do, and this delivers that stronger than pretty much anything ever. The story is exciting with fun twists and turns, but still ultimately takes a backseat to my own curiosity of the wonderfully rich world of Hyrule. Thank You, Eiji Aonuma, for yet another hell of a game.