it's just slow and boring

can be a good fighting game to start with, but i was shocked at how much more fun i had with other games like blazblue or under night

this game nails it. the bosses are better than elden ring and the linear nature feels like it lets cool shit happen more. minor nitpicks but i can't recommend this game more

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surprised by how much i liked this game after my opinions on the first two. the horndog character (miu) can actually be funny, which impresses me after the first two trainwrecks.
the twist ending was great, but there actually feels like there's things happening before then, which was a massive highlight. the game actually felt full, the only one in the series to have real twists and turns throughout the middle sections of the game-- i can't stress enough how important that is in comparison to the first two games.
some characters were actually compelling, which also surprised me
-0.5 stars because himiko survived

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worst in the series, writing took a downgrade. also the game is very horny for highschoolers which wasn't very fun to see. the twist was a fun gimmick but, looking back, is literally the ONLY thing the plot actually has going for it. so until then the characters just flailing around

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free time is a waste, not enough happens beyond the killing thing, the part where everyone thinks you're dead and you're sneaking around is the most fun but then the ending ruined it. not a good story on its own, glad i played with friends

gameplay is dog doodoo piss and the story takes tens of hours to go anywhere. when the story did take off, it actually caught me off guard with how much i was enjoying it. i would have dropped the game if my emulator didn't have a speed up function, but i'm glad i kept with it

i picked the right game to grow up with as a kid

i feel no desire to play any card-based roguelike other than this. this game is so incredibly fun to learn and rewarding to do well in

the only game i think i've ever played where some crazy shit will happen every time you launch it. absolute joy of a game

my ONLY complaint is how tedious it can be to get to the cosmic ocean, even though that's my favorite part of the game. it's fun to figure out the process but gets stale the 900th time you're doing the moon challenge

it's a fun platformer. the plot didn't really hit for me. i hate the trope where depression is represented by another you but EVIL!! and that kind of felt like the whole story. gameplay was nice when it was allowed to shine, but i didn't like a few of the gimmicks that some levels center around

i never found myself itching to go back to the gameplay-- it felt too simple and easy, even though i chose the hardest difficulty. characters were generally fun-- some of them were annoying (futaba, morgana) and some of them were nothingburgers (makoto, haru). regardless, the game did Make Me a Persona Fan, so that points in its favor. also, looking at what royal changed, i'm glad i started with it and not with vanilla. qol changes are so refreshing

one of the most intentionally funny games i've played. not as 200iq intellectually stimulating brainfood as the internet made it out to be, not sure how that caught on outside of the flowery language. full voice acting adds so much personality to the game, couldn't imagine playing without it