The first two levels are a bit rough imo but once the game gets going it really gets going and doesn't stop going.

Mind boggling puzzles, fun combat, enemy variety, and a pretty satisfying final boss to wrap it all up

Devil May Cry 1 is pretty kino, and I'm really glad I finally gave it a play.

I 100% understand why so many people seem to dislike this title as it's held back by the DS in various areas.

However, I personally see alot more good than bad in this title and I think nobody gives it the credit it deserves.

The panel mechanic is super interesting and led to me actually strategizing before each mission thus making the game more RPG-esce than a typical KH game would be.

Not gonna lie, this one kinda drags and doesn't feel as fun as the other KH games

it's honestly the weakest in the series imo

This game is great but I really don't like how Dante's levels are just Nero's again, makes the game feel dragged out by the end

Game's okay, pretty mid-tier but I like the aesthetic and it's much more enjoyable than most of the other portable KH games (miles better than BBS)

The best thing to involve the Star Wars IP in years.

The best JRPG I've ever played

unique turn based mechanics with a fantastic cast of characters and story, beautiful sprite based graphics, fantastic soundtrack, and overall probably one of Square's BEST games if not the best game from the company.

The only video game to put me through physical pain.

This game is lacks substance, is full of moe idol pandering garbage, and is overall a spit in the face to the SMT franchise.

I know this game has it's fans and good for them but I can't get into it, it makes me honestly sick.

This game while having issues in some places writing wise, I feel deserves it praise.

I've sunk almost 200 hours into this game and it feels like they took the problems P4 had and fixed all of them for P5.

Solid game, wish Mishima was a phantom thief.

Pretty much the peak of 2D Sonic

Fun stages, great music, lots of variety especially after the plus DLC released, overall worth the price of admission imo.

Probably the game that helped me fall in love with Turn Based RPGs.

It's got it's rough aspects and various sections of the game do drag but I feel like it deserves it's status as a classic among many.

Amazing cast, Great mechanics if not simplistic, Lovely OST with probably the best soundfont I've ever heard for an RPG, and one of the best storylines in the series.

And my cycle of "buy the new animal crossing, play it for the first month, then completely lose interest" continues unaltered

Honestly, it's underrated.

Sure it can be rough when compared to later games in the Persona sub-series but I feel this game has it's own charm that no other Persona game has.

I hope ATLUS ports it to PC someday so more people can play it.

Not as great as the first game, felt too short and didn't really have a sense of progression like the first did.

However, it's short comings don't take away from the fact that it's still more NMH content and an important part of Travis's story, I recommend it if you liked the first one.

This game has a cool concept but it's just a dull button masher.

Stealth sections exist but literally you aren't punished for getting caught after the tutorial mission so I just would get caught and fight my way through most levels

I got bored and kept almost falling asleep while playing, not a fan.