hi, my character trait is hating dr2

takes everything from oot and makes it way better, like literally the assets all of them

sure it's pre the phys/spec split but it has mawile

it's like finding a really good food combination. sure i like mac and cheese, but now there's tuna fish in it and i'm in heaven

see they call it platinum because it's good

I spent 300 hours on this game, willingly

somehow the chapter where you fight a guy on a motorcycle is the lowest point in the game

man throw those multi-hour video essays calling this game bad in the TRASH this game is peak

this was probably my first game alongside some atv racing game, can you guess which was more formative to me

the king dice fight broke for me cause it knew I sucked at parrying those dumb cards. good game

royal better, but, what, a banana is still a good fruit even if strawberries go hard with it

my mom got me this for easter in like 2012 and I thought marth was the guy from shadow of the colossus for a bit