Don’t Starve is a sandbox survival game with an art style that really resonates with me. I enjoy properties that remind me of Tim Burton or Neil Gaiman’s works, and it does that with the world, music, and visuals. However, the gameplay offers a rewarding yet tedious experience that takes some getting used to.

Don’t Starve has a great style and world that made me curious to explore it. I loved the character designs and the way it pays homage to classic works of horror and gothic culture. I had fun finding new things, although it’s main focus is the fact that you really have to put thought into every step of the way as death is permanent with each run.

The gameplay consists in gathering resources to craft better materials, while trying to stay alive gathering food. In order to survive, you need to manage your priorities as you explore the world while keeping track of your items. The combat is something that I thought could have been better, but given the game’s style I think it is a minor part of the whole picture. Getting used to the mechanics provides a far more enjoyable experience after a while.

Overall, I liked the game and would probably try some new runs in the future as I get more used to it, but I recognize that it can be frustrating to put several hours into a world just to lose it in one mistake.

Final Score: 70/100

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This game takes the dark, industrial, madness horror setting from the last one to the next level. With improved graphics and art design, the feelings of dread are significantly increased. From the Junji Ito-like body horror elements of the enemies, characters such as pyramid head, and the grittiness of the rusty, dark setting are something that define Silent Hill, but shined a lot in this second installment.

The main story between James and Maria is insanely interesting and well-crafted. Without spoiling anything, it is also deeply emotional, adding another existential layer to the horror that the game presents. Every monster, boss and character has a reason for being there, some are representations of the characters’ guilt, pain or sins. Pyramid Head’s story was especially interesting and scary, whenever he appeared I felt the most genuine terror a game has made me feel in a while.

The game is intense, deep, and most of the violence and death is implied, which honestly makes it much more horrifying. There are certain scenes in the game which include symbolism that made my skin crawl. Combined with the body-horror and setting, it made for an experience that for sure is going to cause me many nightmares.

The gameplay is similar to the first Silent Hill, with significant improvements on graphics and controls. I liked the fact that even though I was using an emulator, I got used to them fairly quick. I think this game especially is a must-play for fans of horror games, and I am grateful that emulation and online preservation of it exists despite Konami’s incompetence and disrespect to what could be considered their best franchise.

Final Score: 92/100

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Ark: Survival Evolved is a sandbox survival game that promises a lot, but delivers little. If you are looking for a great experience like this, trust me, just stick to Minecraft. In my two hours of gameplay, I did not see or do a single interesting thing that made the game worth it, even playing for free with game pass. I can't even imagine paying 60+ dollars for this piece of crap.

The gameplay in the game is reduced to menial, and time-consuming chores built on tedious systems that offer little reward to the work put into it. I spent an entire hour of my two just gathering resources to build a crappy straw hut that I couldn’t even move if I wanted to make changes. For people like me who saw the trailers and screenshots showing incredible robot dinosaur battles, Ark is going to be a total disappointment.

Overall, I do not recommend this game. It is boring, tedious, looks terrible, and I can’t comprehend how there are people who have dedicated hundreds of hours into it. Is the end game really worth it? I assume it is considering the people that have done so, but for others who actually value their time, this game is a big, fat no.

Final Score: 32/100

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Ever since it came out, I was very hesitant to play Fortnite. I always thought it was a fad that would just go away soon, and I never understood why people were so attracted to this game. The thing is, I never played it. That is until now, when a friend convinced me to finally give it a go. After some hours of gameplay, I received the answer like a revelation. My eyes were finally opened, and I finally achieved enlightenment as I let myself be carried in the open and nurturing arms of Fortnite.

The only Battle Royale that I ever played before this was PUBG. Although a fun concept, it didn't leave me wanting to play more of it, it lacked a lot of features that turned me away from the genre. Although Fortnite was right there, I was turned off after all the memes and ridiculousness of its characters and dances. To me, it just looked very childish, but I'd be lying if I said it isn't one of the most fun multiplayer games I've played.

I was gradually introduced to new aspects of the game every day I was playing it. Despite the battle royale being pretty simple: you drop, gather resources and fight others until you're the last one standing; it has a lot of cool things that keep you playing and discovering new features. I especially enjoyed the missions which reward you with a lot of experience, and the building mechanics which add a fun layer to the already intense combat.

This game is just simply incredibly fun, especially if you are playing with friends. Anyone can enjoy it regardless of age, and it is one of those rare videogames that are so big and influential, that a whole generation of people grow up with it. This only happens once every couple of years, with Minecraft being another prime example. I recommend playing it in moderation, as Fortnite can become increasingly addictive.

Final Score: 88/100

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Horizon: Zero Dawn is one of the best experiences I've ever had playing a videogame. Its gameplay is flawless and the world and story are incredible. This is a game that I took my time with exploring every part of, while enjoying the amazing combat and quests it offers.

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H:ZD's world is one of the most unique concepts I've seen. A world set thousands of years into the future, where humanity has reset itself back to the bronze age after a technological catastrophe caused the end of the world. The result is a planet where humanity lives in tribes and primitive cities while animal-like machines roam around. This game lets you play as Aloy, who while trying to understand who she is, discovers secrets about the old world and a plot to end it by a terrifying cult.

As you progress the game, you start learning about the origins of the machines. The lore in this universe is extremely well put together, with a rich history that you can learn through the story missions and data logs. I loved learning about how the past created the world in Horizon Zero Dawn's present. The characters are smart and have a lot of personality to them. You can feel how they deal with the world around them and form their communities and customs to survive and understand the technology. Even though they are primitive, their understanding of the technology gives a feeling of realism to the story. I especially appreciated Aloy's curiosity and intelligence.

The gameplay is phenomenal. The combat, crafting and skill systems are extremely well made. One thing I want to appreciate is how clean everything feels, the game doesn't overload you with information and countless things to do all at once. It lets you learn as you level up, unlocking new weapons and combat styles on your own. I enjoyed taking down each machine, they are all incredibly unique and require different strategies to defeat. I loved their designs and the varying levels of difficulty while facing each one.

One of my few criticisms of the game is that you don't get too attached to the characters. Only Aloy, Rost in the beginning and maybe Sylens. All the others are only present for a quest or two and they aren't that memorable. However, I think that Aloy is one of the most incredible protagonists ever, and I can't wait to see where the world takes us in her next journey.

Final Score: 92/100

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Twelve Minutes is fun and interesting at first, leading me into a mystery that made me use my brain, but then highly frustrated me. The art direction and style is phenomenal, I really enjoy what it was aiming for, but in the end I think it failed in several areas.

I think the game’s biggest flaw is the fact that if you don’t use a guide, there is no possible way to complete the game without investing a heavy amount of time into every single detail, especially since it requires you to remember very specific details that would have never crossed anyone’s mind. In short, this is a hard, confusing game, and that is why many people will not enjoy it.

It seems like a mystery this complicated would have landed far better if it was an established studio instead of an indie developer. However, I still think that it will be remembered and set as an example for videogames as certain forms of art. I personally enjoyed this story and premise, and had a good time playing it.

Final Score: 72/100

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Few games I have played have had a world and story as beautiful as 2018's God of War. This reimagination of the iconic PlayStation series takes us on a tour of Norse mythology. I really enjoyed this game and I think it did a great job of showing the best of these legends and deities. I had a blast visiting the different realms, fighting monsters and exploring a rich story.

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The God of War franchise is essentially the story of Kratos. Even though I never played the previous games, I can tell that he has been through some serious pain. In this chapter of his life, he provides an example for a complex character study of how experiences and emotions can shape someone. This includes his path of redemption while teaching his son Atreus how to become better, despite being a god. I enjoyed the dynamic between Kratos and his son. In this adventure, we are shown some hints about what their life was like before Faye's death. You can feel the pain in Atreus, however, it is very likely he keeps it bottled up to not let down his father. Their relationship has a lot of potential to be studied and analized, especially as it changes over their journey.

The gameplay and combat are fun, but the inventory, skill and ability system are very complex. There is so much stuff to collect that at times it can become tedious to understand what each new thing you find is for. Although after a while of playing the game, you become used to the skill and gear systems and it becomes quite interesting to combine abilities and discover the playstyle that suits you better.

This is one of the most visually beautiful games I've played. God of War takes full advantage of Norse mythology to create amazing scenes from these legends. From snowy mountains to beautiful gardens and colorful valleys, this game has everything going for it in the beauty department. As many other reviewers will point out, I think God of War is groundbreaking in its use of a single shot throughout the entire game. However way you look at it, this is an extremely well crafted product and and proof that videogames can be works of art.

Despite its serious undertones, this is a game that has a lot of personality. I thought God of War would be a dark and depressing game (and it is at certain moments), but it is full of humor and lightheartedness. The more the story continues, you can see the characters learning and evolving. By the end, Kratos is more open towards his son, and Atreus learns from a lot of important lessons and mistakes that put him on a path to become a better person. I cannot wait to see more of this world and characters.

Final Score: 90/100

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This is my first time playing any game from the Halo franchise, and I must say, Halo: Combat Evolved was a fun start into this journey, but it isn't nearly as good as I expected it to be.

I can see why this was a revolutionary title when it came out in 2001. The gameplay and enemy behavior has become the standard for action shooters in the years to come. I was very entertained the whole way through. I began playing it on the hard difficulty and got frustrated, so I don't recommend doing that unless you enjoy a challenge. but on normal difficulty proved a decent experience that I enjoyed very much.

The story kept me hooked. The universe looks to be full of amazing mythology and I am very excited to find out what happens next, finding out more about the forerunners, the covenant and how this universe is. Master Chief is also one of the coolest characters in gaming, and I also enjoyed the few moments of humor throughout the story.

Beyond the story, I wish the gameplay would have been better. Sure, the shooting, locations and vehicle use are nostalgic, but there were moments were it lacked quality. The game gave me motion sickness, and there were areas and levels that I hated, but overall Combat Evolved is still a good experience.

I recommend the first Halo for its historical significance in gaming history and its incredible lore. However, I think that the people who call it one of the greatest games of all time look at it through rose-tinted glasses.

Final Score: 70/100

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This game is better than it's 2016 predecessor in every way. From the beginning to it's amazing conclusion, this game is action packed to the brim, making you enjoy every stage, every boss fight and every second of the game.

The thing I want to praise the most about Doom: Eternal is it's diverse environments and the enormous expansion to the lore of this universe. Every new planet, dimension and level looks beautiful, especially Taras Nabad and Urdak. The Slayer is an amazing character that was expanded a lot in Eternal with a complete backstory and awesome interactions, I loved collecting everything so that I could learn about this universe.

The weapons, enemies and bosses are great. The Marauder is awesome and it makes me want to see more of him in the future. I recommend Doom: Eternal a lot. If you like fast paced FPSs you should definitely give it a go.

Final Score: 90/100

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NieR: Automata is a science fiction combat-based adventure game that has an incredible and interesting story and characters, impressive action, and a lot of amazing secrets. Although I enjoyed my time with this game, I also thought it was vastly different from anything I have played before. With its complex storyline, death system, and countless endings, this was an interesting experience that I would play again in the future.

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The game takes place in a distant future where the planet is overtaken by machines and the remaining humans have taken refuge in space. 2B and 9S are two androids part of the YoRHa, a military organization tasked with taking back the world for the benefit of humanity. Along the way, they discover a lot of secrets relating to them and the history of the planet. I really enjoy original science fiction stores like this one. Especially those that deal with artificial intelligence. The game is highly philosophical, and it has a very distinct style that shines in many ways.

The characters are amazing, 2B and 9S are excellent protagonists, and the rest of the robots and humans you meet are also great, especially Pascal. In its open world setting, I found extremely beautiful scenes and locations such as an amusement park, and a village inhabited by robots. One of the best aspects of NieR: Automata is the score. It is incredibly beautiful and well crafted. Both in calm situations and when the action sets in.

The gameplay has its pros and its cons, but overall, it is a particularly good and balanced experience on normal difficulty. This is pretty much the only way to play the game, as easy is too boring, and the harder difficulties are frustrating. This is because death in this game means repeating long sections that I would rather not do. This is especially annoying during long boss fights. Speaking of which, the boss and enemy designs are outstanding and original.

There is not much level-scaling or interesting endgame features. Once you find a decent weapon in the beginning and remember to stock up on recovery items you are pretty much set for the rest of NieR: Automata. This makes the journey and combat somewhat monotonous, as I did not see many different weapons besides a cool spear I found a couple of hours into the game that I used until the end. The other features, such as the pods and ability chips are confusing to use. Although the gameplay had its issues, it is still incredibly fun to fight hordes of machines.

My biggest issue with the NieR: Automata, is that to experience a lot of its content, it is necessary to play it several times to unlock different endings and storylines. I played it once until I got ending A and left it like that. This left me disappointed, realizing that I would have to play hours-long sections of the game again to reach new content, including A2 ‘s story. My personal opinion is that this is a bad way to tell a story. And I highly discourage developers, writers, and storytellers from following this format in a game. I really liked it, and I would have loved to continue this journey, which I probably will sometime in the future. But for the moment I think one playthrough at a time is enough.

Final Score: 78/100

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Resident Evil 6 is a fun chapter in one of my favorite franchises that changes a lot of gameplay and storytelling aspects. Some of which work, but others that don’t. Even though it is different a lot of the classic R.E. games, it is still a great experience that has a lot to offer.

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At first, I did not enjoy the way the story was told with the different campaigns, but I eventually came to like them once I got into the flow of things. My order of playthrough was: Leon, Chris, Sherry/Jake and finally Ada. Every single one is vastly different from the other, and I think it is worth it to take one’s time, as they all cover important parts of the overall Resident Evil story. All the different characters are likeable and fun to play as, and every one of their stories is interesting and fast-paced.

One of Resident Evil 6’s biggest flaws is the massive downgrade in gameplay quality from Resident Evil 5. Although the shooting aspects feel more polished, the inventory management and skill point systems are a joke. All the different skills you unlock during the game are pretty much useless considering you only get three slots for them, making the only rational choice to pick any three at the beginning of the game and dedicate all the points you get to upgrading said skills. This was a terrible decision, and ultimately the game would have been better without it as it doesn’t really change much in the end.

The characters, as always, are entertaining and charismatic. Resident Evil always shines due to its characters, and in 6 it is great seeing them come all together and interact with each other. The enemies and bosses are creepy and fantastic, I had a lot of fun fighting them while following the complex yet satisfying story.

Even though the game isn’t perfect, I still enjoyed it a lot and it made me feel nostalgic seeing how it was going to be one of the last times we would see these classic characters in action before the game went back to full survival horror with Ethan Winters’ story. Resident Evil 6 is a decent chapter that shouldn’t be skipped.

Final Score: 78/100

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Resident Evil 7 is not only my favorite game in the R.E. franchise, but one of my favorite games and horror properties of all time. This game is incredibly different from the previous games in the series, but it is so much better in all possible ways. It leaves behind the zombie action for a horror masterpiece that would make John Carpenter, Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft Proud.

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RE7 is set in a Louisiana mansion where a terrible bioweapon has infected an innocent family, turning them into deranged lunatics. You take control of Ethan Winters, Resident Evil’s new protagonist in search of his girlfriend Mia who disappeared there years ago. When he arrives, he meets the Baker family and encounters some horrifying situations as he tries to escape and solve the mystery of what happened there to begin with.

There are no words to describe how much I enjoyed the aesthetic and themes of this game. Resident Evil 7 is beautiful in strange way, from the Louisiana swamp setting, the house’s design, to the way it uses its ambient to tell a story. For a small map, it has different areas and buildings where you face a different member of the family. They are each unique and terrifying in their own way. The first-person view fits this new chapter very well, as it makes the horror far more engaging.

The game is so incredibly spooky, haunting, and amazing that the few flaws it has are almost unnoticeable. The only ones I could point out are Chris Redfield’s awful redesign and some lack of variety with enemies. The gameplay is very good, it is very similar to that of Resident Evil 4, with modernized mechanics and excellent shooting. As usual with Resident Evil, you fight many bioweapons and monsters with weapons that are fun to use and you navigate a lot of puzzles that test you.

The DLCs are also incredible, although not as perfect as the main game. Not a Hero follows the aftermath of the game with the weird-looking Chris Redfield, but it is a fun, action-packed experience that reminded me of the magic of previous games. End of Zoe was experimental with the combat, but I thought it was ultimately annoying. Still, I am glad Zoe got a happy ending. The banned footage is incredibly haunting and mesmerizing, each one (Daughters, 21, Bedroom) looks and feels like a horror short film. They made full use of the terrifying setting of the game to bring these stories to life. The minigames were also fun and creative, especially Nightmare and Ethan Must Die.

Resident Evil 7 is one of the most perfect experiences I’ve had in a videogame, and I believe that it will forever be a staple in horror culture. As a fan of the genre, I was happy with all the different themes and references to other films such as Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Color Out of Space, Saw, IT, among many others. However, this game stands out so much on its own. Resident Evil 7 is truly a masterpiece. I can’t wait to see how Resident Evil Village tops it, and shows us the next chapter in Ethan and Mia Winters’ story.

Final Score: 95/100

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Little Nightmares is a mysterious 2017 adventure game that reminded me a lot of other games such as INSIDE and Limbo. But it has a unique style that sets it apart and showcases a disturbing universe full of strange characters and challenging puzzles. The game follows a young child in a raincoat as it traverses a dangerous world full of terrifying creatures.

The game’s style, graphics and themes are incredible, I was very amazed and scared with a lot of the things that I saw in Little Nightmares. And this is the thing that I enjoyed the most of it. Most 2.5D platformers shine due to the ambient and scenarios they explore, and Little Nightmares is my favorite of them all.

The Secrets of the Maw DLCs were also fun, but I felt them significantly more tedious, especially with the puzzles. However, they are totally worth it to play, as the ending includes a revelation that really made me think and wrapped up the rest of the game in a great way.

Final Score: 75/100

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I enjoyed my time playing A Plague Tale: Innocence, it is a stealth-focused game that also has a lot of puzzles, unique combat, and a story that made me think a lot. It follows Amicia and Hugo, two siblings who travel across medieval France in order to escape the inquisition and understand Hugo’s powers.

A Plague’s Tale’s atmosphere and influences are dark and depressing, reflecting what I imagine it was like during the black death in the 1300s. The game is the first time I’ve seen a property take on this era, and even if it has a lot of fantasy elements added to the mix, it is one that people interested in history will enjoy a lot.

The gameplay is good, I had my doubts going into a mostly stealth game because I am not really a fan of the genre. But it managed to change things in new and interesting ways throughout the course of the story. The upgrade system was especially good, and although it has a few imbalances, it kept me on the look for certain resources.

Both Amicia, Hugo, and several other characters are interesting and likeable. The story made me attached to them, and I especially enjoyed the sequences after they start living in the castle. Even though the game is linear, the world and locations you visit are unique. This is a good example of a modern adventure videogame.

The puzzles in the game were challenging and interesting, although I found the whole theme around the rats to become a little bit too much, especially towards the end. However, I respect A Plague Tale for sticking to this style. Overall, I really enjoyed the game, and although it isn’t perfect, I would recommend it.

Final Score: 78/100

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After almost two years, one of my favorite gaming franchises is back with its third major installment, and I couldn’t have been more excited. Life is Strange: True Colors returns with another story that combines drama, beauty, and supernatural elements in a unique and new way. Both for the game's benefit and detriment.

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I'll try to compare this game with the previous ones as least as possible, as those were some of the most impactful gaming experiences I've ever had. I want this one to stand out on its own, and even though it offered many things that made True Colors unique, it was hard to ignore a lot of its downfalls despite its enjoyable moments.

First, I’ll focus on the positives: the game is beautiful. Haven was a perfect location to set the game in, with its history and scenery. It made me wish there was a photo mode implemented as there were so many things to explore and look at. The characters were all likeable and interesting, but there were times where the writing fell short with them.

Alex Chen as our new protagonist is interesting, likeable and a great addition to this franchise. However, we don’t really get to know much about her until the last episode, which focuses a lot on her past with Gabe. Other than that, I think that she was well written and had a couple of memorable moments, especially with her interactions with the other characters.

A key aspect of the Life is Strange games is the main character's power. The way it is implemented as both a gameplay mechanic and story element is crucial to the game’s identity. Which is why I think Alex’s power to feel what others are feeling was downright disappointing, with the exception of one single scene where it was used in an interesting way (Diane at the Bridge).

The game’s story is underwhelming, confusing, and lacking any conflict. While I enjoyed some of the social commentary on corporate control, a lot of the plot’s direction felt like it was going nowhere. I honestly didn't care that much about the end goal of discovering Typhon’s secrets. Compared to the serial killer / disappearance story or the intense western journey of the other two titles, this one felt very tame, watered-down, and boring. It has more of a chill setting that focuses on everyday problems, which can be enjoyable for some, but for me it was a letdown.

The previous games were released in an episodic format, with several months of wait between releases. This is in contrast with True Colors, which was released all at once. I think it was better before, as it gives one more time to process the last episode, but that is just a matter of personal preference.

The endings and their variety were extremely disappointing, to say the least. Again, I hate comparing True Colors to the previous LiS games, but I wish there was more at stake than who you romance in the end. It actually seemed like every single choice you made didn’t actually matter or had any impact, even in the end. Even though the original was similar in this regard, the final choice was massive. And in LiS 2, this was taken to the next level leaving you with drastically different endings depending on the brothers’ relationship.

Overall, I think the game is a decent, relaxing experience. New-comers to the franchise will probably enjoy it. But personally, if you are a hardcore fan of the franchise as I am, you will not like it. As with Tell Me Why last year, I don’t think this will age as well as the previous Life is Strange games, and frankly it didn’t leave me with any desire to replay it.

Final Score: 72/100

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