Incredible world and level design with incredible score and amazing flow of progression.
There are couple moments when you have to do some bullshit thing in order to progress but overall, it is such an insanely well done game.
Very impressive this game is 30 years old and it slaps so hard. Speaks volumes about Nintendo approach to game design.

This is how you do an action game.

Kojima made some good games before he became Twitter celebrity.

Jusant is a pretty big surprise for me. I am not a fan of Dontnod but I love games with narrative beats and approach to style like Journey, Inside, Abzu.
Make or break for a game about climbing is climbing, and I am happy to report it is really fun all the way through the end. Even the basic "R2 for right hand, L2 for left hand" would be cool enough for 3-4h duration of Jusant, but each new chapter introduces new mechanics, new harder to travers through terrain. Each biom has unique style to it and story of people who used to live on the mountain is fun to follow.
Game is also very responsive to control and music is used in an amazing way to make all those grand moments more special.
There is some jank to core gameplay and I had 2 instances of not knowing where to go for a brief minute because some of the texture work can be too low so you think surface is not climbable.
Really good game.

Mona Lisa of survival horror genree and one of the greatest games I've ever played.

Improvement over first game in every possible way.
One of the best metroidvania games I've ever played.
Certified banger.

The funniest game I played in forever

Yearly replay of HL done, still 5/5.

Iron Lung is a masterclass in suspense with incredibly thick atmosphere and superb gameplay idea.
It keeps you on your toes for it's whole 2h duration. Szymanski does not miss.

The best shmup I've played so far.
Loved progression, amazing music, incredibly varied arsenal and combat encounters. I adored the setting and well fitting anime aesthetic.
Biggest issue I have with it is that sometimes enemy patterns can get hard to read thanks to backgrounds, but it happens rarely.

I finished BG3 almost 3 weeks ago, and since then I started new playthrough, in Act 2 now with totally different choices than my first go through.
This game is simply mindblowing.
It is the closest cRPG ever got THAT close to tabletop experience I had with my brother and his friends years ago.

The best thing about this title is how dense it is. Every square inch serves a purpose, all quests are incredible, well written with choices which will question your morality and consequences you sometimes won't see even until Act 3.
Second best thing are companions. This is the best squad in any game ever. How they are all conntected with main story, how well they are written, how much dialogue they have.
Seriously, it is RIDICULOUS how much dialogue there is. And it is all so damn well written, with incredible lipsynch and small muscle twitches on character's faces.
I could go on and on about how this game is a new standard for RPGs and video games as a whole, but you all saw the praise.
Music is incredible, combat is deep and Tactical, amount of Races and classes and how they are different from one and other is ridiculous, replay value is off the charts.
Atmosphere, graphics, all incredible.
Main thing going against this game were bugs. And I say "were" because Patch 2 fixed all problems I had on my first playthrough. Act 3 performance is rock solid, zero crashes on 2nd playthrough, no freezes. And knowing Larian's history with supporting their games, it will just get better and better from this point on.

Just play it, it is that good, and probably even better than you imagine by Reading all those vague ass reviews, because every single playthrough of this game is and will be different, and it is all so damn fucking good.

Don't play if you are allergic to fun

Revisiting it for the first time in 15 years was such a blast.