As close to a perfect game as we will ever get.

Fantastic levels, with such a freedom to kill targets however you want. Size of the maps might feel daunting at first, but game ease you into them quite well.
I like the vibe of the story, but lack of actual cutscenes is quite detrimental to it's enjoyment.
On a plus side is fluid movement, great atmosphere and immense replay value.
Great title.

Amazing combat sandbox combined with very good encounter design and movement makes it one of the best FPS games of recent years.
If you love combat of Doom Eternal or/and movement of Titanfall 2- play it.

Incredible game
Every level is new mechanic.
Game keeps on giving until the very last second of it's 12h campaign.

Psychonauts walked so Psychonauts 2 could run.
Still a good game, with flaws mostly in gameplay department (janky platforming and weird boss fights).
But writing, story, characters, levels are just so much fun, you can overlook some of it's bigger problems.

There is nothing better than starting trilogy from the last game
Really good game
Maps are well designed, game let's you do anything, it controls very well.

The fuck I just played.
QTE fest and pretty basic combat, but it is so entertaining you just can't help yourself but have fun.

Try not to have fun playing Katamari, I dare you, you can't.

Stellar exploration, gorgeous pixel-art, insane style. Hard to say anything about story when its so open to interpretation and I guess I suck ass at interpretation.
2 puzzle solution left me wondering if I should steal oxygen from people on this planet.

Another Team Silent banger.

Valve is so talented they made tech demo for Steam Deck good.
They have such a knack for writing.