I finished BG3 almost 3 weeks ago, and since then I started new playthrough, in Act 2 now with totally different choices than my first go through.
This game is simply mindblowing.
It is the closest cRPG ever got THAT close to tabletop experience I had with my brother and his friends years ago.

The best thing about this title is how dense it is. Every square inch serves a purpose, all quests are incredible, well written with choices which will question your morality and consequences you sometimes won't see even until Act 3.
Second best thing are companions. This is the best squad in any game ever. How they are all conntected with main story, how well they are written, how much dialogue they have.
Seriously, it is RIDICULOUS how much dialogue there is. And it is all so damn well written, with incredible lipsynch and small muscle twitches on character's faces.
I could go on and on about how this game is a new standard for RPGs and video games as a whole, but you all saw the praise.
Music is incredible, combat is deep and Tactical, amount of Races and classes and how they are different from one and other is ridiculous, replay value is off the charts.
Atmosphere, graphics, all incredible.
Main thing going against this game were bugs. And I say "were" because Patch 2 fixed all problems I had on my first playthrough. Act 3 performance is rock solid, zero crashes on 2nd playthrough, no freezes. And knowing Larian's history with supporting their games, it will just get better and better from this point on.

Just play it, it is that good, and probably even better than you imagine by Reading all those vague ass reviews, because every single playthrough of this game is and will be different, and it is all so damn fucking good.

All killer, no filler.
Every single stage is full of charm and ideas, levels are tightly designed with secrets, optional wonder seeds and optional exits. It's art style is charmful as ever, badge system makes replaying levels more fun.
Only thing going against it are bosses.
Ohhh man this game is so great, Pizza Tower 2 has arrived.

Yearly replay of HL done, still 5/5.

Iron Lung is a masterclass in suspense with incredibly thick atmosphere and superb gameplay idea.
It keeps you on your toes for it's whole 2h duration. Szymanski does not miss.

The funniest game I played in forever

Revisiting it for the first time in 15 years was such a blast.

Very creative with amazing exploration, tons of secrets and unique twist on 2D Mario formula.
I might prefer ratio of exploration/platforming presented in SMBW but it was still very good and fun game.
Fuck the Baby Mario sound tho.

Ok From Software. We get it.
Stop flexing.

There is no other game I suck as much as I do with Ikaruga but it is still a blast
Music, art style, bosses, gameplay loop with switching between different ship modes is addicting.
Hats off to anyone who manages to finish it without continues.

Game so sick it deletes your save file if you get killed by true last boss.

It is 5/5 and 2/5 at the same time. Truly Itsuno's vision.

Goated soundtrack, incredible art style, amazing movement, animations and controls.
Very good level design with lots of unique bioms and crazy good dream sequences.
Pretty fun boss fights as well.
Very surprised with story, it is interesting enough with very good plot-twist.
Sadly trick system is too simple and combat even tho makes like 5% of entire game is very basic and janky.
Very very good game, not only for Jet Set Radio fans.
Now, Sega. Stop slacking and make new JSR.

The truth is, it was 5/5 from the start.

Awesome movement and cool art style.
That's about it.
Story is non-existent with missions feeling like random strings of events happening and not actual plot. Combat is horrible, bosses are horrible, characters are annoying.
Side quests are boring.