182 Reviews liked by HAINE

"No, it doesn't affect my baby"
24 years later
"Mom, I main Steve Fox now"

death stranding makes doing mundane tasks the most exhilarating experience.

Nice addition!
I tend to dislike Yuffie cuz I don't like that type of character, but I eventually started to like her as the game progressed. Sonon was nice too...
Seeing characters from the base game was really nice, and I wonder if and how they will see each other again.

Yuffie's combat is really cool but Cloud's is still the more refined one.
Don't have much to say about it! But definitely give it a try if you liked the base FFVII

bitches be like "i hate unintentionally training an AI model" then go on to log every background character from every piece of media ever into akinator.

it's just 20 questions but barely winnable at this point? Fun to mess around in I guess but it's pretty damn stale these days...

primeiramente queria dizer que eu não estava dando NADA para esse jogo, principalmente porque a franquia estava meio apagada depois do lançamento do 2 e true colors chegou com preço de triple AAA (o que sinceramente, não faz nenhum sentido e, se eu fosse julgar o jogo com base no seu preço, a nota seria 1, não tem nada que justifica).

fico muito feliz que eles trouxeram a steph de volta, mesmo com uma aparição tão curta em lis bts, ela é extremamente carismática (e apaixonante... aiai)

também gostei MUITO da protagonista e do gabe, eles trouxeram vida pra essa história.

mas para mim, o ponto alto, foi o capítulo 3 e o LARP, ninguém faz igual LIS!!!! menção honrosa a todos os nerdolas <3

agora posso viver feliz e com mais uma paixão inesquecível adicionada na conta. (rachel amber e steph, you'll always be remembered)

pretendo voltar pra esse jogo ainda depois de comprar a DLC de 70 REAIS!!! sinceramente, a lavagem de dinheiro...

Self reminder that the "wild west" era of the internet also sucked major ass.

I had always heard good things about the Mass Effect series, but never got to experience them until this was released. I love any type of game that lets me build and act out a character as I see fit, and being able to take said character through three different games and let them flesh out is a truly immersive experience. I enjoyed downright every second of this game (yes, even ME1), and would gladly recommend it to any RPG fan out there.

Best story with amazing characters crushed with garbage ending. I cried a lot after the end anyway, which makes it prime example of the journey is more important than the goal.

The game itself is worth 4.5 leaning on five. Almost every single player DLC is in the this collection except Pinnacle Station, though that isn't a loss. If you're ever so inclined you can restore it using a mod.

Of the three that have benefited the most of a remaster, ME1 has had the most work redone, and for a good reason too. The gunplay feels a lot better than the original and your sprint button actually works outside of combat whereas in the original it just shakes the camera making you feel like you're running quicker, but you aren't. The Mako is still a physics nightmare but it's less so in this remaster as it has a bit of heft to it's weight. Apart from those, its still the same game I remember, an rpg that tries to be a third person cover shooter and it has the jankiness you'd expect from a decade old game, but the story and characters more than make up its shortcomings. It's still the same masterpiece as I remember.

It's been awhile since I've played Mass Effect 2, but I'm pretty sure most of its content remain unchanged from the original, apart from some of the bugs I had to fix using a fan patch.

Mass Effect 3's Galaxy at War has pretty much been removed from the game and only the single player components affect your war readiness. Unfortunately multiplayer was also removed, which is kind of a shame because even if it was a pretty standard wave shooter it was still fun as hell.

This would have been the perfect collection of the trilogy had the PC version not been paired with the godawful EA App, even on Steam. Midway in my ME2 playthrough the achievements have stopped working and the game believes that I've accomplished them all. For the steam deck users, you also can't play the game offline when you're away from wifi, even if you've started the game with it. The EA App needs a constant internet connection to allow you to play, otherwise it blocks your screen with an "unresolveable error" code that you somehow cannot click out of.

As a fan of the series since 2009, I've enjoyed my time immensely revisiting the trilogy with this collection, but fuck the EA App.

Possibly the best DLC of all time. High production values, rewarding character interactions and hugely personal to the two main characters.

The high point DLC of ME2. Great encounters, a decent if simple vehicle chase, and two fun boss fights. Really enjoyed the story.

My personal gripe though, I wish your squadmates had some screen time as well, would have been interesting hearing banter between former squadmates like Tali or Garrus with Liara, but like the rest of the ME2 DLCs, pretty much none of the other squadmates have any new lines aside from the ones giving you the mission.

A supremely goofy story that lands some good moments when the games are played sequentially, but is more difficult to stomach after the first time. The extra content that comes after it makes any shortcomings totally worth it, though.