Things I Like About Games I Dislike

i dont actually outright dislike a good 50% of these games, but the title sounds good.

That OST do go extremely hard doe.

And the maps are good.

I do think it got the best cast of the two games (trash vs garbage). There's a couple characters I like a good bit. The Awakening trio remains goated, however, that's literally cheating. Of the new characters, Nyx and Charlotte are my two favorites. I love their supports with some of the royals, they explore some super interesting concepts and topics.
Good effort at making a unique Zelda story. And I actually really like the revelations it has on the series' lore.
Mega Evolution is rawness.
It's honestly the strongest musou spin off, mechanically speaking. It's pretty impressive how well they managed to incorporate Fire Emblem mechanics into the genre.
It's an RPG with really good production value, so if I turn my brain off, I can have a damn good time.

Also modding it is fun. Not as fun as Skyrim, but it def let me put in the hours for another playthrough or two.
The dialogue in this game can be so damn unfunny to the degree where it's actually quite hilarious.

Some of the set pieces are really cool to see in a Sonic game.
The character customization is actually pretty good.

The OST is unfairly good. DB games typically have good OSTs, but damn, why Xenoverse 2 gotta have one of the better ones?
Everything that isn't the gameplay or story is a 10/10. I adore the setting, the detective shit, the cast is charming, particularly Gotou and Narumi. And Raidou remains as one of the rawest silent protags to ever do it.
Toot Toot Sonic Warrior

The sprite work is pretty as shit!!

The concept of traveling back in time to change the outcome of a zone is dope. Each one having different visuals and changed layouts to reflect the past, present, and future is so cool.
It gave us Sonic the Hedgehog! Some may argue that's a negative. I, myself, do not know where I stand on this matter.
Getting more character content for the different champions is always really sweet.

Some of the moveset designs shocked the hell out of me due to how raw they were. Shoutout to the King.
Inaba is a good setting. A nice contrast to every other game taking place in a big city.

A couple standout characters that still remain among my favorites. I love you, Dojima. One of the few characters to highlight the struggles of fatherhood. His story carries the heart of the narrative for me. And Kanji!!! He loves men and that's so fucking cool. Very entertaining and has an incredibly touching social link.
I had an amazing time playing this in Discord with friends.

Nagito is funny as fuck dude.

The ending is on some real meathead shit and I respect that.
I don't have anything positive to say about this game. Fuck you to my friend who made me buy the 4 pack. That was the most mind numbing gaming experience I've ever had. Fuck you Castle Crashers.
There's a few maps that I think strike a good sense of difficulty. And it's still FE, so I can have a good time with it if I try. Sometimes.
SEGA tried the brilliant VA direction idea of getting a literal child to voice a child and it resulted in a pretty funny voice.

The Team Rose campaign can be pretty fun to just casually play.
It's a decent FE gameplay experience.
I'm a sucker for medieval settings. So even though I can say this game is ass after playing it 500 times, I can still easily get immersed.

Peak video game modding, nothing comes close. The lengths people have pushed the engine astounds me. The amount of ways you can change the game into something entirely different is genuinely amazing.
I like the character designs. Selkie, Ryoma, Kaze, Shiro, just to name a few of my faves.
komaru :-)

The concept of a DR spin off focusing on an entirely different cast is nice. And I like the fact that it didn't actually do much to expand the lore, because the lore is never the focus with these games. Just two girlbosses fucking around in an apocalypse.
The opening is so fire.

Those unreal engine assets go raw. Pretty ass laser beams.
The set pieces are so cool. Skeleton chambers, dinosaurs, flying castles. Good shit. I'm glad they at least tried to continue the storybook series after this game bombed, because seeing Sonic in these settings is really cool.

Sonic is so cool in the ending, oh my god!!! (ignoring that CORNY ass ending line)
I'm genuinely glad a lot of people were able to emotionally connect with this game. :-)
Seeing the MC of the last game as a character outside the main cast is actually dope. Seeing how she matured on her own in a zombie filled world fills you with such a rewarding sense of happiness after playing the first two games.
That one scene where Xander goes "How dare you insinuate Father is acting out of character! He is simply under the weather." then it jumpcuts to Garon calling upon a dark, satanic dragon god to give him guidance on whether or not he should kill someone is unironically one of the funniest scenes I have witnessed in media.
The character customization is way worse than its sequel, but it's still pretty decent.
Being able to play as different characters for certain sections in a level is really nice. I wish more Sonic games did that.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh I like playing as Super Sonic
Nintendo actually did something new and put effort into it, omg!!!
Trying to interpret iconic characters in an entirely different light is a very ballsy approach and I kind of respect it. Especially with how hard they went on advertising them. Can't say I hate all the different concepts either.
Hazama is the funniest antagonist I have ever seen. He's like Light Yagami if he got bullied.


2 years ago

Fucking Sonic Forces is killing me
Same but with the Budokai one

2 years ago

peak alternate scenarios fr

2 years ago


2 years ago

All my homies hate sonic forces

1 year ago

TBH from what i've heard Danganronpa in general has had good shit, only to shit the bed

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