The confusion of where to go with each new season really showed here

A bit overmemed, but still a showcase of how fantastic a turn-based JRPG can be

Finally a Yoko Taro project gets the budget and polish it deserves

The "gameplay" is purely trial and error, and often tedious, and the "story" is so devoid of details it might as well not be there. There's a difference between creating a story for players to investigate and theorycraft on, and just creating an incomplete story like Inside does.

An insanely quality return to form

The perfect game for the hardcore fans

Holds up shockingly well, even if the combat is easy enough to cheese, but the story is gripping, interesting characters, and one of the best in game romances in JRPG history

A dissapointingly shallow game that went on for far too long

Despite clearly being cut in half, what IS in the game is absolutely incredible

An extremely flawed game, particularly with regards to Q Team, and far too ambitious graphically, but ultimately a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy.

A game that gets a lot of undeserved hate because of the DmC attachment, but it has some absolutely sensational level design, creative bosses and a fun combat system!


A story that honestly still hasn't left my mind, even 8 years after finishing it. Truly a must play.

Atmospheric, tense and relentless strategic combat that ultimately suffered from being both too grindy and too unforgiving to complete.

I can absolutely see why this game is a classic, it's got such a powerful sense of atmosphere and weight... which is unfortunately too much for me to handle. That's not the game's fault however, but it means it's not for me.