Completed as a part of Halo: MCC. Possibly the best game ever made.

Normally I don't like "quirky" indies, but this game pulls it off. Plus the concept is top-notch and executed well.

Easily one of the all-time best side scrollers. Surprisingly relaxing, even in difficult sections.

RPG's aren't usually my thing, but the funny dialogue and world make this short chapter worth enjoying.

I can't say anything that hasn't already been said about Cuphead. Good game.

I'm probably one of the first people to review this little indie gem that nobody ever has heard of.

Great atmosphere, but could really use a map. One of the most creative indies I've ever played.

Not really my thing, I regret buying it.

Good old COD. Not much else to say really.

The most ambitious VR title as of writing, with pros and cons. It'll get you sick faster than any other game on the market, but it's worth sticking around for the sheer excitement that comes with the new technology at play.

I couldn't really get into this one; I might give it another go eventually. Of course, this has Rare's signature charm and detail.

Maybe it's because I'm too old for it, or maybe it's because I have less free time, but this never struck a chord with me. My fault for getting a game aimed for such a younger audience, I suppose. Shoutout to Biff.

This one brings back some real nostalgia, so it's hard to be objective. But, there are lots of things to do, and the soundtrack is supreme. Shoutout to Twiggy.