This game does everything right and is perfect in every way. Story, characters, gameplay, and music. Everything! It's hard to say why it's so good without giving all of it away, you just have to trust me and the other people who reviewed this game. It's a piece of media that sticks with you for the rest of your life and you won't regret your time with it. Seriously. Play this game!

Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando is what I would call one of the most perfect video game sequels of all time! It improves on literally everything the first game did, while introducing some new mechanics like the weapon leveling system and strafing. Call me nostalgia blind, but I love the ship battles, giant clank sections, and hover bike races as well. I also believe this game has the most creative and coolest planets in the series history.

I also find this to be the most replayable game in the series. Seriously, I could play this game over and over not get sick of it.

The only thing that's kinda meh is the story. Though considering the troubled development early Ratchet games had, it's understandable why it turned out the way that it did.

It's hard to explain why this game is so good to someone who may not have been there to experience it and it's community in its heyday. Thousands of levels getting published everyday, a dedicated community with well known creators, and a bunch of improvements and new additions over the first game it'd take too long to list them all.

Little Big Planet 2 was quite the experience growing up. I got to see the community evolve and met lots of cool players. It inspired me to be creative in my own way, and I hold onto that experience dearly. This game means alot to me, and it was sad to see the servers shut down not so long ago. You can still play the levels over on Little Big Planet 3, but who knows how long that will last.

I sincerely believe there will never be another game like Little Big Planet 2. To those reading this review who played this game way back, I hope you never forget the time you had with this game as well! Always remember to play, create, and share!

Where do I begin with Earthbound. It was my introduction to the Mother series, and I'll never forget it's impact on me.

Your first time playing through this game will be ROUGH! It is for everyone. You might get stuck and have no idea what to do next or how to proceed. Some dungeons may be annoying and filled with enemies that will wreck you and your team. But trust me, if you stick with this game, it's an unforgettable experience.

It's a very humorous game, it's got tons of fun moments, the battle system is really unique, and it's got heart. Some parts are a slog though and can drag down the game even for experienced players, and the inventory system isn't that great. I believe Mother 3, it's sequel, improves on these points though.

Oh and another thing...

Pictures taken instantaneously! I'm a photographic genius, if I do say so myself! Okay, get ready for an instant memory! Look at the camera...ready...

Say, "fuzzy Pickels."

I remember when I was in high school, a friend of mine was hounding me to play this game and I just didn't understand why. When I finally did play it, it clicked. This game is good. Seriously good. Great main cast of characters. Story and writing is superb, gameplay is amazing. Royal also adds a lot of new content over the original that only improves the experience!

It was my introduction to the Persona series, and I'm grateful for it. Playing backwards through the entire series was quite the experience.

There are some points against it. The downtime between each Palace can be quite boring as you're waiting for the story to just progress already. It's also painfully easy.

Also Haru is in it. That's not at all a bad thing actually. Quite the opposite. She should have been in it more I think. Seriously why was she introduced so late...?


Moon interesting game. It caught my eye one day when I was browsing the switch store and I bought it since I simply liked how it looked. I had no idea what I was getting into.

When I first started playing, I figured it was an indie game made to look like an old game. It was not until after I finished the game that I realized it was made all the way back in 1997 and that blew my mind. This game was truly innovative for it's time, and it is hard to say why unless you play it for yourself.

If you do, just accept the fact that you are going to get stuck. A lot. Don't be afraid to consult a guide and the manual online. There are lots of tedious portions and some solutions to the puzzles feel really weird and don't make that much sense. However, it's themes and memorable characters make for an unforgettable experience.

Open the door.

The Neverhood is one of my favorite point and clicks. It's world and atmosphere are unmatched, and the game being made entirely of clay is insane.

The lore that the world this game takes place in spans for almost an entire books worth. Not joking. There's a 40 screen long hallway containing all of it. It's actually a very good read!

Gameplay isn't so bad to boot. I actually really like quite a lot of the puzzles in the game, and exploring the Neverhood and seeing where I will end up next was fun! There are a few puzzles here and there that are tedious for what feels like the sake of it, but nothing too bad.

I heard a lot of good things about Portal over the years and I have only just played it recently. It absolutely lived up to the hype!

Great puzzles, eerie atmosphere, and a wonderful villain. My only complaint is that it feels like it's over before it even really gets started. Though perhaps that will make it easy to replay in the future.

Improves on everything in the first and then some! Introduces tons of new mechanics that make the puzzles more fun to solve, new memorable characters such as Wheatley and Cave, and an entire co-op campaign!

It also has the perfect length, and never overstays it's welcome.

A very charming Playstation 2 JRPG. I'm honestly surprised it got ported to the Playstation 4, since it feels like no one ever played this. I'm glad more people can now play it! Don't let this fall under your radar.

I don't want to get into spoilers, since I feel as though the game and it's twists are best experienced seeing for yourself. I will say it genuinely surprised me, as I didn't expect a game like this to pull the rug out from under me story wise.

The gameplay is good, but nothing all that special. Dungeons range from incredibly easy to absolutely tedious with nothing in between. Bosses are incredibly unbalanced. Battle system is fairly fun.

I think the game could use a good remake or remaster to touch up on some of it's faults and give it a good second chance.

I hate to say it, but this game is nowhere near as good as The Neverhood. It's a shame, because it seems like the team worked really hard on this. The story is very generic sci-fi, none of the characters are all that interesting, and the puzzles are not good. Like, at all.

At the very least, this game looks gorgeous! Eye candy from start to end.

A first in a series of many great games! Ratchet and Clank is one of my favorite gaming franchises, and Insomniac did wonderfully with the first entry.

This one stands out from the other games in the series. For one there's no strafing, and there's more of an emphasis on platforming then combat. These are not bad things in my opinion, but other players may think otherwise.

This game may have my favorite soundtrack in the series history. The story and how Ratchet and Clank initially bicker but grow to work together is great! It's always a treat seeing what quirky npc you may run into at the end of a planet. Drek is a fantastic villain, and the game does a great job of making you despise him by the end.

If you wanna get into the Ratchet and Clank games, this is a great place to start!

I played the original ds game during a troubling time in my life, and it helped me cope. Though a few years later I mostly forgot some of the twists and turns this game had to offer. With this remaster, I got to experience this game all over again!

The gameplay with the ghost tricks is phenomenal , the story keeps you hooked all the way through, the music is superb...

It all comes together to make an incredible package. If you're a fan of Ace Attorney, play this game! Written by the same guy.

The fact that this entire game was made by one guy astounds me. Gameplay, art, characters, music, all of it! The surprising bit? He didn't miss a single beat. It's an inspiration.

Stardew Valley is endlessly replayable, and is a cozy little game. You live in a small town and own a farm. You can talk and make friends with the townsfolk. You can go mining and fight monsters. You can forage in the forests to cook food with what you've gathered. You can go fishing and sell what you've caught.

This doesn't even scratch the surface of all that you can do in this game. Play it for yourself and see all this game has to offer!

If you asked me a few years ago which Ratchet and Clank was my favorite, I most likely would have said it was this one. However, each time I play through it, it's flaws get a bit more apparent.

For one, this game mostly ditches the branching paths most levels had in 1 and 2, and goes for a more linear approach. This is something the series continued to do going forward which I wasn't really a fan of. I always liked picking a path, and seeing what might wait at the end whether it be a new gadget or humorous npc.

It has the worst hacking mini game in the series, sending the pacing of the combat to a screeching halt as you sit for 5 minutes doing the same puzzle over an over.

The ranger missions also get a bit annoying on repeat playthroughs when I mostly just want to get back to the normal levels.

Everything else? Damn near perfect. Gameplay is mostly still on point, cutscenes are very humorous like with previous titles, music still rocks, and the story actually makes sense and has good pacing unlike in Ratchet 2 which meandered a bit.

A top tier Ratchet game, even with some of its faults. Hell, it might just be your favorite when you play it! I know it is for alot of other fans.