The tab button is the best button

So close to being great, but has some setbacks. Still the story and characters are one of the best I experienced

The protagonist is definitely a precursor to JC Denton

Imo I feel like this is a big step from halo ce. While I can understand why some would like the first. This one has done so many things right. Like the set pieces early in the game were crazy fun.the dual wielding, the grenades

It's like driving a rolls royce, it looks amazing, the concept is breathtaking, but the catch is the steering wheel is gone and the gear knob is a knife. It plays horrible. The most simple action like riding a horse has to be precisely placed. Although I do get why people think it's a one of kind game. It is , and I also think everyone should play this game at least once. And that's it once, Only once.

Great, well worth full price imo. But seeing how it's been months since release, I would have hoped game breaking bugs would have been patched. But still would recommend

this is good, really good. please try this even if you're not a fan of turn based. it will change you, just like it change me. now to see if baldur's gate 3 is just as good. its gonna be hard to beat tbh

Imperfect but i love it so much

One of the best FPS games I played. Not only is the story well done, the gameplay has so much freedom. If you're contemplating to play the game but don't like the graphics, trust me the story and gameplay more than makes up for it

It did well tying up everything from the first game. But I felt like the first game is better because everything was so unexpected. But it did good as a sequel

The story and exploration carried heavy. Btw bugs are still in the game

The first act was perfect honestly. But towards the end and the 'secret' ending just dropped the ball so hard

Should have ended at the farm. But what do I know I'm not Neil

For the people who dropped it on day 1 or 2 like me plssss. At least finish it once. Truly it is an experience that is like no other. Not just the writing but the mechanics make u really addicted, how you wait for the dice land on with your favour, how you equip clothes just for a specific check and wait restlessly

PS : if you re looking to play it please play it with a custom character sheet. It feels more genuine to play like that for the first time.
Honestly aside from some small annoyance , it truly is a masterpiece. For me it almost gets a full score but.
It's 4.8/5
I know a sequel is far from reality now. But if it does happen , I'm sure it can tidy up the few annoyance from this game and make it perfect

I dare say this might be peak platformer. It combines the two most iconic platformers, mario in the first part of the level where you try your best to defeat the enemies and find the secrets, and sonic in the second part. Where you just speed thru everything feeling invincible to chase the clock . It has the obstacles of mario games and the rush of sonic games.