This feels like one of those games that will always be a little under-recognized, and yet everyone who has played it has nothing but high praise. It is a wholly unique experience, and I was absolutely riveted by how the story unfolds. This game also could have easily been better at one thing while lackluster in the other, but both the narrative sequences and the strategy sequences were equally a lot of fun!

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My favorite game of 2018. I had never played all of the original God of War games, but was familiar enough with them and the lore. This is a refreshing take on the character of Kratos, and a beautiful exploration of rage, grief, and the wisdom of age. It's also a blast to play! The valkyrie fights are some of my favorite bosses in recent games, and the fact that I bested them all (and the game) over the course of a weekend is a personal accomplishment I'm proud of!

Awesome game! I love Westerns and really liked the first Red Dead Redemption. This was an excellent follow-up, and sometimes I enjoyed just exploring the world without worrying about the story. It maybe got a little overwhelming with such a large map and so many things to do, but the story was compelling enough to keep me interested.

Easily one of the best platformers in recent memory. It's challenging enough to feel like you have to work for it, but not discouraging in the slightest. In fact, with a story all about surmounting both physical and mental challenges, I was inspired by Madeline's journey! It's also worth mentioning Lena Raine's wonderful OST, which really makes the whole adventure.

My favorite Zelda game. It takes everything that Ocarina of Time did and improves on it, adding an incredibly moving story underneath it all. At a glance, only 4 dungeons and a 3-day cycle might seem lacking, but they pack a whole lot into the game and connect all the elements so well. And with the story solely focused on Link (no Zelda and no Ganon), it becomes a much more personal journey for him and the various figures he meets along the way. Plus, I just can't resist the classic Legend of Zelda field theme!

The ultimate cozy game! This is such an easygoing gaming experience that you can get lost in for a few hours at a time. Even when you think you've achieved all you can, the game has greater challenges ahead if you're eager for the grind.

I can't describe how excited I was to play this. Spider-Man has been my favorite superhero since I was a kid, and him getting the "Batman" treatment, so to speak, was an enticing prospect! Overall, the game delivered! The gameplay, story, and visuals were all delightful. I would say it just falls short compared to the other phenomenal games that came out in 2018.

One of the most revered RPGs and SNES games for a reason. Everything about Chrono Trigger works. The characters are fully realized individuals with unique abilities and benefits; the gameplay is clean and simple, with some twists on the formula; and the story is perfectly paced with the usual light-hearted shenanigans to open, hints at some greater mystery, huge developments late in the second act, and a finish that is entirely in the hands of the player, complete with multiple endings! And with New Game +, the game is perfectly replayable to do something new your next go around. I'll add that the game has excellent side quests without overloading the player with content. In fact, I kinda wish there was a little more to do in the late game! This will always be a favorite of mine.

The first thing that should draw you in is the art style. It's beautifully rendered and animated, and adds a lot of character to the game. Then there's the game itself, which is a great balance of old-school platformer with contemporary soulslike. The setting is a fascinating and imaginative world with so many interesting locations and creatures, and it invites exploration as you seek to uncover the mysteries within! Also, killer OST by Christopher Larkin, with some of my absolute favorite video game tracks.

I don't love this game quite the way that diehard FF7 fans love it... but it's still a top 5 Final Fantasy game for me. This is the first one I ever caught a glimpse of, watching my stepbrother beat Sephiroth way back in 1997. You can imagine that this very quickly got me intrigued with the franchise. VII is a blast, and has many of the great all-time FF characters. It also has one of the best OSTs in the series, and Uematsu masterfully weaves his musical themes throughout. It definitely shows its age in some ways, and the side quests aren't as engaging for me as some of the other entries, but it is definitely deserving of many of its accolades.

This game often comes up in conversations about "video games as art." I happen to think all games qualify, regardless of their quality, but I see why Shadow of the Colossus is one of the go-to examples. This game is truly an artistic endeavor, with a stunning, sparse world, incredible and cinematic encounters, and a thrilling and moving score. Now, let's talk about the gameplay. Honestly? It's clunky. They smoothed some things out with later re-releases, but playing this on the PS2 was a challenge for sometimes the wrong reasons. Granted, some of this could be intentional based on the protagonist's inexperience... but it made for occasional frustration in an otherwise very good game! Made today, it's probably a much cleaner experience. This is the one thing that keeps this game from a higher rating for me. Otherwise, it's phenomenal.

I would honestly rate this game higher if the sequel wasn't so good. Portal was a huge breath of fresh air when I played it for the first time. Hadn't really had a puzzle game experience like it before! I was particularly taken by the false ending, and I think this is a charming title that will live on in video game history.

Probably my favorite Mario game? I waver between this and Super Mario World, both of which I grew up with. I love the diverse worlds, the new powerups, and of course the secrets! Maybe a few too many autoscrollers, but the game is still a top entry in the series.

Some of my favorite gaming memories are playing multiple runs of this game with my best friend. All of the playable characters have interesting mechanics (special love to Gaige), the loot system is loads of fun, and the game is genuinely very funny (at least, it was to a guy in his early 20s). There's also a lot to do without things getting too dull or repetitive, and the variety of weapons invites diverse approaches to combat. This is peak Borderlands!