Combat is a little more boring, Bionis shoulder was fun to explore, side quests felt more meaningful due to the shorter length and the story was fine but pretty by the numbers and predictable. It's solid but I probably won't play it again

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I really loved the first game and had a lot of fun with the standalone Miles Morales game so this game was easily one of my most anticipated titles of the year.

I'm glad to say Spider-Man 2 is generally an excellent game. Brimming with fantastic spectacle, web swinging being even more fun than the previous games (web wings are cool too but sometimes make things feel too automated) and generally just being really fun to breeze through as these amazing characters. Aside from some minor visual glitches I encountered, the game is a technical triumph boasting super fast load times and giant visual treats which really add to the immersion and excitement.

However it did let me down in some aspects compared to the first game. For one, the combat is a little less fun for me with the gadget overhaul taking the strategy out of them completely just feeling like spammy cooldown moves you'd see out of a mobile game. The original powers Peter and Miles have are a little better but still fall victim to that cooldown thing to a lesser extent. However later in the game with Peter's symbiote powers and Miles upgraded venom attacks, they do get a lot more fun to use. The parry mechanic was really weirdly implemented to me, the red alert alerting you to time it right felt inconsistent at the beginning and it's annoying to manage when you have a dozen enemies swarming you. However when I did get a little better at the timing it was more tolerable but the annoyances still crept up. Beside that combat is still really enjoyable and racking up combos is still satisfying. That animation where you back enemies to a wall and rapid kick them is so cool, I wish they did more environmental centric attacks like that since it's so dope.

A quick word about the stealth, while the web-line was a great way to expand moblity, the stealth sections however weren't as interesting as the last game. There isn't any gadgets to use to freshen it up so they generally didn't offer much variety. The two Kraven bases were one of the few spots that used it decently but still the Sable bases from the first game were much more better designed for it.

The MJ sections are an improvement over the first game but in universe, MJ being able to take out these hunters and not getting one-shotted by their weapons was such a bruh moment that broke my immersion.

The story is generally really exciting and has some fantastic moments but it didn't hold itself the whole way through as well as the first game did. It has to juggle so many storylines and characters which at time it does really well and other times it leaves some parts feeling undercooked. The black suit arc for Peter was a little rushed and they overdid it with the symbiote just making him outright evil when it's just supposed to make him more of a douche. I will give props to Yuri Lowenthal being genuinely menacing when he's in the black suit, he did a fantastic job with this game generally. I like Miles personal story but his role in the story can get pretty half-baked sometimes in the grand scheme of the story (especially using him to cap off the final boss which held less emotional weight).

Speaking of, Kraven and Venom were really entertaining. After being robbed of Kraven in the films for so long, I'm glad I got to see him depicted as this, a little bit too overpowered compared to other villains but a genuinely menacing threat who pushes Peter to his limits. His presence in the story is a little more limited than I'd like but generally an awesome villain. It is weird that he has this many goons at his side helping him but I can let it slide from a gameplay perspective

With Venom, he's a little rushed into the story but otherwise an awesome iteration of the character imo. The one level where you play as him was dumb fun I wanted more of, i pray Insomniac gives us an expansion or stand alone game that expands on more Venom gameplay. His voice is fucking awesome, Tony Todd nailed it. Harry Osborn being Venom this time ended up working for the specific story they're telling. Harry's hate for Peter tiptoed a little into TASM2 Harry which worried me a little but his later confrontation with Peter redeemed it, especially some dope moments in their final boss together.

The side quests in this game is very hit and miss. The enemy The Flame missions stood up to the mainline content and even has an exciting reveal at the end. The EMF mission for Peter weren't terrible but they were pretty forgettable. Meanwhile the side missions for Miles did get boring and really mundane. I do like how they're focused on the friendly neighborhood aspect for Miles but these missions really do begin to meander and overstay their welcome becoming total pace breakers. Though some of the other app missions were sweet, especially the Howard one😭

Even with all these problems I really enjoyed this game and until the DLC expansions I can still get a kick out of just having a ton of time.

The journey I began with Nathan Drake since I've been giving these games a try since February finally wraps up.

The stories of these games didn't completely live up to the endless praise I always heard about it, but it still overall was a solid story as the acting, visuals and earnestness of it all kept you immersed in it's characters and world. I thought it was at least a step-up from 3 and delivering a satisfying conclusion to his character. It's worth applauding that the introduction of his lost brother who hasn't been mentioned a single time in the previous games was handled well. There's great moments of acting and you begin to connect with these characters you've spent the in thanks to the amazing acting and convincing motion capture/ facial expressions. It still does try a little too hard to be emotional just slowing the pace down and taking a long time before you get back into gameplay, like the scenes with a younger Nate and Sam, the first one was fine for reintroducing the mechanics and their relationships. However the second time was just really boring and went on too long, I would've appreciated dialing these back a little
It did however feel like another rehash of the previous games even with the promise of something much more darker toned and challenging for an older Drake. The Uncharted villains have always been the sour spot of their stories, Rafe had some potential for being a better villain but the way his character is wrapped up made him revolve to a one dimensional angry rich kid which was lame, Nadine just disappears and doesn't have a complete storyline, even with Lost Legacy bringing her back this felt unsatifying. The tension feels non existent as the same ridicolous plot armor on a story trying to be more grounded and dark, while it was well presented it didn't feel like it's consequences really justified the whole thing besides setting the stage for a new adventure for Drake to embark on. I'm usually not too hard on the story for videogames like this but when they spend extended downtime feeding you a story you're supposed to take more seriously then I'll critique it harder.

This is still visually one of the most gorgeous games on the market and it's been seven years since it released. The character models and the environments are so life-like that it's pretty insane how so few games have been able to keep up with bar it set. There's some great setpieces here especially the chase in the streets of Madagascar which dynamically changes between different scenarios. It does feel like the other setpieces however are much more automated and don't reach the heights of the last two games.

Finally getting to the gameplay, it's still very similar to the previous games but has an added stifness to it to emphasize his older age. The grappling hook is a really cool addition and adds some more manouverability to the climbing, combat and puzzle sections though by the end of the game it doesn't really do anything new with it so it loses it's innovation.
The puzzles in this game are a lot more simplified than the previous trilogyThe shootouts were solid but their sense of pacing was a mess. The game hardly attempts to keep things fresh in the encounters unlike Uncharted 2 which was excellent in elevating the combat encounters as the game went on unlike this one where most of them felt the same. When the game finally begins to include more dynamic maps for combat and more varied weapons it's pretty much the last hour and it's over quickly after that. It's a shame because the shooting and the animations are so much better than the previous games and while it was still fun it's own right there was more potential to really push it further.

Another repetitive aspect of this game is the traversal, the climbing segments went on for way too long and the amount of times I had to wander around for some vague wall that lead to another box you had to climb was really pushing it by the end. The game's levels are created to be much more open which really did add to a sense of immersion and scale and was a pure joy to but it often lead to me wandering off from where I needed to go, it feels like it clashes with the linear structure of the game at times.

It may seem like I'm going too hard but I did fall for a bit of overhype expecting a masterpiece. I still think its overall a well polished and fun shooter with fantastic presentation and a flawed story that still kept me immersed with great acting and characters.


Easily one of the best FPS games I've ever played. Some of the enemy encounters can really play some nasty tricks on you that seem unfair but always overcoming them in the end is so satisfying and makes you feel like a badass

Super fun twist on the battle royale. The seemingly simple gameplay gets deeper the more you experiment with it and just wrestling in massive maps just feels really cool.

Such a shame it's going to be gone after this month, I hope they do what Knockout City is doing and let fans keep the game alive.

Fun arcadey goodness but it does feel like it's lacking some extra oomph to really push this gameplay forward. The console port is also very lacking in features. I'd love to try out the sequels one day to see how they evolve this formula.

Frustrating game but so damn good anyway. Give it a remake with a mini-map

It's very dated in a lot of areas but it's also a lot of fun with great atmosphere and ideas on display

It's easily one of the most charming action games for the visuals and aesthetic alone, this game easily has some of the best and over the top quick time events I've ever seen. The Saturday morning superhero cartoon style is so fun even though at some points it can make some weird tonal clashes with Green especially trying to hard to be funny during a tragic backstory for example.

It took me a while to get comfortable with this game though. The mouse controls are dogshit when it comes to drawing shapes so I had to resort to controlling a Switch controller to my PC. Even then the learning curve to get adjusted to the combat wasn't the most fun with some enemies being way too annoying to deal with and took too long to figure even bordering on getting repetitive fighting the same enemies all the time. The zoomed out top down perspective sometimes even confused me as it got hard to tell where my character is and some enemy attacks being hard to telegraph (especially with multiple enemies when they even attacked you when they were out of view).

Regardless when this game clicks it really clicks and it's pretty satisfying switching between the different powers and learning how to make bigger shapes to plus countering and dodging enemies started to feel more understandable later on which made it smoother.

The music, the powerups, the level design (chef's kiss)

I had a lot of fun playing this, of course some of the elements of the game are brain dead in terms of strategizing and some characters are kind of generic and forgettable. But overall I enjoyed the basic game structure and story

Favorite 3D Mario game tied with the Galaxy games, do wish some worlds were fleshed out more but it's so good anyway

Now I feel the pain of not getting a direct sequel after almost two decades

Exploration and experimentation is among some of the best in the medium, sad to say the divine beasts really disappointed as I always expect top tier dungeons from Zelda. BoTW2 has potential to nab 5 stars from me if it addresses these complaints so here's hoping

I had a good time with this game. While it does feel clunky and cheap at times the way everything blends together as well as the cinematic flair and set pieces on display is worth experiencing.