I think Nintendo hasn't made a new Super Mario game (not counting remakes or Mario Maker) since Odyssey, because they don't know how to top it.

Probably better than a lot of the garbage one can find in app stores, but it's a pretty good example of how weirdly lame Nintendo's attempt at mobile gaming was.

Still one of the most imaginative Mario games.

Still one of the best Star Wars games ever made, thanks to the strong writing and characters, but I can't help but find it somewhat flawed compared to the original KOTOR, thanks to some lackluster level design and rampant glitches (even with The Restored Content mod).

Funny that the best New Super Mario Bros. game came out the same year as the worst one.

An improvement on some of the more recent Pokémon games, mainly through mixing up the combat, more options for discovery in the open world maps, and limiting random encounters with the option of easily catching most Pokémon through stealth or item usage. Unfortunately, the other new additions to this series of lackluster side quests and lame boss fights keep this from being one of the very best Pokémon games.

Was hoping that another playthrough would improve my reception of this game, but no dice. It's just a very uninspired Mario game.

Finally finished over a month after it released! I had joked before it had come out that Elden Ring could be my perfect game of marrying Dark Souls level and boss design with the open world of Zelda: BOTW (yes, I know it's an overplayed comparison). I really didn't expect how right I would be. That freedom to go anywhere and discover interesting things and improve skills organically through interaction with the game world is what, I think, puts this over the previous FromSoftware games where getting stuck on a level or boss meant more limited options of how to overcome an issue. And, the overall level and boss design are still held up to that high standard set by the older games. I felt kind of sad when it ended, because I can never experience it for the first time again.

One of the best platformers ever made. A refinement of what made the original Super Mario Galaxy so special.

Still an all-timer in 3D platforming.

Pretty standard Mario game, except for the fact that Mario kills Bowser in this one.

Still a classic and revolutionary game, even if its stiffer controls are better suited for the sandbox levels than the more precise platforming of the later levels.

Probably the best 2D platformer ever made.

Probably my favorite game from before the 16 bit era.