It's alright. I was hoping for more being that this is the first big new mainline Pokemon Game that was on a home console. I loved the design of some of these cities but eh, it felt too easy and too predictable.

A great Game all around. Tons of content to work with and the story is interesting with how much havoc and chaos can be created with the game.

Yep, we're back at where it started on the newest platform (to date). Gen 1 is back to showcase Pokemon on the Nintendo Switch and its.....good.

Take it as you may, but this game always felt like a good marketing tactic to get a new generation of Pokemon fans while also trying to bring back the original fans who just so happened owned a switch/played pokemon go.

In this game, you basically are starting the same way Pokemon Yellow started with the player receiving a pikachu. In return, the overpowered pikachu is always by your side ready to be cared for and battle for you.

It get 3.5 stars for two reasons. First, there's only so much you can do with limiting the pokemon to one generation. However, I think Nintendo made it work by allowing the Aloha Forms of the Gen 1 Pokemon as well as some Mega Evolutions (and meltan, the forgotten and weird additional to the game that can only be accessed via a Pokemon Go Transfer). The design of the characters and pokemon are cute but it;s just more of the same. Not great but not bad either.
Next, this game had an annoying mechanic where you needed a certain type in your party to get into the gym. A minor nuisance in the grand scheme of things but it's a bizarre inserted mechanic.

I truly believe the best type of player for this game would be a kid who's first experience was Pokemon Go and had not played any pokemon games yet. It's a nice appetizer to hold over newcomers to the series. As for me, a fan who has known the series for decades and have played multiple games from it, its just a good game.

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I got this long after the remakes were released. I had grown out of pokemon by the end of SoulSilver and only came back into Pokemon in the summer of 2018. I got this game with a 2DS to go with it at a local game shop. I was interested to see how this remake would fare with the previous remakes of SoulSilver & FireRed/LeafGreen (I played both versions) didn't.

While this game introduced to me to a whole new style of presentation, this game was too easy for me to enjoy it. It was very odd seeing Latios getting gifted to me after the fourth gym in this game. The flyover effect in the game is cool but its only cool for so long. Once I had that Latios in my possession, I just felt like the game wasn't any struggle afterwards. The only difficult battles I had were the ones online against other people. Also I am indifferent about Mega Evolutions. They are cool and all but it just seems like a way to rehash old pokemon into relevancy once again.

Its a good game but that's all it will ever be to me.

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(See my thoughts on Pokemon Sapphire for most of my 3rd gen opinions)

In regards for Emerald, having the rival factions duel with each other to the point of worldly destruction was pretty cool. The Battle Frontier in this game was an awesome little tidbit in the game. Lastly, Rayquaza, the coolest looking Dragon type since Charizard/Dragonite becomes a vital part of the game and displays the mighty energy that it possesses. Also did I mention the trumpets in the soundtracks?

The base game for my favorite generation of pokemon. Always a blast to play this whenever I have the downtime.

This game is a 3D traditional platformer from the 90s. Not too much to it. Props for the humor though.

I was a Black ops kid. It was my second CoD game behind Cod: World at War and this felt like a nice addition to the Black Ops Series. Granted, this may be the nostalgia kicking in as I haven't touched a Call of Duty game since Call of Duty WW2. I love the Nuketown 24/7, Prop Hunt and Kill Confirmed the most. I use more primary weapons than I did in BO1 and B02 and I'm having fun experimenting with them.

This is a surprisingly fun tech showcase. It takes you through the utilization of the PS5 Controller and some amazing graphics and colorization.

The multiplayer was good but the introduction into CoD Zombies was a key game mode that won me over. Der Riese was a wonderful map to end the WaW storyline at as it sets a group of characters that will become more and more known to many in the next installments.

My first time playing a Smash Game since Smash N64 and man do you get your $60 worth out of this game. The online is terrible as Nintendo is notoriously known for. The characters and the amount of different franchises you see is pretty impressive. The Story has a content and tasks to do to keep the player busy, plus their are little mini-games to test some skills and feats between you and your friends. An exciting game that will go down in history. Well done Sakurai and company.

A great party game that will never go stale. Fun playing against computers and friends.

Have had this game since I was a kid and I still can't get into it. I get bored after the first star.

Bloons Tower Defense 6 is what Solitaire is to Boomers. A nice, entertaining game you can pass the day with.

My first time playing a Warhammer game ever and this game is wayyyy more exciting with friends to play. The combat, customization and character abilities were spectacular and exceeded my expectations.