An even better version of a fantastic Persona game. Vastly improved p5 with new story stuff, dialogue, redone battle system and more. The best way to play p5.

Not my favorite 3d mario, but I love the world and voice acting

Great 3d Mario improved even more for switch. Some of the best music in the series.

Good Bioshock, ending was a little weird, but good Bioshock.

What a fantastic bullet hell, run and gun platformer with a wonderful art style.

Great action game from Kamiya

Probably my favorite Bioshock still

Great revitalization of the series. Loved the changes they made.

One of the only rockstar games I've played. It's good, dunno if I'll go back.

This one competes with being my favorite monster hunter. The array of monsters, the combat, and the verticality of traversal is so damn satisfying.

What a great remake/retelling of a great Resi game.

I like the direction FE is going, lots of Persona elements.