If you are a space nerd like me and you really want to enjoy this game but are having trouble, I have a suggestion for you: Take up photography. There are so many things to see but not as much to do so you can treat the game kind of like pokemon snap. It's really fun to mess around with photo mode!

I know it sounds crazy but I have beaten this game at least 20 times. It's pretty short and has a bunch of choices in it that make it a little different each time. It also rewards you for every time you beat the game until the 9th time. It's not the scariest Resident Evil game and it started the series on the path to being an action series instead of survival horror but I still love it. I like it more than the remake and I actually like the remakes of RE 1 & 2 a lot more than the originals.

I had a lot of fun playing this game back in the year 2000 but even then it didn't hold my attention for as long as games like Soul Calibur and Jet Grind Radio. I loved being able to zoom around the streets of San Francisco in a car before I had my drivers license. These days if I feel like driving a car around like crazy I will have more fun doing it in single player GTA V.

This game is an absolute high point for the series. I can't think of a tekken game since that fired on all cylinders like this. The improvement in the character models alone from tekken 2 is a massive step up. It is really great work for the original Playstation. One of the best fighting games of the era.

All of that said, I don't like the gameplay loop of trying to find an opening and exploiting it to do really long combos. I like games that have a more rock-paper-scissors strategy to them. Games like this feel like having to take piano lessons to get good.

I really don't know how to review a game like this because I spent a ton of time playing it and it's an incredibly fun game but after you build a city of a certain size it breaks. Is it a one star game because it wastes so much of your time? Is it a 5 star game because it's that fun before it breaks?

I am also not a fan of the dlc-fest style of game where you have to be a millionaire to have all of the content. I'm sad that the sequel seems to have a lot of issues too.

This is more or less the perfect Game Boy platformer. It has multiple worlds with different themes each with their own bosses that you can revisit. The gameplay is really interesting and chill allowing younger players to fly over a lot of obstacles. It's not too hard to beat the game normally but it provides an additional 'true ending' if you collect all of the rainbow crystals. The most interesting part is the fact that Kirby can steal enemy powers and ride 3 different animals and these combinations each produce a unique power. I think there must be about 28 different powers in this game. Some of the bosses are very creative too like a sun and moon that attack you with eclipses. Maybe it's just nostalgia talking but this game is my favorite Kirby game.

I have always been pretty into Pac-man but found it to be a bit clunky and dated at the same time. This game introduced a new gameplay loop that I got completely hooked on. I know purists hate that it's not traditional Pac-man but it is by far my favorite Pac-man game even if that makes me a filthy casual gamer. (or maybe just a bigger fan of snake than pac-man ;)

The art direction and game design is very good in this game. It is also blissfully short. I really wish more games followed this format because I felt like I had a wonderful experience and it didn't take too much of my time. A great example of making a game better instead of bigger.

Always considered this one of the best ps1 racing games but was playing it again recently and was a little disappointed with the number of tracks.

Well its a great game but Pikmin 2 improved on it so much.

It's funny the idea that Tetris needs to be validated by my review but yeah I heard this one's good. Seems to be somewhat popular too.

Would have given it 5 stars at time of release but when I go back to it it feels undeniably clunky now. The unskippable story stuff is brutal.

I never understood why I didn't like these games until I discovered the term 'pushing buttons to make rainbows.'

This describes the feeling that lots of things are happening on screen even though you only pushed one button. So many things happen on rails with quick-time events that I never feel like I have direct control over the character. The vibe of the game is much too bro-ey for me too. All around embodies most of the things I dislike about AAA games.

A must-play game but use a simple spoiler-free guide to get the best ending.

This game would be perfect if the difficulty was redone I think. Battles have huge difficulty spikes and trying new jobs is very hard. That said, the music and storytelling and sprite animation all combine together to make an incredible world. The only Ogre Battle game with chocobos.