Gah gah gah I really wanted this to work but it just didn’t click for me

The first five hours were captivating, I was hooked the first play session and seeing the main story beats in HD was exhilarating

But then the mini games kept piling on, the storylines began feeling cheesier and less authentic, and the structure more fan service-y…

The main story was solid most of the time, but it was hard to keep the momentum when there was all the side stuff that was downright bad at times

Also crazy annoying difficulty spikes, and finicky confusing mechanics. I was at 70+ hours and still had to bump it down to easy at times to progress

I feel like this game could have been way better as a 30-40 hour main story, 50-60 hour completionist vibe. I felt myself just wanting it to be over towards the end and couldn’t enjoy it as much as a non-completionist

I’ll still play the third one but it won’t be my most anticipated game that’s for sure

What an absolutely delightful experience.

I played during a Friday commute into the city. I thoroughly enjoyed the bright and colorful aesthetic, charming characters, and silly story.

I wish the game was a bit longer but absolutely worth a spin

Wow wow wow

This game makes you feel like an action movie star

Incredible for its time

Controls were a lil clunky, lots of backtracking, and the story was a bit confusing

But none of that detracted from the core experience

Keeps a lot of the NES core gameplay mechanics and the game feel is very similar to the original

Some rough edges, like some of the enemies and bosses are really easy to cheese, but I’d rather they stay more faithful

The power ups add variety and make it feel very Metroidvania-y with certain sections gated until you get certain powers

The story is ridiculous very bad anime cliche nonsense, I skipped over most of it

Absolutely worth a play I enjoyed this a lot

Extremely memorable, stays with you

Very Incryption-y in that way

Lots of laugh out loud moments and moments of smiling

Can't wait to see what will happen in my second playthrough

Extremely unique vibes and narrative storytelling with the main character talking out loud

Doesn’t stick the landing though; becomes too action oriented and the storyline gets too confusing

But wow this game has good bones I can see why Alan Wake 2 is getting rave reviews

Wow great game

Gigantic leap in cinematic storytelling

Definition of a 7/10 game

Mechanics were totally fine but got pretty same-sy towards the end

There were some charming moments and vibes at times but nothing that blew me away

But I’m glad I checked it out and I bet that the sequels layer in some better mechanics and improve the vibes


Just a fine game

Didn’t really feel spooky to me

Puzzles were interesting at times but nothing memorable

Really enjoyable loop of fishing, getting money, and improving your boat

Lots of small design decisions drove me crazy though, like not having a health bar and instead your ship’s engines getting damaged when a monster attacks, slowing you down to a crawl

The narrative I thought was going to be scary and spooky and lovecraftian but it didn’t land either, it didn’t feel spooky, the vibes were off

But the gameplay loop was addicting so def worth checking out! But don’t worry if you abandon it, there isn’t much here story-wise

Lovey self contained JRPG

Storyline is a pretty traditional “save the world” quest with a very unique environments and memorable locations

Ship combat was engaging and unique

Characters are very charming and likeable, although not super deep

Like watching a fun anime

Very interesting

I went into this thinking it would be a platformer

But it was much more of an adventure and exploration game

Incredible first swing at 3D wow

The controls are 10x better than Sonic Adventure

So much fun

What a perfect palette cleanser!

A flawed and incomplete entry in the series

There was very little content: few dungeons and the over world is just an ocean with a handful of islands you can actually explore

So much of the content is fetch quests, go to this location for this item

And they re-use a lot of enemy encounters

It just feels like they designed everything to be filler to pad the game length

And because it’s an ocean there’s no sense of space you don’t remember the layout so traversal is difficult

But the story itself is amazing, the vibes are awesome, and the art style is phenomenal

I wish Nintendo would come back and do this game style properly someday

With an archipelago to explore so there’s more land

And more dungeons