Yet another reminder that what I really like about about games is how they look and sound and feel. I know that sounds daft, but this game looks and sounds and feels like nothing. Flat, empty, nothing. There is simply nothing to care about here.

I implore you to play this freaky little gem

I really like this, it's frantic and tactical and makes me laugh, but it's hard to get a game on a GMT schedule unless you stay up til 2am to play with folk in the U.S.

Please come join me at the ugly bug brawl.

As with all rally games I've ever played, I just don't enjoy the way it handles. Like driving on treacle. Lovely to look at tho.

Had a quick go on Ascension at a Glesgames where I didn't actually talk to anyone, enjoyed it a lot, picked it up with the intention getting good before I go again.

No rules, only clicks.

I get what this is going for, but there's no real puzzle here, no interesting logic to engage the brain, feels mindless. Why does that move the way it does? Doesn't matter. Doesn't do anything for me.

Chris Morris voice If this were really happening, what would you think?

All the little references are charming at first, but it soon devolves into a Peter Kay routine. Frustrating as hell to play too, off physics and the cast of Friends is in it but you can't kill them? Avoid.

Imposter Syndrome Anxiety Simulator 3000

Feels like I'm being battered about the head with the aesthetic to distract from how loose and tedious it all is. Shame.

It's neat, and sort of cute in a not annoying way, and the combat is clever, but there's not a lot to keep me invested.

Also it's painfully tediously easy at the start, though there's a menu option to unlock basically e v e r y t h i n g, which I appreciate as these things can often be a slog. The later stuff is definitely harder and more involved, but not really more fun, so I guess they saved me some time.

Worth a look though, if it clicks there's loads of it to enjoy.

A friend has invited me to play this tonight so I thought I'd figure it out first and what the hell is that accent?

Turned the voices off. Much better.

It's alright. Probably better with pals you can chat with, rather than acquaintances who hesitantly talk like they're in an E3 Wurld Premeer. Nobody ever quite seemed to be actually enjoying the experience.

And like way too many games now, it's very live-servicey, all seasons and complex menus and that fucking circle cursor you have to drag about. Can already see it becoming a chore.

I wish more people would just come play Monster Hunter or Splatoon instead.

Had a go at the horde mode there, impressively unexciting stuff, a big blur of indistinguishable gun-toting hulks, all brown on brown. Typical mad menus too, though at least they don't have that circular cursor you drag everywhere. Just made me appreciate Salmon Run all the more.

Somehow I was under the impression this was a high-energy multiplayer arena brawler, like Power Stone or sutin, but no it's just another one of those stock-assets-nightmare-physics games again. Boo.