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Would be great if Cage stopped being a pussy and admitted this game is an allegory for civil rights movements through history. At which point we'd laugh and make fun of him because the game is a shit allegory for civil rights movements through history.

A gorgeous game with great controls if you don't suck.

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The story is still basic, the english voice acting is still bad, but the gameplay is fucking great.

Never understood why people went mad over this game. Vaas is great, yes, but overall it just feels like a less developed version of the 4th entry.

The game feels great, that's about it.

The gameplay isn't bad, you're bad and you can die mad about it.

Can't decide is this is worse than 4 or not, but they're both shit so I don't care about deciding which is worse.

This game is unironically really bad, but thank God it allowed for sequels that are actually fun to experience.

It's hard to explain why I adore it but I do.

It's fun and stupid but I like it.

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Never understood why people hated this game on release. Also epilogue Midna is hot as fuck.

Not my type of game, but an amazing example of love and care for a personal project.

Probably the best Uncharted game, not that that's saying much, but I liked it.

A joke of a fucking game and an insult to anyone with an IQ score over the average freezer's temperature.