It's not wrong to be sexually attracted to Aphrodite

Lady Maria this, Lady Maria that, but everyone forgets Eileen is the true waifu.

Still one of the best soundtracks ever made, and one of the best mommies ever created.

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Great game, wish I could bang Benny more than once though.

Could have been better, it overall felt underdeveloped on top of the great foundation it built, here's to hoping BotW 2 is better.

Literally just what the previous game did but more polished, too bad it had no soul of it's own outside the DLC.

Still an unironic masterpiece of a game.

I get why people are mad, and they have the right to be, but I also have the right to call them fucking idiots and laugh at them

It's fast, feels cool to play and has a great soundtrack. Also the greatest speech in videogame history.

Joel is still a cunt and a piece of shit, sorry that I don't love your imaginary father dipshit.

I do have issues talking with TLoU fans sometimes.

It feels cool, that's what matters.

A joke of a fucking game and an insult to anyone with an IQ score over the average freezer's temperature.

Probably the best Uncharted game, not that that's saying much, but I liked it.

Not my type of game, but an amazing example of love and care for a personal project.

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Never understood why people hated this game on release. Also epilogue Midna is hot as fuck.