The amount of back and forth between locations for no real reason really makes this game a drag at times. Then they have the audacity to expect you to play the WHOLE second half of the game again 4 times if you want the "proper" ending(s)

Fun game but flawed by some poor design

As an avid FPS fan, I'm not sure why I can't gel with this. The idea is amazing but I just can't get a hang of how it plays, everything feels slow and clunky.

Diamond of a game kinda ruined by some janky mechanics and poorly implemented systems.

Weapon durability is the one most people mention, I don't mind it actually but it certainly wasn't tuned properly. Finding a weapon was never exciting because I knew it was going to break after a couple of encounters. Also, I'd have been happier for the Master Sword being more difficult to receive but unlimited durability with the boosted damage being on a recharge.
All weapons should have just been more durable.

Stamina was fine, I learnt to plan my climbs and all that. I'd have been happier if sprint burnt the stamina a bit slower.

The rain affecting climbing was just dumb. I hated everything about it. So many times I was climbing and it started raining so I either had to just do nothing and wait or fall. I actually just turned the game off a number of times. Terrible mechanic.

Inventory was a mess. Things could have easily been stored in a far more manageable way.

Combat was okay but constantly ripped me right out of the immersion pausing the game to use food for healing, swapping weapons, changing arrows, using runes. Even when a weapon breaks it doesn't just equip the next weapon in the list, you have to stop the whole fight and select a new one. It can be done quickly but it all adds up to what at times became really stop and start combat. I just never fully got on board with it.

The scale of the game was amazing and the design was spectacular with world full of rich exploration. Certain elements of navigation were great, the glider being standout.
I enjoyed the shrines a lot too.

I can see the appeal for a lot of people, just didn't quite click for me unfortunately.

Had a really fun time playing this but overall was left feeling like it could have been the best zombie game ever if it had just focused on the zombies more.

I've not played everything that this game has to offer but I'm pretty comfortable rating it at this point.

By far the best game I've played for scratching the Left 4 Dead itch.

I'm not a massive Warhammer guy as I've only really quite recently familiarised myself with the world but it offers an insane amount of depth and you feel that with this game.
Visuals and design of each map is incredible, so much variety and they never feel generic at all.

Not many characters but that's countered by making each character able to switch between roles and doing so completely alters their abilities & weapons. The amount of rapport the characters have between themselves makes the game feel much richer too, there are so many unique conversations between the characters it's always fun to listen to them.

The loot and gear system is perfect. I can't say if everything is available to earn through playing the game, I'm sure there is premium stuff that may cost money but the game is overly generous with the reward chests.

I got this for free and expected to play a game or two before Darktide releases but I can see myself playing this much more

The game is practically crack.

It's a super simple game, you just manage the movement while the attacks are all automatic.
Actually surprised me how much content is in the game, there's tons of characters to unlock and even secret ones too.
The amount of weapons to deal with the hordes is vast, I've been having loads of fun with everything I unlocked and there's still tons more to unlock.

It's not a game you play if you want any depth in story. Just turn it on and pump some dopamine into your brain. It's really fun.
But HIGHLY addicting.

As much as I enjoy the game, I don't want to sink all my time into it which can easily happen.

Fantastic improvements from the original 360 version.
I played this campaign hundreds of times back in the day and playing this version for the first time blew me away.
The enhanced visuals are fantastic!

I was really surprised when Act 5 had additional chapters, I now know they're chapters found in the original PC version but I didn't even know they existed until this week.
Loved the additional boss fight that comes with those chapters.

The game suffers from it's age of course.
Terrible AI allies and at times AI enemies that are god like if you're playing on insane.
The checkpoints could be better, even if they just made the checkpoints after a minute of dialogue or a forced slow walk.

I'll cherish this game forever. It has uncountable memories for me.

Really bad.

Making free for all the only game mode was the WORST possible mode for this game.
Being attacked by Jack Baker and Super Tyrant at the same time? Thrilling! Being shot by someone from across the map while fighting them? REAAAAALLY LAME.
I'd love to know why they didn't make it TDM humans vs creatures.

Fought two molded and weakened them, another player ran round the corner and killed those molded and got all the points? Just makes absolutely no sense, even as a mess around casual game.

Really not much good to say about this. I guess honestly I do think it's a decent idea for a game, it just needs WAY more work put into it, even if you do like the game mode, I don't believe anyone who says it feels nice to play, it's SUPER janky and unpolished.

My second playthrough, this time on PC.
Glad I replayed RE7, it's such a fantastic installment to the RE series and though I never played it right at release, I think you can confidently argue that this game revived the series.
Edit: Not to say the RE series was dead but in my opinion it had gone down a path that strayed far away from what originally made RE great and this brought it back to its roots while still being fresh.

The Baker house is my second favourite setting of any RE game, right on the heels of the Spencer Mansion. Super gritty and soaked in Chainsaw Massacre inspiration, the dark, tight corridors of the house really create a claustrophobic enviroment and works perfectly to bring back proper RE survival horror in full force. The basement has got to be the most terrifying location from any of the games.

Honestly the only complaint I have of this game is how dull Ethan is. I find his complete lack of emotion with everything happening a bit strange but you can project your own emotion to the things happening so it kind of isn't that big of a deal and putting it like that, maybe that was the intention but I think Ethan is just a poorly written character in all honesty. I thought the same in Village too.

Heavily inspired by Resident Evil and Silent Hill, Tormented Souls is an absolute dream of a game for anyone looking to scratch the survival horror itch..y, tasty!

The setting is brilliant, an old creepy mansion turned hospital, can't get a much better combination.
The tight corridors, fixed camera, soundtrack and sound design in general all work together to keep you on edge at all times. There wasn't really any moment besides save rooms where I wasn't on high alert.

Enemy design is brilliant, they can be incredibly tanky which makes ammo conservation really worrying.

Overall I thought the puzzles were really good. Even the ones I struggled with were good puzzles in hindsight, I did feel like some were a bit convoluted and disconnected though. I've never used a guide before but I had to use one for some of these puzzles.

One thing I disliked was the map. Every single time you use the map it opens on the wrong page, unless you're on the floor of the default page ofc. Made taking a quick look at the map a real chore and you do need to use the map a lot because the place is confusing as hell.

Oh yeah, the voice acting was...very questionable too, not sure if they were going for an old school RE kinda thing but it didn't work, it wasn't cheesy enough to be charming, it just sounded pretty bad lol

Great game though and it's definitely one that I'll replay and I think will be a classic.


I finished this in around 7 hours and loved every single minute spent playing the game.

The fact it has been quite a divisive game is in my opinion a good thing, more games should be being made that put themselves out there and be something that isn't just a bland, watered down, cookie cutter product.

The game dumps you in a world with absolutely no direction and no hints, the world you're dumped in is completely alien and full of grotesque biomech scenery. I personally feel like having no instructions made the experience brilliant, I really felt like I was lost and a bit helpless in an alien location.
I enjoyed figuring out all of the puzzles, some folk seem to be finding them too obtuse but honestly they aren't that difficult, they just require a bit of patience and logic.

The weakest part of the game was definitely combat but I really didn't have that much of a problem with it. The weapons worked decently well and just took a bit of figuring out like the rest of the alien biotech in the game.

I think maybe expectations for the game were that it would lean more towards being an action alien shooter but it's actually a slow paced adventure/puzzle game and it could be a bit jarring if you go in expecting all the fast paced action.

Ebb Software created a disgustingly stunning game world and I'm delighted they presented it in this way!

I would have never played this if not for game pass and that would have been a damn shame.
Chivalry 2 is insanely fun!

The game begins with a nice tutorial that teaches you the basic level of combat, I wanted to skip the tutorial but for whatever reason the game put me in the tutorial, I'm glad it did. Despite the game just looking like a basic button bashing hack and slasher, it has a very intricate combat system, you can just bash the same couple of buttons and have a LOT of fun, you don't need to master the combat but there is a crazy high skill ceiling because of the different combinations and defensive techniques you can learn and master if you wish.
You're not just limited to your loadouts during combat. You can use a huge variety of things found across the maps, you can throw objects ranging from anvils to bread rolls, even chickens and you can find comedic weapons to use such as brooms. There's also siege weapons and traps to be utilised. You can be really creative with how you take on the enemy, even if it's just for a laugh.

I really enjoy the game modes too, I've always been a fan of multiplayer games which have multiple objective stages that require you to push and breakthrough as a team, super satisfying when you manage to break through with a big push as a team when the timer is almost up.
Defending often feels like you will inevitably lose but that does also make it even more satisfying when you manage to deny the attacking team.

There's quite a lot of customisation too and it's all obtainable through in game currency as far as I can tell.

I'd like to see the game get a lot more love. If it keeps getting support and continually updated the game will remain fun for a very long time. It has lots of potential to grow too!

I went from questioning if I should drop this game to it becoming one of my favourite games.

I was instantly struck with how stunning the game was. The first Biome is potentially my favourite so the fact it was the first worked well to get the hooks in early. The rain working with the haptics along with the music present made biome 1 almost ethereal at times.
The setting, story and soundtrack all work harmoniously to create an unbelievably atmospheric game, it just oozes the stuff.

The key that really unlocked my love for the game was the gameplay. I thought at first, dying and starting again with no carry over perks or abilities was very tedious but I eventually realised the guns all had a bunch of variations and you can unlock gun specific abilities that permanently make them stronger, providing you're dealt that weapon variation by the RNG gods.
After a while, even when I was being dealt bad RNG during a run, I was still having a LOT of fun! Once you've settled into the flow of the game and figured out how the game really works, it becomes a dance; a fast, fluid, action packed, dangerous dance and it all feels polished to the high heavens.
There are a small number of items that are permanent and they expand your exploration ability and also your gameplay mechanics, you'll unlock them as you progress to specific key moments of the game.

When you die the world will sort of shuffle itself and your path back to your furthest point will include pretty much all of the places you previously passed but in a different order and with different spawns. It can feel very confusing to begin with and you may wonder how you'll ever remember it all while trying to take on a bunch of creatures firing lasers and orbs at you but it will click and eventually you'll be whizzing around the areas without much thought which lets you focus more on enemy movement and attacks.

The story is incredibly mysterious and ambiguous, even upon completion, I'm not sure I can say for sure what is TRULY going on. I do believe there's more to the first ending though and can be unlocked by playing more.
I liked the depth of the mystery, I was completely absorbed with wanting to go deeper to learn more and felt it suited the game perfectly. Sometimes ambiguity can be good, I love theorizing personally and will probably have some fun reading other peoples takes on it. I'll need to unlock any further endings first though.

I still have a lot to uncover so plenty more time to be spent with the game.

I think this is a must play game but also realise not everyone will take to it, it's worth trying at the very least though.

Constant hits of adrenaline. This has great atmosphere and is truly terrifying. Enjoyed the puzzles for the most part.
Story was quite interesting but left with a really ambiguous ending which is slightly frustrating.
I also had a bug that froze the game during the fade to credits, reloading the file at 96% completion started the game from the beginning. No big deal but kinda sucks.

Brilliant escape room game.
If you ever did an escape room and enjoyed it then you will definitely enjoy this.
Nice variety of challenges with some well thought out puzzles and a good range of difficulty.

I'd love to see more games like this. You can play this co-op and I think adding an option to play with up to 4 or 5 friends could be a real hit.