I haven't really played many Mario games since 64 and loading this up for the first time had me wondering what these games are like nowadays.
Right off the bat it felt like I was playing Mario 64 with 20 years of polish and inprovement.

The hat mechanic felt a bit odd at first but after an hour or so it was pretty natural and is a mechanic I now really love. Not sure if it's something other games since 64 have used but I loved being able to control the enemies and use their abilities.

Loved the different locations, each with a cool theme packed full of exploration and discovery.
The Luncheon Kingdom can go to hell though.

The game is unsurprisingly easy overall but it did have some surprising sections that felt like a spike in difficulty. It was a nice surprise to have at least some challenging sections but It always makes me wonder how on earth I managed stuff like that as a kid, with an N64 controller to do it with too!

Great sound design to complement the whole experience. Something I think Mario has always had since the very first Mario game.

Great game and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who wants something really chill to play.

I didn't play this for 13 years because I hated the first 20 minutes back in 2009.

Not as bad as I expected to be honest. It's a pretty garbage RE game but it's quite a fun late 00's action game.

RE4 took the first major steps down the action path but managed to maintain the horror element. RE5 goes all in on action and drops the horror. It doesn't feel scary a single time throughout the whole game.

My experience playing solo was rough at times too, the game is clearly built for co-op and the AI was often infuriating. Definitely play with a friend if possible.

Glad I finally got round to giving it a chance. I'll play some of the extra content and maybe do 1 run on co-op but after that I don't see myself ever returning to this.

This review contains spoilers

The remake of my favourite game of all time did a lot right but in my opinion, it got a lot wrong too.

Characters were obviously more fleshed out with voice lines, amazing appearances and unique combat styles.
I really loved the additional Avalanche content, it made Jessie, Biggs and Wedge so much more valuable and I had some real emotion towards them rather than just seeing them as disposable characters.
Aeirith was another character I really had a change of heart for too, in the original I never really felt the way a lot of people did for her but having her brought to life and seeing her personality shine, she became one of my favourite characters.
I'd say the characters are by far the thing they did best with this remake.

Midgar and all of its locations are amazing and seeing them built and remade this way is what I always dreamed of.

The soundtrack is superb. I'd have been quite shocked if they messed this up but I think they did a great job with it.

As much as I loved some of the additional content, I HATED some of it too.
All the side quests are annoying and I know you can just skip them but my brain hates knowing I'm missing things and tbh I think it was just something they added to try and justify the game only being Midgar. Just more pointless padding out that wasn't really necessary.

I REALLY disliked the part of the Shinra Building where you're split up and just running round switching between teams to press levers, who comes up with that and thinks it's a fun addition?
There was a few sections like this where I just felt it was incredibly boring and only done to pad out the playtime.

Combat in the end just wasn't for me. I tried to love it early on and thought classic mode might be the answer but I just really never took to it.
Maybe with some polish it could work but I just want traditional turn based, I'm not interested in action gameplay while playing FFVII.

I actually really liked the weapon proficiency and how if you mastered them you could use those abilities with other weapons. However, I didn't enjoy the weapon upgrading, just finding a weapon and having fixed stats is fine for me, I don't want to be thinking about whether I want the weapon to focus on attack, defense, magic, etc... In the end I got fed up of seeing the hundreds of points and tried to forget about it. The weapons do look REALLY cool though.

I honestly don't think I really understand what they were doing with the ending. Probably going to have to read up about it a little bit but I wasn't a fan.
Just remake the original game and don't mess about with stuff.

I think fighting Sephiroth at the end of this game really deflates some of the excitement for the rest of the game for me.
Building up to that fight over however many parts they want to release would have made the moment you finally do face off against Sephiroth absolutely one of the best moments of gaming ever for me but they rammed it in to this part for whatever reason. I just don't get that.

I waited a long time to play this but overall I'm disappointed.
I replay the original every so often but I can't see myself replaying this one all that much, if at all.

A visually beautiful game with a soundtrack that complements it perfectly.
The rapport between Hank and Delilah is great and I'm sure it can develop in many ways depending on your choices.
Despite the mellow atmosphere of the game and all the flirty and humorous sarcasm sprinkled in through the radio conversations, the story is incredibly tragic and sad.

For anyone on the fence about the game. It's only 4/5 hours at a relaxed pace. Worth at least giving it a go, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

I can see why this was an amazing game at the time but it definitely isn't a game worth playing now. Unless you hold some deep nostalgia for the game then I don't see why anyone would be excited to play this today.

Probably really fun locally or online with friends but racing the AI in this game just doesn't feel fun to me.
Felt a bit too chaotic. I never felt like I was racing, just constantly being smashed with red shells, bombs and the "luckiest" green shell shots i've ever seen.
That chaos is hilarious when it's against real people but when the AI do it, it just feels like a really cheap way to make the AI difficult and I don't find that fun.

This surely has to become the foundation for future Pokemon games.
The recipe they put together here created such a superb game. I was completely hooked from the start.
I picked it up after not playing a game since the original Diamond and I got it because it looked like such a great new direction for the series. It's a direction I dreamt of since playing the original Blue/Red game.

It does have its flaws but only minor ones, they don't ruin the game but in my opinion they prevent it from being the masterpiece that I think is waiting to happen.

I loved the Hisui region but the lack of towns, trainer battles and Gyms was a bit disappointing.
Some of the end game battles DO make up for the lack of trainer fights but more of them would have been great.

Not having towns was a bit sad too. I used to love the feeling of finally reaching a new town after trekking a tough route and passing through an unexplored cave. Being able to discover what the new town had to offer was always so fun.

Gyms will be a welcome return in a new game too.
The noble battles just didn't do much for me. I liked that they tried something new with a more action focused bit of gameplay but I just found throwing bags of crap at the pokemon pretty lame.

There was one or two other things but they were mostly just me being whiny and I'm sure they didn't bother many people.
The only one that may have was the fact you had to return to Jubilife every single time if you wanted to go to a new place. It just meant double the loading screens and I can't think of a good reason for it?

I'm really excited to see what comes next after this game. Even just DLC would be amazing!

* I set this as Mastered but only got 9 Stars. I found the grind for the 10th star to be a bit tedious for no reward, everything else was done and I'm considering the game Mastered.

I'm so disappointed to abandon this but It just didn't hook me.
The gameplay and mechanics are really fun. I just didn't get anything from the plot. I didn't care about any of the characters and didn't care about the timeloop really, I felt like too much piled up and I had no desire to piece it together and figure out what it was all about.

I hardly ever abandon games. Maybe I will come back to this some time but who knows.

There was also a weird bug that caused the game to get stuck in the menu with no way to fix it. It happened once to myself and twice to my partner, each resulting in a minimum of 30 minutes gameplay being completely lost. Turns out the bug has been in the game since launch. Something like that should be fixed much faster.

With the gameplay being really fun and enjoyable, the one thing Deathloop has done is made me want to try a different Arkane game.

This was a cool little Indie game!

It's just a puzzle game with some fun mechanics to give your brain a little gymnastics. The gradual increment in difficulty was nice and felt finely tuned so as to not feel like you're walking off a cliff into the deep end, towards the end some of the puzzles really had me scratching my head though.

The game was complemented with some nice backgrounds and different scenery that the pedestrian you play as traverses. Also a nice little soundtrack to help mellow you out if you find yourself frustrated with the puzzles.

I really liked the final puzzle that takes place on the skyscrapers. I feel like you could have another whole 3 or 4 hour game with puzzles that utilise those mechanics.

It takes something special for a single player game to capture my attention for 83 hours and have me wanting to come back to finish side quests before moving on to 40 more hours of content.

The Witcher 3 did that.

I missed out when everyone went crazy about this back in 2016. I'm quite surprised it fell off so fast. I know it still has a decent player count but it doesn't seem so popular anymore.
I'm not particularly sociable but for groups of Pokemon fans it's fantastic. We see a bunch of people who still play in our local area and when we played during GoFest the whole city was buzzing with players doing raids together or just out catching in groups, it was really cool to see.

People claim that it's a cashgrab but I've played for almost a year now and besides some fun event tickets that I bought, I haven't spent a penny on the game.
The worst complaint is about having to spend too much money to get shiny raid Pokemon. Shinies are supposed to be super rare so if you don't get one with your free pass then that's just too bad. It's up to you how many more raid passes you buy to try and get one, not every raid Pokemon can be a guaranteed shiny.

You can earn coins to spend in the store on things like Raid Passes and supplies, which admittedly is a slow process. Being capped at 50 coins a day can be frustrating but I've managed just fine.

I wish there was more incentive to hold a gym. If you already earned 50 coins for the day then there is no real desire to go and take over the gym. I like doing it just because I like repping Team Mystic but there's nothing to earn beyond those 50 coins.

It's just a pretty fun mobile game if you play it casually and don't expect to be handed legendary shinies so easily, because that's the way it's supposed to be.

I've played an hour or two of this and it's just simply brilliant...
I haven't played all the courses yet but the selection is amazing, there must be about 8 courses that all have a variant to unlock if you collect some secrets while playing.
You can wander around the courses and admire the views. The course designs are superb. It really reminds me of being on holiday as a kid and playing mini golf.

I played a back 9 with a random guy and it was just so fun even though we didn't chat. When we started we both waved our clubs at each other and communicated with the golf club for the whole game lmao

Games like this are absolutely perfect to get someone into VR.

This wasn't as scary as 7 was but it made up for that in so many other areas.
The atmosphere and locations of the game are absolutely phenomenal for a Resident Evil game. I absolutely loved the Village and all of the locations you visit throughout the playthrough. They really did manage to blend together a mixture of RE 7 and 4 perfectly, I'm not sure if that was their intention but it feels like it was.

All the buzz surrounding Lady D was bizarre, I found her to be one of the lamest characters in the game. The 3 sisters you encounter in the same location were much better.

I still couldn't get attached to Ethan as a character. I didn't ever feel like I was playing as Ethan. Just some faceless character. Might be down to the first person thing or maybe just Ethan is a lame character, I dunno. The story is pretty good overall though, I loved the little notes that reveal more and more lore.

I'm excited to see the direction Capcom take this trilogy in and even more excited to see where the series goes beyond that. I feel like the RE engine has potential for some really incredible stuff after playing Village.

343 have produced what is almost the PERFECT Halo multiplayer with this.

I haven't enjoyed Halo multiplayer this much since Halo 3, Reach was great but not on the same level.
The gunplay feels a little weird, could be that I'm not used to the game anymore but it doesn't feel bad, the only thing that IS bad, no player collision, the amount of times me and an opponent melee each other only to then pass through each others body and start looking around frantically is too damn high!
Reduced melee lock on distance is a good thing but my muscle memory hates it at the moment.

Game modes feel slightly limited and the variety of maps could have been a bit more diverse if you want to start nit picking, the maps are great but the biomes are all pretty much the same.
Having no Slayer only playlist is a bit annoying because the Slayer players are infesting objective game modes and not playing objective, that's one of my biggest pet peeves in multiplayer games.
These are things that will become irrelevant over time because it's a game as a service now and the maps and mode selection will become larger.
Forge is yet to come also and that usually produces some awesome maps and really fun game modes.

Everyone knows...The Battlepass system blows. I have absolutely no problem with skins that cost money and stuff, providing there are skins you can unlock for free by playing. I just want to be able to unlock them at a fun pace and not feel like it's a real chore.

The game can easily become a 5 star game, improved map & game mode selection and improve the Battlepass. The game mode and map selection are almost guaranteed but the Battlepass, we will see. I have faith that 343 will get it right, they acted fast on initial feedback and it just takes a bit of testing and time to get it right.

I played this before ever playing RE 5 or 6 and I've heard 5 and 6 are both MORE actiony than this.

The setting for this game is actually really good and is mostly what made me want to play it before 5 or 6. A creepy cruise ship with tight corridors and puzzles.
The atmosphere is great but I feel like a lot of tension is taken away from the game for a few reasons.

Being able to move while shooting makes things feel less claustrophobic, I'm probably a minority in thinking that being planted while shooting makes RE games better.
Having a partner by your side also makes things feel less horrifying, even if it's just a practically useless AI Bot, horror games are never as scary if you're not alone.
I played on Normal and had a few struggles here and there but the sense of survival horror isn't all that present, I was constantly bombarded with ammo and hardly ever felt like I was going to run out, kind of the same with herbs at times.

I didn't care for the plot. I'm quite bad with following the story sometimes as it is but this just didn't interest me at all. Again, also biased to the early games and the S.T.A.R.S/ Umbrella plots.

My biggest gripe with this game is probably the water sections. I think the thing I hate most in videogames are underwater sections. I know there aren't TOO many of those and the game IS set on a doomed cruise liner but I just hate them so much.

There was a pool room in the game that had a giant mutation growing and I pressed a button that apparently makes the mutation die but nothing ever came of it, I went back to check once or twice but nothing developed. I can only assume it's something for New Game+

Definitely worth playing if you like the RE series. Many people probably played RE 5 and 6 before this and maybe this felt refreshing after those being so action based but to anyone coming in from The OG trilogy and even 4, it's very different.