Overall: A worthwhile remake of a classic RPG for fans, Final Fantasy VII Remake lays a solid foundation for the second installment.

Pros: Gorgeous character models and cutscenes, fantastic re-imagining of original soundtrack, strong voice acting, solid mix of turn based ATB and live action battle system, stays true to the spirit of the original.

Cons: Blurry textures and backgrounds, invisible walls block exploration consistently, story is at times confusing, only contains a small portion of the original game and ends on a cliffhanger.

Overall: An unprecedented sequel that surpasses the original with a masterful revenge tale full of surprises and breathtaking action sequences. An instant classic.

Pros: Best looking game on the platform, fantastic soundtrack and vocal performances bring these characters and world to life, heartbreaking and emotional story, improved gameplay from first game, accessibility features that improve the experience for all audiences, unforgettable locations and action sequences.

Cons: Dark, depressing mood and events could be too much for some players.

Overall: A worthy swan song for the PS4 and an action epic not to be missed by genre fans.

Pros: Absolutely gorgeous art style, strong vocal performances, action gameplay is tough, but not too difficult for action newbies, plenty of variance in gameplay and choices, wonderful story full of memorable moments.

Cons: Some side quests get repetitive, lack of lock-on feature can be an annoyance in combat.

Overall: A disappointing HD remaster of a hidden gem for the Gamecube, Square Enix fails to modernize the experience for the current generation. Hardcore fans of the original might still find some fun to be had.

Pros: Worthwhile graphical update gives the game new life, updated soundtrack sounds great, online multi-player replaces cumbersome equipment issues faced with multi-player in original game.

Cons: Extremely long loading times, added voice acting adds nothing to the experience and is generally poor, online multi-player experience is not up to current standards of gaming, no updates to gameplay to modernize experience, combat is simplistic for today's standards.

Overall: Insomniac's Spider-Man truly makes you feel like Spider-Man and elevates this beyond a Marvel property cash-in. Fans of all ages will find something to enjoy.

Pros: New York is alive and gorgeous to behold, solid story that sets up better things to come, largely gets the Spider-Man gameplay right, solid voicework and soundtrack, plenty of content in open world to keep gamers coming back.

Cons: Side quests are largely repetitive, open world features a decent amount of glitches, gameplay is touchy and can go wrong at inopportune times.

Overall: Miles Morales continues the winning formula established in the first installment and delivers a worthy follow-up that has its own style.

Pros: Same solid combat mechanics and traversal skills as first game, New York looks even better the second time around, voice work and soundtrack fit the difference in style and tone, less repetitive side quests than the original game, no horrible MJ story missions.

Cons: Short length compared to the original, less gadgets and superpowers, weaker story that doesn't add much to the overall plot (but has some nice character moments for Miles and crew), still a decent amount of glitches in the open world.

Overall: As a free tech demo for the PS5's new Dualsense controller features, it hits the mark, but it's also just a flat-out great platformer with charm to spare.

Pros: Goes through the history of PlayStation with panache, platforming controls are tight and responsive, uses all the new features of the Dualsense controller, gorgeous art style and graphics, catchy soundtrack, and just plain fun. Did I mention it's free?

Cons: Relatively short length, not very difficult, and some of the controller functions can be frustrating to perform consistently.

Overall: Resident Evil 7 switches the perspective to first-person for the first time in the series and delivers exactly what fans wanted after a few stale entries.

Pros: Goes back to the horror roots of the franchise and focuses more on the atmosphere than action, adapts well to the first-person perspective after several entries in third-person, same puzzle, exploration and survival gameplay Resident Evil is known for, excellent sound effects and visuals enhance sense of dread.

Cons: Story is initially intriguing, but devolves into standard Resident Evil nonsense, voice acting is hit or miss, not much in the way of new gameplay features for the series.

Overall: Final Fantasy 8 Remastered is worthwhile for fans of the original thanks to the updated graphics, added features for ease of gameplay, features that were already strong in the original (such as the soundtrack) and nostalgia. Newbies might find the plot convoluted, the junction system broken, and the game dated.

Pros: Updated HD graphics for character models look great, same outstanding cutscenes and soundtrack from the original, same fun battle system from the original, added features make the game easier to get through without frustration, one of the most unique games in the entire series.

Cons: Story is convoluted, junction system can be tedious and annoying, aspects of the exploration are extremely dated, backgrounds are a blurry mess like every other PS1 era Final Fantasy remaster.

Overall: Life is Strange 2 continues the series formula in an inconsistent package, but there's enough to grab series fans looking for more.

Pros: Story starts off strong, graphical improvements from previous games, mostly strong voice work, solid soundtrack, same reliable Life is Strange formula.

Cons: Story is disjointed and loses focus often which results in less impactful moments compared to previous games, weak secondary characters, animation for characters is still stiff, gameplay is more straightforward and stale compared to other games in series.

Overall: An action-packed sequel to Resident Evil: Biohazard that stands as one of the best entries in the series thanks to top notch survival horror gameplay, a new setting and intriguing storylines that set up future installments.

Pros: Gunplay is improved from RE7, tons of variety in enemies this time around, excellent mix of exploration, combat and looting, quality voice work, top notch graphics, fantastical atmosphere and setting sets a creepy mood, one of the best storylines in the series to date, doesn't try to go too over the top in typical Resident Evil fashion.

Cons: Might be a bit short for some who are more advanced at this series, some storyline threads left hanging for future installments will leave some players unsatisfied.

Overall: INTERmission is a fun and interesting side story DLC featuring Yuffie that feels right at home with the rest of the game. Recommended for players who enjoyed the main game.

Pros: Same quality gameplay, graphics, sound, and story presentation as the main game, Yuffie added to the roster of characters from the original game, new synergy mechanics are a solid addition.

Cons: Short at only 5-8 hours depending on how much side questing you decide to partake in, only available for PS5 players who upgrade their PS4 copy.

Overall: Lost Legacy does nothing new from the established Uncharted formula, but with a great script & characters, gorgeous graphics and tight gameplay, it continues the series with another great entry, even if it is a little short on content.

Pros: One of the best looking PS4 games, same tight gameplay as Uncharted 4, fantastic setting and presentation, outstanding voicework, script is funny and entertaining.

Cons: Short compared to majority of the series, story is fun but adds little to Uncharted series overall.

Overall: The best of the series to date, Rift Apart is a sight to behold for newcomers and veterans alike.

Pros: One of the best looking games made to date, voicework is impeccable as always, gameplay is as fun as it has ever been thanks to small additions to the established Ratchet formula, continues the story that has been left hanging for 8 years in "Into the Nexus".

Cons: Sometimes invisible walls can hinder enjoyment of exploration, not as much of a change from what Ratchet series has already done so gamers who haven't been into the series may not like what this has to offer.

Overall: Iki Island is more of the same from Ghost of Tsushima with a few wrinkles, but nonetheless is worthwhile for anyone who enjoyed the main game.

Pros: Same outstanding presentation and open world exploration, new side events such as archery contests and animal songs, combat gets a few new wrinkles, strong storytelling.

Cons: Not enough new content for those who got 100% of the main game complete and had extra resources & skill points.