I know the criticisms around this game are centered around some of the pacing, cutscenes and how cheesy it can get but honestly all of that didn’t really take away from my experience that much and especially by the end I really was glad to experience it all

I like the original more but this game is still great

After platinuming the game I’m still struggling on whether I like this game more than 4

It’s not silent hill 2 and it doesn’t need to be. This game doesn’t follow up 2 with another deep narrative and instead goes back to the first games story and really builds upon it. Seeing and reading Heather’s thoughts reminisce about the events from 1 and reading the notes left behind from Harry are the best things about this game narratively. It adds a more emotional input that the first game I think was lacking in and I really like that

My only and biggest problem with this game is that it takes a more direct approach with its horror by spamming enemies all over the place making the encounters really stale in comparison to the first two games. Feeling invincible in situations where you really shouldn’t just takes away from not only the horror aspect but also subtleness of these games making this game the weakest in the series when it comes to horror. It’s not to say the subtle environmental horror isn’t there in-fact there were plenty of times where I felt scared or uncomfortable in this game but when the game tries mixing the direct and subtle aspects the outcome is pretty weak compared to the first two games.

Anyways Heather is wholesome at least so it all evens out I guess

I teared up at the end bruh I ain't gonna lie this shit was just that good

Also might have my new favorite theme and final boss fight of all time

This game will always linger on my mind, especially with its insane ending. Its message truly gives you a new perspective on a lot of things.

I did not like this game a lot but after replaying it it’s safe to say that it’s peak

The setting is easily the best part of this game along with the sound design and puzzle solving (excluding the piano and the limbs puzzles because those puzzles are awful)

My only problems with this game is the somewhat predictable plot and the fact that there is some cryptic bull shit In the game that hinders some things

It was alright

ending credits are the funniest thing of all time tho