sucha chore moving around on the map and i hate how extremely close you have to be to attack meanwhile all enemies are damaging to touch.

It is cute and funny, it is just that what you can do in the game runs out really fast. Like there are not enough minigames or stuff to play around with. The villagers they are mostly decorations. Its fun for like 1 hour after that you get EXTREME BOREDOM and the next day you are gonna have the same extreme boredom if you play the game. Maybe it is healthy in a way too get a feeling of that you have done pretty much everything this day done and then too be free to ponder and reflect

I remember it as a really cool and fun game, I probably spent several days playing the game. It is kind of absurd and more gameplay focused than most Fantasy RPGs. Like you can earn money by taking the job as a smith in which you play an minigame where you smith swords instead of "gathering supplies put them on an anvil and voila a sword."

An interesting game if you are 8 years old.

It was fun being surrounded by psychopaths that found a home on a tropical island.

this game is so UGLY and boring...... it is so incredibly boring!

Nothing remarkable about it. It started of with some horror aspects but that just fizzles away the more you play and it becomes pretty standard.

A tad bit repetitive and most of the colossuses are kinda stale to fight against and are just platforming challenges disguised as an monster.

Wow this was so much fun and the game felt very imaginative and playful, It just fills you with joy. The classes played very well together and the levels looked great.

It is a unique game it is very quiet overall. The music is not very loud and you mostly listen to faiths foot steps hitting different materials. It is a very clean experience overall it does not add a lot of unnecessary fluff in hope that someone will fall in love with their unambitious add-ons.

It has a lot of ideas and the music is very good. It goes back and forth between great and bad but the bad things tend to stay just a bit longer when you play the game.

I would never hangout with Chloe in real life but its fun too hangout with her behind a screen because you do not have to live with the shrapnel that her actions tend to leave behind.

The characters feel a lot like people, somewhat annoying people, which makes Max power even more fun too use.

It has a cozy feeling like when you are hiding from your family members while they are having a fight with each-other but you are safe hiding from them :)

Super cool game! Fun abilities with playful mechanics, meaning you can kill someone on so many different ways. The level design is great. Is is a fun game too look at too. Kinda lame that the game somewhat punishes you for killing people despite it being the most fun thing in the game

This game introduced guns.... ugh that really does not feel like something an cool assassin would use. The whole virtual realm UI that constantly bugs you, remind you that this is just a simulation is a terrible idea.

Why does every enemy have too be so freaking ugly???