Fun game except that last stage. That one can go.

I can rec this VN, go on ahead and play it!

I like how this game is curated well artistically and musically. but the story, character, the game is very bland and it's been very consistent w/ this director.

This isn't a terrible BD entry, but a mediocre game in the general gameplay department in a class-based game

On the equipment weight, I can see what they were trying to do, create a little game w/ equipment w/ cost/benefits. But it ended not messing well w/ the battle system at all. I felt like I was playing I was playing FF5 w/ bad atb system & more information presented, but worse class design which is my next point.

This class design in this game is very just janky slapped together. Why am I learning tier 1 magic at different levels? Why is this passive not even useful in its own class? Why is this passive saying roughly/maybe? Are y'all not confident in what you made? Why am I more rewarded for spamming a busted skill than anything else? Forget the counter system, these bosses don't even get to interact after a certain.

But I can say the story is a bit campy which I like, The art is straight, and music good.

The Junction system is way simpler than what ppl were complaining about and allows for some cool things that weren't in games back then. It needs bit or refinement as far as the collecting of magicks. But other than that, I enjoyed what I played.

This has solid game structure, but the gameplay loop really hampers me from rating this well. Nothing interesting in battle outside of party swapping and the spells are kinda boring. but these are series issues.

This game is the best game in regards to gameplay pre 8. Class customization with the classes actually being distinct, not just stats. But narratively, a lot of good idea but poor execution esp with dream world thingy.

If I ignored the gameplay, I think it's a solid narrative esp compared to the games b4 it. Fine Saturday cartoon. From gameplay standpoint, It's kinda bland & not really engaging.

This is the best out of the first 3 games. However, I find the job system and certain parts of the game very underwhelming. the jobs themselves aren't very distinct in what they provide and the time you get to actually class change, it's basically at 50/60% mark of the game.

It did bring some conventions in the genre and the dungeons are dramatically better than the previous games. They make actual sense now

- Dungeon Design is awful & bogged down by encounters.
- items that you were gonna be used multiple times were only used twice, windbreaker???
- increase in mob count, but majority of AoEs are just okay in terms off damage

- /+ Clues are less cryptic than DQ1 but anything related to the keys very missable.

+ Boat Travel is cool & a the ablity to visit old areas from the first game.
+ 2 new party members and more skills

Not a bad game, I felt it was better paced than a lot of the games after it baring 5. The teleport spell was a cool idea, mad props.

Best Tekken on PS1!, love the soundtrack and stages.

I really don't like how the chars aren't unlock from the start. There is very little reason to gate characters outside of the legacy system. The combat is fine and most of the bosses aren't bad.