I played it when I was a bit older so it’s the second best one

Weirdly sexual. I guess they all are but Jill don’t have to make all them noises.

I played it when I was a kid so it’s the best one.

Potentially the greatest. Must replay to confirm but I don’t wanna. I guess that says something

Spent weeks on the Great Maze. Was horrible & wondrous.

Team Fabulous 2 Criterion Release When

I’ve got a whole ass video written analyzing this but I haven’t made the video itself cause my mic sucks. I should just nut up and do it.

I have fond memories of watching DarkSydePhil’s playthrough when it was first released

Happiness & Rage The Video Game. The Yin-Gang of the Mario Franchise

Sometimes I throw on the matthewmatosis video to help me fall asleep

I did my first ever monologue for a play with the Andrew Ryan speech to Jack. Cringtopia