Everything I said about ultimate applies here

Pretty fun game, it does suffer from lackluster online, from nintendo and the players themselves. It is an incredibly simple fighting game with tons of characters you already know and love

Fun game but overall very forgetable, don't need to play the switch version

This game was shat upon constantly, I didn't have near as many problems though, in fact, the motion controls felt pretty good during the on rails section, everything else including the dumb idiot walker is annoying, as much as I kinda like the controls I do wish there was a way to turn them off, but at the same time, the game doesn't have its own identity without them.

Everything about this game is just, bluh. When you initially play it, the concept of starfox x fire emblem is amazing, the story feels like its doing something daring, even having multiple endings and choices. But, and this but is abnormally enourmous, it gets old SO FAST. After unlocking all of the endings, it feels like you accomplished nothing, and playing it after feels like a chore, piloting the arwing gets oh so very old and straining. And the endings are just miserable.
The endings are either:
•nothing but shock value
•have a sad, desperate plot twist
•good (these are a dime in a dozen)

This is a game of dessisives, I live the open world, I love the combat, I love the story even.

The game has such a strong premise, madlibs the video game. Other than that premise and the hilarity it insues, there isn't anything else that motivates you to continue playing it.

The number one thing I can say about this game:the movement. The movement makes it feel like you own the game, like you can do anything you want to at any moment at any time

This game is heavily technique based, you will lose, its not a case of if it is a case of when, and it is up to you the player to learn how to overcome your opponent by observing their patterns. Your character isn't that strong in terms of taking hits or throwing punches, that is where the star system introduces itself, if you are brave enough to experiment, then you'll earn more powerful punches, or "stars", which you use by pressing start. This game is pretty hard though, keep that in mind

This game is fun for a first time, but afterwards you notice just how strong this rendition of little mac is, gone is the star system, with a new system of the super bar, if you're a better boxer, then you will be able to throw stronger punches, you feel way tankier in this game as well, with dodges lasting 15s, which is on the same level as just having I-frames for the whole fight

If you're into roguelikes, play it. If you love zany randomness, play it. If you have friends, play it. The only reason that you won't like this game is because you don't like zany randomness or roguelikes. Game is very hard though, almost specifically because of the randomness. Sometimes your circumstance feels like the game has gone out of its way to flip you off after burning your village and trampling your crops

This game is amazing, the combat, the art, the everything, it can get boring whenever you don't know where to go or what you're doing and I don't feel as though the skills add all that much to the combat, for better or for less.

Very fun game, it does take a while to learn properly but when you do, you will know it