The First Game I Played on Each System I Owned

Maybe not a lot of surprises here, but a nice trip down memory lane nonetheless...
Only counting machines I actually bought (or legitimately took ownership of eventually), so ones borrowed, stolen or just played on do not count.

Xbox Series X 2021 (Age 40)
So this is what the future looks like.
Get the console, plug it in and then just set it up on my phone whilst 'working'
Tell it to download 120GB of Flight Sim so after dinner the whole fucking world is waiting for me.
Coming from the one X there wasn't much of a leap in the games I play like Rocket League or Minecraft, but by gods, this game made me see what 4 more years really meant...
Xbox One X 2017 (Age 36)
Lured in by the 60fps and 4K crispness I got my Project Scorpio on launch day.
Don't think I had do a lot of looking, but it just turned up on my doorstep one day.
What a difference from the N64 launch 20 years back - or importing a Gamecube because I needed to play it NOW.
Anyway, sexy console, still in use downstairs - almost certainly got christened with Rocket League - where I found 60fps took a little getting used to!
Elite Dangerous was probably the main beneficiary of the 4K, once the sun had gone down so I could actually see something on the screen.
Switch 2017 (Age 36)
Having a 3DS and Wii U, I wasn't sure I needed a new Nintendo just yet.
Had they lost their spark?
I liked the hardware of both systems, but there was no denying the games were not getting the playtime to match.
Except Breath of the Wild which I had kinda bought the Wii U for in preparation anyway.
Then it launched and everything I read made me want one.
A friend brought his into the office.
As soon as I had touched it I needed it.

Managed to wait for Mario, cos I decided the Red Joycons were really the only ones to get.
Great game, truly a joy to play - and got all kinds of envious looks when breaking it out on a plane - must have sold a good few Switch's to my fellow travelers in those days...

Also, playing Rocket League on a bus at 6am is really 21st century shit.

I do love this console, stick drift and all...
Xbox One 2014 (Age 33)
Resisted buying the Xbox One until they brought my baby onto it.
Then, with shiny new lighting and a first-person camera mode, it was impossible to resist.
I made a point of playing through the single player all over again in 1st person, just because.
Even though I don't looove Rockstar and actively hate TakeTwo, I love this game.
SNES Classic Mini 2017 (Age: 36)
So this is cheating as its a mini console, but its worth noting that the first game I loaded was Super Metroid.
That eerie title screen with the smashed metroid case, that intro Ridley fight and the escape.
Then the Zebes rain.
Epic feels.
PC 2017 (Age 36)
Bought a new music PC, thought I'd see if it played games seeing as it had 2Gb Gfx card.
It did.
Bought a wheel so I could play this one-handed whilst holding my newborn...
Don't think I have any other games on this PC.
Wii U 2015 (Age 34)
The girlfriend moved in and I thought I could win her over with some Nintendo charm.
She had played a little bit of Wii, so I knew she could bowl - but this was gonna be the console that got her into the real stuff.

Also, I knew that Zelda BOTW was coming one day, so I would have to get a WII U eventually...

Bought the Mariokart 8 pack and picked this up as it looked like it would have some fun tech demo stuff - which, of course, it did.

Some fun drinking game potential in here for sure.

Poor Wii U got forgotten pretty quick but I did get BOTW for it and I could play it on the chunky handheld console whilst she watched TV - awesome stuff.

It also got a new lease of life recently when my daughter discovered the joys of Mariokart (I try not to give her the Switch) looks like it will still be hanging around for years to come!
3DS 2014 (Age 33)
My job had me catching planes around Europe regularly (like 6 flights a week regularly) so when I tired of the 2000 hour Pokemon Pearl endgame and iPhone games the 3DS was natural progression.

This is an absolute beauty of a game, prob my 2nd favourite Zelda of all time (at the time, anyway) revamped with acoustic and orchestral versions of the classic SNES tunes and some truly lovely 3D moments to draw you in.

Went back to reading books after a while as I couldn't afford to buy all the games I wanted, but this Zelda is right up there.
Xbox 360 2010 (Age 29)

New Start, New Console.
Had played a lot of original Xbox and Xbox 360 with friends but now it was time to get my own.

Bought it with Forza cos it was a mighty fine looking game.

All downhill from there :)
Wii 2008 (Age 27)
Obviously I had played Wii Sports and all the rest, but never had the money, time or inclination to buy a new console until finding myself in Scotland.
I believe Warner bought this as a housewarming thing - might have been his 2nd or 3rd Wii.
Regardless, I just freaking loved Metroid Prime 1 and 2 and would not let 3 pass me by.
The game was amazing, the (probably by now very tacky) motion controls gave an epic feeling of really landing on a planet but the shooting and combat were really where the control scheme shined.
A fantastic game, pretty sure I 100%-ed this one as it was so good.
Gamecube Nov 2001 (Age 20)
The Gamecube was gonna be 6 months late to Europe and I couldn't wait.
Imported a Japanese one with a modification to play the US games - just as the US version was launching.
Ordered it with Rogue Squadron, Waverace, Monkey Ball and Luigi's Mansion - a month later I was able to get an imported Smash Bros. and really live the dream.
All great games, but Rogue Squadron really showed off the bump-mapping and next gen beauty.
Also showed off my non-NTSC capable TV, so I had to go to Curry's and buy a whole new TV just to see this stuff in colour.
What a console...
NES 2001 (Age 20)
We bought a 2nd hand NES and used it for party games, pretty much only Duck Hunt and Punch Out were playable I recall.
Nintendo DS Lite 2006
Sqibb had imported an original silver DS back in 2004 and we had played the shit out of it - think I had it for while too but it doesn't count as no money changed hands...
Animal Crossing was the game that meant we really needed one each, so I bought a sexy black DS Lite, still one of the tidiest consoles I own today.
Like all great handhelds, it has been in the hands of various people down the years - now my daughter uses it to shout instructions at her poor long-suffering Nintendogs.
A truly great investment
PC 2001 (Age 20)
Bought my first music PC and also bought an internet line for my mum's house when I came back from Uni.
Some ginger 16yo who worked at Dominos with me told me to get on Runescape cos it was a laugh.
It was.
Coming from the days of Diablo Battlenet this was really something else - graphically a mess but functionally mindblowing.
You could just go and fish, smash rocks or try to kill things if you liked,
Or just run around laughing at the crazy turn-of-millenia webchat, which is really all we did - prob lasted about 2 weeks before it got a bit old.

Anyway, did eventually install Morrowind on this PC - and that was the end of that...
Lynx 2000 (Age 19)
Found a retro games store near Leicester (who would eventually import my JP Gamecube for me).
Bought Warner a Lynx a gift.
He made us go back there so I could buy one for myself too - so we could play Red Baron on multiplayer.

California Games, or more specifically, Surfing in California Games, is my jam.

A lot of fun to be had here - still got my Lynx in the drawer...
PC Laptop: Pentium I 2000 (Age 19)
I got this laptop from a friend when he got a new one, I had it for years so pretty sure it counts although I doubt I ever actually gave him money for it.

We used to play DopeWars on it, which was a super-lofi trading game with drugs instead of normal materials.
Pretty funny, although there was no action or graphics or animation of any kind, just bars going up like ProgressQuest.

I think I got onto The Sims (1) soon after, but DopeWars was defo the first...
Game Boy Advance 2001 (Age 20)
Waited until this came out to get the GBA.

Possibly the best Mariokart ever, with a 4 player multiplayer and controls so tight the time trial was really worthwhile.

Amazing console, so good it got stolen on holiday and I never bought another in protest.
N64 Mar 1, 1997 (Age 16)
I waited for this for years - first announced in 1995 and I had a GamesMaster clip on video that I had rewound so many times the tracking was all over the place.
Took a 9am train to Basingstoke on my own, 400quid stuffed deep down into the pockets of my oversized brown cords, went into Electronic Boutique and marched straight up to the counter, sweating.
Only then did I realise the shop was filled with parents and kids, crowding around the demo machines setup - all trying to get one of these beasts - and there were literally none available.
Lucky I had preordered in like September, so I got mine, grabbed it, fled that hellhole and never looked back.

Watching my 4 yo daughter play Minecraft nowadays makes me laugh how long it took us to get the hang of a thumbstick.

Took me 1 week to complete, then another 2 to get all 120 stars.
Then had another month to wait for Waverace 64...
PC: 486 SX Monochrome LCD 1996 (Age 15)
My handwriting was lousy so my mum borrowed a laptop from her office for me to use.
I borrowed the shareware Doom disc from a school friend.
The LCD screen blur was out of this world, but then so was the action. Timeless, even in black and white.
SNES 1996 (Age 15)
Finally caved and bought a friends SNES 2nd hand, having spent 5 years playing on Warner's one - and waiting for the N64 to come...
Never had a NES, so this was the real Mario for me. The music still sets the baseline for all Mario's to come.
Gameboy 1995 (Age 14)
Rough estimate here, was late to the portable game for sure.
Got my all-black original gameboy in Camberley. Still got it on a shelf behind me.
Awesome mario game too...
CBM Amiga Xmas 1991 (age 10)
Got the Amiga with the Cartoon Capers pack - including Captain Planet, Lemmings and Deluxe Paint III
Had already played Lemmings at school on the Acorn Archimedes, so this was the first to be booted up.
It opened with an incredible full-screen animation that looked just like a real cartoon - it blew my mind!
The actual game was hard as nails tho, so soon got shelved for the mighty Lemmings.
VIC20 Xmas 1988 (age 7)
After seeing the obligatory flashing "Happy Xmas" message flashing in a radioactive glow of Magenta and Cyan on the screen, pretty sure this is one of the first tapes we loaded up back then.
It was an absolute banger on this machine...


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