dancing mad got me dancing fr

I am Zarathustra, over comer of my fate

This is literally the worst game of all time

A wise warrior once said "the battle is against the camera, not the enemy my son"

me enjoying this game is like a white man feeling not privileged so, good job falcom

Going into this, I wasn't fully sure what to expect with the new formula, new setting, new main character and all that

For such a refreshing take on the series and the start to whatever comes after, I applaud the number of risks they took with this game. Yet for all of these risks taken be it with the writing style or gameplay, all of them contribute towards making it a great entry furthermore. That's not to say it isn't without issues, the new gameplay certainly felt experimental and you can see they weren't fully clear about what to make of it, but what they did make of it is fantastic. I trust 8 only to improve upon it.

The writing, where do I even begin...this game is probably the most suited to my tastes in the series as far as general writing style goes and I couldn't be happier with it. The lighter tone yet more mature approach to social issues like the existence of a backwards society that no other game in this series does justice, extremely fulfilling side character content for the main cast, brilliant tie ins to the first 7 games and on....yeah I could sit here all day about how well put this is for a new identity to the series. My issues with the story are far too minimal to even mention.

this game is based on goldy's thoughts


Takuru Miyashiro should have focused on trying to save this VN instead of his best friends

Innocent sin walked so Eternal Punishment could RUN

I like the part where they kept the superbowl for pedophiles in the C route