better lightsaber combat than all of the official Star Wars releases

a game that is terrible on every level. even if you pirate it to avoid giving J.K. money that will inevitably go to anti-trans organizing, this game is bland at best. visually ugly, ubisoft side content, horribly generic storyline, clunky combat, I could fucking go on. I liked Sebastian Sallow a lot, but even his story ends on an anti-climactic note and lacks polish just like the rest of the game


Am I mentally unstable if I take great joy in looking into my opponents eyes as I punch him over and over until his head explodes into giblets?

Edit: I was too much of a coward at the time to admit that I never actually beat this. The final boss is so unfun to fight that I just gave up lol. Really fun if you don't care about beating it though.

I had this amazing, compelling ending making my heart glow only to get a booty call from my pedophilic homeroom teacher. This game is as hilarious as it is beautiful, just like Persona 4. I really gotta play the whole series at this point.

Jacket doesn't speak a single word in this game and yet he's my favorite character in fiction. A man who goes from vomiting after his first hit to wiping out an entire police station and killing the leader of the fucking Russian Mafia. The final levels bring me to such an extreme high every time. But once I watch that bullet go through that old mans face, I just feel empty. I bet Jacket feels the same way. Masterpiece.

you know when John Halo drops into a room full of enemies and is so unafraid that he goes "boo" at them, you'd think in gameplay they wouldn't instantly gun you down like a fucking dog

"wow, this new Flood level is awesome! this game is about to get so good!" - me, a fucking fool, an utter nimrod

the companion storylines carry the SHIT out of this games awful story

I like hearing my one friend yell at my other friend because he won't take people's fucking orders

Slender-Man isn't even freaking me out he's just pissing me off

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this is genuinely so fucking sad jesus christ

I don't think I'm in this games demographic anymore

News Man: "They do not feel pain"
Vermin when I smash them with a fucking hammer: "AAACH"

I don't think this is about how fish are made


the people that don't like this games combat are nerds