An improvement over the first game in every way possible, Gears of War 2 is definitely the best game in the series.

It's a ruthless game, full of violence, gore and action.
The story is pretty interesting for the most part, nothing special but it does depict the atrocities of war very well.

The gameplay is enjoyable, it's a brutal fast paced cover shooter with a good amount of creative weapons to use.

The dark atmosphere sets the tone of the game perfectly, and it can be quite scary at times. There are many different areas that you visit throughout the campaign, and each area looks unique.

Last but not least, the boss fights are jaw-dropping!
This really is an Epic game after all.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

I was very excited to play a Super Mario game again after so many years, and having seen all the praise for Super Mario Odyssey, I was sure I was going to enjoy this game.

In many ways, I think it lived up to the hype, from the very beautiful worlds, to the phenomenal gameplay mechanics and interesting power-ups, this game is a joy to play.

The story is the same as always, it's kind of whatever, but the ending is honestly amazing, and the throwbacks to the previous games are handled very well.

What bothered me unfortunately was the grinding for the Power Moons, infact, it exhausted me to the point where I got lost several times and it mostly felt like a chore.

Also, the boss fights are underwhelming, some of them are actually re-skinned, which is surprising for a short game like this one.

Overall, even though I expected something more from it, this one of the most enjoyable platformers I've played.

Final Rating: "Fantastic" - 8.5/10.

A dream come true.
Rebirth is an evolution, an improvement from the first game in every single way, a true sequel, and a mind-blowing remake.

I'm absolutely amazed, I didn't expect a game this big, with so much content, a crazy amount of mini-games, and an actual open world map where you can travel seamlessly to other continents and get distracted by random side activities, it's genuinely insane.

What surprised me the most though is the fact that combat feels better than ever, the gameplay mechanics are deep, there are so many new materia to use, combos last for way longer, and the addition of the aerial combat helps a ton.
It's worth mentioning that this game is actually quite challenging sometimes, I really had to think a lot and play strategically, which is fun obviously, however, I noticed a small difficulty spike near the end, but the epic spectacle fights and gorgeous visuals made every encounter worthwhile.

Also, I just have to mention how phenomenal the soundtrack is, like wow, the entire soundtrack features over 400 songs, which is wild!

As for the story, at first I was somewhat worried about the new direction it took, but as I kept playing, I noticed that for the vast majority of the game, the story is very faithful to the original game, and I'm glad! The characters are amazing, the side stories are beautiful, and almost everything was handled with love and respect, and I couldn't be happier.
That being said, the only issue I have with this game is the ending. I'm not going to spoil anything, but I just think that it's not executed very well, in fact it's kind of a mess sadly, I like some things about it, but overall it made the story even more confusing than before, and took away all the emotional impact from the original game. Ultimately, it doesn't really affect or ruin the overall game because it's just 1 chapter in a game that's around 40-50 hours long, and also, this game only covers the middle part of the original story, so there are many things left unanswered, which means that I still don't have a definitive opinion yet, since many things are going to be answered in the sequel.

I absolutely love this game, it's a JRPG masterpiece and the best Remake I've played to date, it surpassed its predecessor, and I cannot wait for the third and final chapter of the Final Fantasy VII Remake Trilogy Project.

Final Rating: "Excellent" ~ 9.5/10.

This is it, the best JRPG I have ever played.
Where do I even begin? How much it impacted me throughout my teenage years and helped me with my struggles? How it expanded my horizons and introduced me to JRPGs, some of my favorite games, Anime and Japanese Culture?...

Persona 5 Royal knows exactly what it wants to be, it knows how good it is, and it knows what the player wants from it. If you aren't familiar with Turn Based RPGs, don't be afraid, this is a game that deserves to be played from everyone, and luckily, it's the perfect starting point for newcomers.

This game has EVERYTHING... literally, the amount of content is absolutely groundbreaking, so many things to do, from going to school, to fighting monsters, hanging out with people, playing mini-games, partaking in social events, having a job and many more, it's just insane.

The characters I met in this game felt real and very relatable in many ways, they gave me a place to stay and I felt like I belonged somewhere. They're arguably one of my favorite main casts in any piece of fiction ever.

Now, for the story, the game touches some very serious and dark themes such as abusing the weak, depression and insecurities, greed for power, anthropology, how humans think and act, carving your own path in society, and making your dreams come true by achieving them and not giving up, which is in my eyes one of the most compelling and deep stories I've ever experienced. Personally this game really helped me with my social anxiety and gave me the motivation to escape from it.

The gameplay is flawless, it's in my opinion the most advanced turn based game ever, from the very satisfying and fast paced combat mechanics to the masterfully crafted animations, this is a very enjoyable game even for those who are not into turn based games.

As for the social simulator aspect, it's probably my favorite part of the game, bonding with the characters and experiencing their stories, helping them with their problems, gaining new abilities that enhance the gameplay, it's very deep and maybe a little bit complicated in the beginning, but quite simple once you understand how the mechanics work.

I also want to talk about the super stylish animations which are very charming and exciting to look at, the art-style is the best I've ever seen period, no other game has such style as this one, from the Showtimes, All-Out Attacks, and special abilities to the menus, everything looks absolutely stunning, and even the in-game animations share this "comic book" art-style that fits perfectly into the game.

Lastly, the music is just out of this world, easily the best soundtrack I've ever heard in a videogame, not a single song that I don't like, it literally became a part of my everyday life.

I think this is everything I wanted to say about this masterpiece of a videogame, it goes beyond of what videogames are capable of, it's a very long, emotional and unforgettable journey.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

League of Legends is insanely huge, it's one of the most successful and popular games of all time for good reasons.

It's a fantastic game, very fun to play with a rich lore, phenomenal character design, great music and creative ideas, unfortunately brought down by its own toxic community and development team.

There are so many fascinating gameplay mechanics but the balancing issues are very obvious from a mile away.

And it's worth to mention that the learning curve is pretty high, so a newcomer might not enjoy it very much.

I'll always have a special place in my heart for this game even though it can be a mess sometimes, it's part of my childhood and I respect it.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

The best way to play this game, Full Body adds a lot of content and makes the game more accessible to play. Personally I'm not a big fan of the new story chapter but I like the new characters and gameplay mechanics.

This game is something of a guilty pleasure for me.
The story is actually decent overall with some genuinely funny interactions, but also some deep messages and themes.

I really enjoyed the gameplay, it might look simple in the beginning but things get serious later on, with the last 2-3 dungeons being somewhat more challenging than the rest. The only downside to it is that it's quite repetitive, not only the puzzles but even hanging out at the bar, unfortunately the things you can do in the game aren't that many, it's very linear.

As for the soundtrack, it's so good! Very unique and charming, adds a lot of personality to the game's atmosphere and vibe.

Lastly, there's a decent amount of content, the various challenges and even the multiplayer mode, which is more than enough for a game like this.

However, I do think that the game is outdated in some ways, the character's movement feels clunky, the 2D animation is choppy and the facial expressions are strange to say the least.

I finished this game in one sitting with no breaks, and it took me 14 hours. It was very fun from start to finish, which is a very big compliment considering how I've never played a game similar to Catherine before, it truly is a very one-of-a-kind game.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

The best way to enjoy this game, the additional content not only gives closure to the overarching story, but it also connects this game with the previous games, making it a very complete package.

To Infinity and Beyond.
BioShock Infinite is gorgeous, it has some of the best world-building in any videogame, and a very unique artstyle that makes it look special and timeless.

The story's premise is very interesting, it touches some controversial topics, but what I like the most about the game is the 2 main characters, they are the heart and soul of the story and carry the entire game all the way to the end.

As for the gameplay, it's pretty good, the shooting feels heavy and responsive, and the vigors add some depth to it, all in all I'm satisfied.

Unfortunately though, the mission structure is quite repetitive, and combined with the questionable pacing, the game feels longer than intended, also the late game difficulty spike felt tedious and unnecessary.

This is a very solid game overall, it's full of style and flair, the focus on being a fast paced First Person Shooter game is definitely a big departure from the toned down, dark and grounded nature of the previous games. Where Infinite lacks the horror and more experimental gameplay mechanics, it makes up with the improved fast paced shooting and environmental combat.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

One of the best platformer games I've ever played.

The gameplay mechanics are very enjoyable and the level design is incredible, some levels are just jaw-dropping and they have their own unique art-style.

The music is fantastic and really fits with the game. There are also some "music levels" that are solely focused on the music which are very unique and cool.

As for content, there's a decent amount of it, making the game very replayable if you want a challenge.

And lastly, the boss fights are interesting and pretty decent, some of them are simple enough but they look great, and some others are quite tough.

Overall, this game contains everything a platformer needs, a must-play if you are a fan of this genre.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

One of the games that made me a gamer, and one of my favorite childhood games.
The gameplay is very fun and addictive, so many mechanics to experiment with, albeit quite slow and heavy.

Subspace Emissary is one of the best additions to the game, and playing with other players makes it even better.

Last but not least, it's worth to mention that this game has the best original music in the series and the best remixes aswell.

Back then I didn't know many games, Brawl helped me discover so many new games and characters, and I'll always respect it for that.

Overall, I had the time of my life playing this game as a kid with my siblings, it's a one of a kind experience and I'll never forget the times we've spent together playing this game.

Final Rating: "Excellent" ~ 9.5/10.


The pinnacle of the indie genre, Hades is absolutely remarkable, and the perfect example of what makes a videogame "fun".
I really don't like the concept of Rogue-Like/Rogue-Lite games, but Hades was surprisingly enjoyable from start to finish.

The characters are the highlight of the game for sure, every character is very likeable, they all have their own personalities, and they really enhance the story of the game, which is very simple and all around just good.

The gameplay is fantastic, all the power ups and the Boons make it less repetitive, which is a big issue with Rogue-Like/Rogue-Lite games, and I love how Hades tries to stay away from repetitiveness as much as possible, by adding unique dialogue to almost every encounter, it's crazy how much effort was put into this game.

Also I love the soundtrack, it's has a unique old school arcadey vibe to it and fits perfectly with the game.

This is quite literally a flawless videogame, the only complain I have is that it's just not really my type of game, but the fact that I enjoyed it that much should tell you how stellar this game truly is.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

Probably the weakest expansion of the game but it's still fun.
The story is kind of dull and the level design pretty boring, but I enjoyed the gameplay a lot.

It's nothing extraordinary, just a short little story that gives some context to Gladiolus, and a cool boss fight.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

The Game of the Year Edition offers the definitive Bloodborne experience, The Old Hunters Expansion is a must-play if you own Bloodborne, and it elevates the game to new heights.

Bloodborne was my very first FromSoftware game, and having no prior experience from their past games I expected to have a hard time with it.

So did it live up to the hype? Yeah, I really enjoyed it, in fact at times I wanted it to be more difficult, but overall I think that it's fairly challenging, it knows when to punish you and it knows when to reward you.

I loved the gameplay, it's extremely fun with some creative mechanics, and the amazing trick weapons. The first area is quite rough but once you manage to understand how some of the mechanics work, then it's just a joy to play.

The worldbuilding is breathtaking, and the way the world changes when you have more insight is absolutely genius. There's a lot of content, exploring the different areas, uncovering secrets, finding shortcuts, interacting with the characters, completing side stories and taking your time with the game feels very rewarding.

The atmosphere is unrivaled, it's scary and haunting but also beautiful in a very dark way. I absolutely adore the Gothic-Cosmic Horror theme and the Victorian-era inspired architecture, possibly my favorite setting in any videogame.

The monsters look terrifying, some very interesting designs and nice symbolisms, I personally got to kill every single boss - even the optional bosses - and I really liked most of them, they require strategy and quick reflexes.

The Blood Vial farming is very obnoxious in the beginning, but it's not a big issue once you progress halfway through the game. Having to manage your resources becomes more of a secondary distraction, and the rally mechanic allows you to heal while playing aggressively.

Now, where the game disappointed me is the second half of the main campaign, the boss fights not only get progressively easier, but the quality of the game falls a little bit.

Also I want to point out that the lore is very intriguing and rich, full of mini stories, the way everything connects together is what makes it truly special.

Overall I genuinely enjoyed this game, it really is an exceptional experience, especially if you're a fan of the genre, it's pretty close to perfection.

Final Rating: "Excellent" ~ 9.5/10.

A very special and unique videogame experience.
One of the most depressing, complex, and deep stories I've had the pleasure of playing through, I love the subtlety, the symbolisms, the foreshadowing and relatable characters. It's a very well written game, it's aware of the themes it touches, and it gets even better when you replay the game to get the full story.

The gameplay is good, the abilities are fun to use, and the combos are satisfying, however, you unlock most things pretty early in the game, so it can get repetive after a while.

The new rearranged music is incredible, better than the original, and dare I say one of my favorite videogame soundtracks ever, absolutely beautiful.

If there is one thing that bothered me personally, is the amount of backtracking you have to do in the main story. Running back and forth, visiting the same areas multiple times, sometimes for unnecessary reasons, can get tiresome.

Overall this is an outstanding Remake, and easily the best way to experience this game.
It has few outdated elements like the fact that you need to collect all the weapons in the game in order to get the true ending which can be very exhausting, or the generic side quests, but it's still a phenomenal experience, and the new additional story related content is worth checking out.
Just for the story alone, it's worth playing through, at least twice, trust me.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

I'm so glad that I've finally experienced this legendary game, it's definitely the best old Final Fantasy game I've played.

The gameplay is surprisingly decent albeit slow and outdated in some aspects, but the beautiful story makes the experience worthwhile.

The characters are interesting and likable, some of them could have had more development but the main cast is great.

The music is brilliant, arguably one of the most iconic soundtracks in videogame history.

The only things I disliked about the game are the annoying minigames that affect the pacing, and the unnecessary filler in the middle of the game, but other than that there isn't anything else that bothered me that much.

Even after all those years, this game managed to surprise me and even make me feel emotional, it's such a big game, and probably even a masterpiece for its time, I'm honestly impressed.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

To keep it short, I actually enjoyed this game, it's simple, fun, inoffensive and a good way to pass your time.

It does have few issues, for example the combos are short, many characters are somewhat similar to each other, there aren't many game modes, and the game crashes from time to time (rarely, but it does happen), but other than that, the gameplay overall is okay, and there are some interesting mechanics that work well.

Last but not least, I don't really like the gacha systems, rolling for skins and emotes, unlocking characters is very randomly generated, even though I do appreciate the fact that you can still play characters you don't have with the help of some coins that you can use up to 3 times per day, and you can also unlock some characters by leveling up, which is great!

As for the customization, it's quite underwhelming to be honest, there's barely anything worth unlocking. Also the User Interface is absolutely terrible, very clunky and messy for no reason.

That being said, it's a free-to-play game so it's worth trying out, give it a shot!

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.