This is a celebration of Tekken.
Overall it's an enjoyable fighting game but very unbalanced.

The core gameplay is great but there are so many things that can break the game's rules. There are way too many unnecessary characters and the rage mechanic can be annoying to play against.

As for the content, there's a lot! Even if you don't want to play online, there are many gamemodes you can choose from.

Last but not least, the character customization is very varied and has many items to use.

A very fun fighting game albeit somewhat broken in some aspects, it really feels like an amusement park full of content.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

An Incredible tale of Father and Son.
This new fresh soft "reboot" of the God of War series is a masterfully crafted experience from beginning to end.
In terms of story, writing, pacing and tone, it's brilliant, Kratos himself went from a bloodthirsty monster to a very mature and wise character, and his son Atreus is arguably one of my favorite sidekicks in any videogame ever.

I love the gameplay changes, combat feels more realistic and grounded, but it can also be quite chaotic and action heavy, with many abilities to unlock, combos to do, and clever mechanics to try out. The camera can be somewhat frustrating during some fights but I didn't mind it much.

The environment looks fantastic, so many areas to explore and secrets to find, unlocking new equipment or upgrading weapons feels very rewarding.
The game also has backtracking, so you can always go back and find new things, and even a mini open world map where you can travel to various realms you've unlocked and explore every last corner.
There's a good amount of side content such as side quests and challenges as well, and it's definitely worth checking out.

What I didn't enjoy much personally is the re-skinned troll boss fights, there are many of them and they're all very similar. Also the final act is quite slow compared to the rest of the game, and even though I really liked the climax and the final battle, I was expecting something more.

That being said, for me this is one of the most important First Party Sony games of the PlayStation 4 generation, a videogame that everyone needs to play at least once, absolutely remarkable.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

This is it, the best JRPG I have ever played.
Where do I even begin? How much it impacted me throughout my teenage years and helped me with my struggles? How it expanded my horizons and introduced me to JRPGs, some of my favorite games, Anime and Japanese Culture?...

Persona 5 knows exactly what it wants to be, it knows how good it is, and it knows what the player wants from it. If you aren't familiar with Turn Based RPGs, don't be afraid, this is a game that deserves to be played from everyone, and luckily, it's the perfect starting point for newcomers.

This game has EVERYTHING... literally, the amount of content is absolutely groundbreaking, so many things to do, from going to school, to fighting monsters, hanging out with people, playing mini-games, partaking in social events, having a job and many more, it's just insane.

The characters I met in this game felt real and very relatable in many ways, they gave me a place to stay and I felt like I belonged somewhere. They're arguably one of my favorite main casts in any piece of fiction ever.

Now, for the story, the game touches some very serious and dark themes such as abusing the weak, depression and insecurities, greed for power, anthropology, how humans think and act, carving your own path in society, and making your dreams come true by achieving them and not giving up, which is in my eyes one of the most compelling and deep stories I've ever experienced. Personally this game really helped me with my social anxiety and gave me the motivation to escape from it.

The gameplay is flawless, it's in my opinion the most advanced turn based game ever, from the very satisfying and fast paced combat mechanics to the masterfully crafted animations, this is a very enjoyable game even for those who are not into turn based games.

As for the social simulator aspect, it's probably my favorite part of the game, bonding with the characters and experiencing their stories, helping them with their problems, gaining new abilities that enhance the gameplay, it's very deep and maybe a little bit complicated in the beginning, but quite simple once you understand how the mechanics work.

I also want to talk about the super stylish animations which are very charming and exciting to look at, the art-style is the best I've ever seen period, no other game has such style as this one, from the Showtimes, All-Out Attacks, and special abilities to the menus, everything looks absolutely stunning, and even the in-game animations share this "comic book" art-style that fits perfectly into the game.

Lastly, the music is just out of this world, easily the best soundtrack I've ever heard in a videogame, not a single song that I don't like, it literally became a part of my everyday life.

I think this is everything I wanted to say about this masterpiece of a videogame, it goes beyond of what videogames are capable of, it's a very long, emotional and unforgettable journey.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

I honestly think that some parts of this Expansion should have been in the main game. It contains the best content in the entire game, adds more depth to the story and answers some questions.

Also, the boss fights are significantly more challenging, which is a good thing because the second half of the main game was a letdown.

The only thing that bothered me is the length and the lack of areas to explore, it feels quite short but it really is worth playing, it's a must-play.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

Bloodborne was my very first FromSoftware game, and having no prior experience from their past games I expected to have a hard time with it.

So did it live up to the hype? Yeah, I really enjoyed it, in fact at times I wanted it to be more difficult, but overall I think that it's fairly challenging, it knows when to punish you and it knows when to reward you.

I loved the gameplay, it's extremely fun with some creative mechanics, and the amazing trick weapons. The first area is quite rough but once you manage to understand how some of the mechanics work, then it's just a joy to play.

The worldbuilding is breathtaking, and the way the world changes when you have more insight is absolutely genius. There's a lot of content, exploring the different areas, uncovering secrets, finding shortcuts, interacting with the characters, completing side stories and taking your time with the game feels very rewarding.

The atmosphere is unrivaled, it's scary and haunting but also beautiful in a very dark way. I absolutely adore the Gothic-Cosmic Horror theme and the Victorian-era inspired architecture, possibly my favorite setting in any videogame.

The monsters look terrifying, some very interesting designs and nice symbolisms, I personally got to kill every single boss - even the optional bosses - and I really liked most of them, they require strategy and quick reflexes.

The Blood Vial farming is very obnoxious in the beginning, but it's not a big issue once you progress halfway through the game. Having to manage your resources becomes more of a secondary distraction, and the rally mechanic allows you to heal while playing aggressively.

Now, where the game disappointed me is the second half of the main campaign, the boss fights not only get progressively easier, but the quality of the game falls a little bit.

Also I want to point out that the lore is very intriguing and rich, full of mini stories, the way everything connects together is what makes it truly special.

Overall I genuinely enjoyed this game, it really is an exceptional experience, especially if you're a fan of the genre, it's pretty close to perfection.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

An absolute monster of a videogame.
The main story is very well made with an exceptional cast of characters, and the writing is fantastic, everything in the game has depth to it.

The amount of content is absolutely ridiculous, at first you might get overwhelmed by all the activities the game throws at you, but exploring the map and doing side quests is definitely worth it, this game has perhaps the best side quests I've ever experienced, and the quest design is phenomenal.

The dialogue options are groundbreaking, almost every quest has different outcomes and interactions, it's insane. Your actions have consequences and if you're not careful, you can miss entire questlines that can alter your entire experience with the game.

Also I think it's worth mentioning how beautiful the soundtrack is, it's pretty much one of the highlights of the game and really sets the tone perfectly.

It's an all-around solid game, it does almost everything very well, except from the gameplay which is a little bit clunky so you'll have to get used to it.
The biggest problem I have with the game personally is the amount of filler and padding in the first half of the story, it's a slow burn and takes too long for the pacing to get good, however, even when it's slow, it's still great and has so many things to offer.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt achieved the impossible, it's unbelievable how a small Polish studio managed to create a remarkable videogame like this one.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

Absolute Timeless Masterpiece.
One of the BEST stories ever told in the videogame medium, full of action and very emotional moments, with an incredible and diverse cast of characters, and a satisfying pay-off.

Arthur Morgan is the best written character I've ever seen, the bond he shares with his friends and loved ones is very grounded and heartwarming, and his development throughout the story is insane.

The Open World part of this Titanic videogame is next level, it raised the bar so high, I don't think we are gonna get a game of this quality in a very long time. A dynamic world full of life and activities to do, a living ecosystem, you can see animals fighting in the wild, people interacting with objects, and so many absurd jaw-dropping details.
Exploring the map is very enjoyable, countless of encounters with random characters that you'll meet in your journey, you'll always find something new.

As for the side content, it's a very rich game, the side stories are interesting with charming characters, there are some mini-games that you can play just to relax for a bit, spend time hunting animals for food and clothes, do some bounty hunting for money, raise your honor by helping people, bond with your horse, visit the saloon for a drink, go for some fishing, rob a homestead, explore uncharted territory for hidden treasures and unique weapons, and just interact with the world of the game and everything it has to offer.

Lastly, I want to talk about the gameplay, in my opinion it's a fun game but the shooting mechanics are indeed a little bit clunky, you'll need to get used to the controls, and once you do, combat will feel way more satisfying and rewarding.

This is a remarkable experience, a benchmark for Open World games and the industry as a whole, a piece of art, full of love, care and effort.
Hands down, one of the best videogames I've ever experienced, and one that I will surely NEVER forget, Congratulations Rockstar Games.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

A tragic and dark story of love, hate and forgiveness, The Last of Us Part II is a very brave and ambitious game, and the perfect example of what videogames should strive to be.

It's definitely a big improvement over the first game in many ways such as the gameplay mechanics and the depth of storytelling, but unfortunately there are some few moments where the pacing felt slow.

The intense music combined with the masterfully crafted atmosphere and the fantastic audio design are some of the best I've seen in a videogame.

The Last of Us Part II takes some big risks, and makes some decisions that some people might not agree with, but honestly, I loved it...

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

The definitive version of Final Fantasy VII Remake, now including a very well made Expansion and some important technical improvements.

My introduction into the world of Final Fantasy.
I'm actually speechless, this game is absolutely incredible. it's bigger and better than the original in every possible way, a huge improvement when it comes to the visuals, gameplay, animations, character models and pretty much everything you can think of.

I'm going to start with the gameplay first, well what can I say, oh my freaking god, arguably the best combat system i've ever seen in a videogame to date, the mix of Turn Based with Real Time Action is honestly flawless, it works perfectly and it feels very satisfying. The materia system is fantastic, there is a lot of customization, it's easy to use and understand and makes the combat so unique and enjoyable.
Also the boss fights are insane, there are so many of them, and they are quite challenging, you can't really play mindlessly and expect to win easily, you actually need patience and strategy to beat them, and I really liked that.

Now when it comes to the characters, I think they're great, they have likeable personalities and slowly develop pretty well, and you really get to bond with them which makes you feel like you're part of the team.

It's worth to mention that the game is actually very big, the world feels alive despite being limited, you can just get lost in it. There is a lot of content, side quests, various minigames, VR missions and rewarding activities, so many things to do and places to explore, it's a pretty long experience and it's also very replayable, trying out new builds and doing the challenges is very fun.

As for the main story, it starts pretty tame but things go wild quick, especially towards the end, I loved the last few chapters, however, the pacing gets slow during some parts of the story and there is a lot of padding, for both good and bad reasons, for example, some new chapters or additions to the story flesh out the world and the characters more, while at the same time, there are few things added into certain parts of the game that feel unnecessary, additions such as puzzles or areas that don't offer anything, just increase the overall playtime, and to be honest I don't think it's a big problem, I didn't mind it much, I just think it's worth pointing out.
The only major issue I have with the story is that the writing can get quite weak sometimes, and finishing the game left me with more questions than answers, the overall story is clearly unfinished and I'm hoping the sequels do a decent job at explaining few things.

Lastly, I really need to mention the stellar soundtrack, it's just so beautiful, one of the most iconic and magical soundtracks in a JRPG ever.

It really is an outstanding videogame, It's not only an improved version of the original Final Fantasy VII, but it stands on its own very well. Overall this is definitely one of the best Remakes I've ever played.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

A very heartwarming story full of suspense and mystery.
The characters in this game connect and develop so well, their friendship is amazingly done and it's the most important thing in the entire game. The moments the characters share with each other is the core foundation of the story, and their team dynamic is what makes this game so special.
The school trips and social events are also a very big part of the game and they flesh out the characters more.

The gameplay is pretty solid and enjoyable, it's your typical Turn Based JRPG gameplay with few unique elements.
The social simulator aspect is easily the best part of the game, I absolutely love going out with people and partaking in events, doing the little side stories and interacting with the world the game has to offer.

As for the music, it's fantastic, I honestly didn't think I would like the music of this game as much because it's not my type of music, but it fits very well, it's light-hearted and a contradiction to the game's themes, in an excellent way.

The story is honestly very interesting, and I love how the game delves deeper into the "murder mystery" theme, giving you choices to uncover the secrets of Inaba, and even though there is definitely an illusion of choice due to the game's linear nature, it's still a pretty cool concept and I like it a lot.

Where the game shines is the atmosphere, at times it's surprisingly disturbing but for the most part it's very welcoming. The color palette is warm, cute and unique, it has a "family" vibe to it like no other game, and it feels like home.

The only problem I have with the game is the bad and lazy dungeon design, backtracking gets tedious after a while. Every area looks identical to each other, there are pretty much no puzzles, and the floors are randomly generated.

Despite some outdated mechanics, I absolutely adore this game and it's definitely one of the best JRPGs I've ever played.

Final Rating: "Excellent" ~ 9.5/10.

A very deserving side story for Final Fantasy VII Remake.
I honestly really enjoyed this, the gameplay is mostly the same as the main game with few additional Quality of Life improvements, but the biggest change is Yuffie, her gameplay mechanics are fantastic, and her moveset is very fun to use.

The side characters are alright, Yuffie and Sonon are great but all the other characters are forgettable.

The boss fights are pretty good, the pacing is solid and there is a decent amount of side content, even though the sidequests are kind of boring, they just exist only to add a little bit more playtime, because the story is very short.
I had fun revisiting the world of Final Fantasy VII Remake once again and I'm very glad I did.

Final Rating: "Very Good" ~ 7.5/10.

My introduction into the world of Final Fantasy.
I'm actually speechless, this game is absolutely incredible. it's bigger and better than the original in every possible way, a huge improvement when it comes to the visuals, gameplay, animations, character models and pretty much everything you can think of.

I'm going to start with the gameplay first, well what can I say, oh my freaking god, arguably the best combat system i've ever seen in a videogame to date, the mix of Turn Based with Real Time Action is honestly flawless, it works perfectly and it feels very satisfying. The materia system is fantastic, there is a lot of customization, it's easy to use and understand and makes the combat so unique and enjoyable. Also the boss fights are insane, there are so many of them, and they are quite challenging, you can't really play mindlessly and expect to win easily, you actually need patience and strategy to beat them, and I really liked that.

Now when it comes to the characters, I think they're great, they have likeable personalities and slowly develop pretty well, and you really get to bond with them which makes you feel like you're part of the team.

It's worth to mention that the game is actually very big, the world feels alive despite being limited, you can just get lost in it. There is a lot of content, side quests, various minigames, VR missions and rewarding activities, so many things to do and places to explore, it's a pretty long experience and it's also very replayable, trying out new builds and doing the challenges is very fun.

As for the main story, it starts pretty tame but things go wild quick, especially towards the end, I loved the last few chapters, however, the pacing gets slow during some parts of the story and there is a lot of padding, for both good and bad reasons, for example, some new chapters or additions to the story flesh out the world and the characters more, while at the same time, there are few things added into certain parts of the game that feel unnecessary, additions such as puzzles or areas that don't offer anything, just increase the overall playtime, and to be honest I don't think it's a big problem, I didn't mind it much, I just think it's worth pointing out.
The only major issue I have with the story is that the writing can get quite weak sometimes, and finishing the game left me with more questions than answers, the overall story is clearly unfinished and I'm hoping the sequels do a decent job at explaining few things.

Lastly, I really need to mention the stellar soundtrack, it's just so beautiful, one of the most iconic and magical soundtracks in a JRPG ever.

It really is an outstanding videogame, It's not only an improved version of the original Final Fantasy VII, but it stands on its own very well. Overall this is definitely one of the best Remakes I've ever played.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

This game is spectacular, it was a fresh take on the Online Multiplayer First Person Shooter genre, and groundbreaking.

Unfortunately I'm a little bit late to the party, so I missed most of the good things that came out from this game.
Is it fun? Undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable First Person Shooter games I've ever played!
The gameplay is fast paced, creative and diverse, the character design is phenomenal, most of the heroes look fantastic, the maps look gorgeous, so many hidden details everywhere, overall I can safely say that this is a fantastic game.

But what doesn't make it a flawless game is the horrible matchmaking, and the lack of gamemodes, which is a shame because it really is a fun game overall.

It's still a very enjoyable experience, and I'm glad I didn't miss out on it, one of my favorite Online Multiplayer games for sure.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

I love Overwatch, it's definitely one of my favorite Online Multiplayer games out there.
Overwatch 2 is essentially a free update, with additional heroes, new abilities, new maps and a couple of Quality of Life improvements.

The problem is, the game still has the exact same issues it used to have, and the new progression system is flawed and confusing.

While being marketed as a sequel, it doesn't feel like a sequel at all, which is slightly disappointing.

That being said, the game is still a lot of fun, it's quite literally the same game as before but with some additional content, and it's also free, so I can't complain, it's just not really worthy of the "sequel" title.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

I love Blade Wolf, he's definitely my favorite character alongside Raiden.

His playstyle is completely different from both Raiden and Sam, and he has some unique attacks aswell, but he feels clunky and heavy.
Also the platforming levels didn't fit well in my opinion.

I appreciate the fact that Mistral got some development and screentime, I really liked her as a character in the main game but she appeared for a very short time.

Lastly, the boss fight is a little bit disappointing and just okay.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.