A very heartwarming story full of suspense and mystery.
The characters in this game connect and develop so well, their friendship is amazingly done and it's the most important thing in the entire game. The moments the characters share with each other is the core foundation of the story, and their team dynamic is what makes this game so special.
The school trips and social events are also a very big part of the game and they flesh out the characters more.

The gameplay is pretty solid and enjoyable, it's your typical Turn Based JRPG gameplay with few unique elements.
The social simulator aspect is easily the best part of the game, I absolutely love going out with people and partaking in events, doing the little side stories and interacting with the world the game has to offer.

As for the music, it's fantastic, I honestly didn't think I would like the music of this game as much because it's not my type of music, but it fits very well, it's light-hearted and a contradiction to the game's themes, in an excellent way.

The story is honestly very interesting, and I love how the game delves deeper into the "murder mystery" theme, giving you choices to uncover the secrets of Inaba, and even though there is definitely an illusion of choice due to the game's linear nature, it's still a pretty cool concept and I like it a lot.

Where the game shines is the atmosphere, at times it's surprisingly disturbing but for the most part it's very welcoming. The color palette is warm, cute and unique, it has a "family" vibe to it like no other game, and it feels like home.

The only problem I have with the game is the bad and lazy dungeon design, backtracking gets tedious after a while. Every area looks identical to each other, there are pretty much no puzzles, and the floors are randomly generated.

Despite some outdated mechanics, I absolutely adore this game and it's definitely one of the best JRPGs I've ever played.

Final Rating: "Excellent" ~ 9.5/10.

I love Overwatch, it's definitely one of my favorite Online Multiplayer games out there.
Overwatch 2 is essentially a free update, with additional heroes, new abilities, new maps and a couple of Quality of Life improvements.

The problem is, the game still has the exact same issues it used to have, and the new progression system is flawed and confusing.

While being marketed as a sequel, it doesn't feel like a sequel at all, which is slightly disappointing.

That being said, the game is still a lot of fun, it's quite literally the same game as before but with some additional content, and it's also free, so I can't complain, it's just not really worthy of the "sequel" title.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

This game is spectacular, it was a fresh take on the Online Multiplayer First Person Shooter genre, and groundbreaking.

Unfortunately I'm a little bit late to the party, so I missed most of the good things that came out from this game.
Is it fun? Undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable First Person Shooter games I've ever played!
The gameplay is fast paced, creative and diverse, the character design is phenomenal, most of the heroes look fantastic, the maps look gorgeous, so many hidden details everywhere, overall I can safely say that this is a fantastic game.

But what doesn't make it a flawless game is the horrible matchmaking, and the lack of gamemodes, which is a shame because it really is a fun game overall.

It's still a very enjoyable experience, and I'm glad I didn't miss out on it, one of my favorite Online Multiplayer games for sure.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

The definitive version of Final Fantasy VII Remake, now including a very well made Expansion and some important technical improvements.

My introduction into the world of Final Fantasy.
I'm actually speechless, this game is absolutely incredible. it's bigger and better than the original in every possible way, a huge improvement when it comes to the visuals, gameplay, animations, character models and pretty much everything you can think of.

I'm going to start with the gameplay first, well what can I say, oh my freaking god, arguably the best combat system i've ever seen in a videogame to date, the mix of Turn Based with Real Time Action is honestly flawless, it works perfectly and it feels very satisfying. The materia system is fantastic, there is a lot of customization, it's easy to use and understand and makes the combat so unique and enjoyable.
Also the boss fights are insane, there are so many of them, and they are quite challenging, you can't really play mindlessly and expect to win easily, you actually need patience and strategy to beat them, and I really liked that.

Now when it comes to the characters, I think they're great, they have likeable personalities and slowly develop pretty well, and you really get to bond with them which makes you feel like you're part of the team.

It's worth to mention that the game is actually very big, the world feels alive despite being limited, you can just get lost in it. There is a lot of content, side quests, various minigames, VR missions and rewarding activities, so many things to do and places to explore, it's a pretty long experience and it's also very replayable, trying out new builds and doing the challenges is very fun.

As for the main story, it starts pretty tame but things go wild quick, especially towards the end, I loved the last few chapters, however, the pacing gets slow during some parts of the story and there is a lot of padding, for both good and bad reasons, for example, some new chapters or additions to the story flesh out the world and the characters more, while at the same time, there are few things added into certain parts of the game that feel unnecessary, additions such as puzzles or areas that don't offer anything, just increase the overall playtime, and to be honest I don't think it's a big problem, I didn't mind it much, I just think it's worth pointing out.
The only major issue I have with the story is that the writing can get quite weak sometimes, and finishing the game left me with more questions than answers, the overall story is clearly unfinished and I'm hoping the sequels do a decent job at explaining few things.

Lastly, I really need to mention the stellar soundtrack, it's just so beautiful, one of the most iconic and magical soundtracks in a JRPG ever.

It really is an outstanding videogame, It's not only an improved version of the original Final Fantasy VII, but it stands on its own very well. Overall this is definitely one of the best Remakes I've ever played.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

A very deserving side story for Final Fantasy VII Remake.
I honestly really enjoyed this, the gameplay is mostly the same as the main game with few additional Quality of Life improvements, but the biggest change is Yuffie, her gameplay mechanics are fantastic, and her moveset is very fun to use.

The side characters are alright, Yuffie and Sonon are great but all the other characters are forgettable.

The boss fights are pretty good, the pacing is solid and there is a decent amount of side content, even though the sidequests are kind of boring, they just exist only to add a little bit more playtime, because the story is very short.
I had fun revisiting the world of Final Fantasy VII Remake once again and I'm very glad I did.

Final Rating: "Very Good" ~ 7.5/10.

My introduction into the world of Final Fantasy.
I'm actually speechless, this game is absolutely incredible. it's bigger and better than the original in every possible way, a huge improvement when it comes to the visuals, gameplay, animations, character models and pretty much everything you can think of.

I'm going to start with the gameplay first, well what can I say, oh my freaking god, arguably the best combat system i've ever seen in a videogame to date, the mix of Turn Based with Real Time Action is honestly flawless, it works perfectly and it feels very satisfying. The materia system is fantastic, there is a lot of customization, it's easy to use and understand and makes the combat so unique and enjoyable. Also the boss fights are insane, there are so many of them, and they are quite challenging, you can't really play mindlessly and expect to win easily, you actually need patience and strategy to beat them, and I really liked that.

Now when it comes to the characters, I think they're great, they have likeable personalities and slowly develop pretty well, and you really get to bond with them which makes you feel like you're part of the team.

It's worth to mention that the game is actually very big, the world feels alive despite being limited, you can just get lost in it. There is a lot of content, side quests, various minigames, VR missions and rewarding activities, so many things to do and places to explore, it's a pretty long experience and it's also very replayable, trying out new builds and doing the challenges is very fun.

As for the main story, it starts pretty tame but things go wild quick, especially towards the end, I loved the last few chapters, however, the pacing gets slow during some parts of the story and there is a lot of padding, for both good and bad reasons, for example, some new chapters or additions to the story flesh out the world and the characters more, while at the same time, there are few things added into certain parts of the game that feel unnecessary, additions such as puzzles or areas that don't offer anything, just increase the overall playtime, and to be honest I don't think it's a big problem, I didn't mind it much, I just think it's worth pointing out.
The only major issue I have with the story is that the writing can get quite weak sometimes, and finishing the game left me with more questions than answers, the overall story is clearly unfinished and I'm hoping the sequels do a decent job at explaining few things.

Lastly, I really need to mention the stellar soundtrack, it's just so beautiful, one of the most iconic and magical soundtracks in a JRPG ever.

It really is an outstanding videogame, It's not only an improved version of the original Final Fantasy VII, but it stands on its own very well. Overall this is definitely one of the best Remakes I've ever played.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

I love Blade Wolf, he's definitely my favorite character alongside Raiden.

His playstyle is completely different from both Raiden and Sam, and he has some unique attacks aswell, but he feels clunky and heavy.
Also the platforming levels didn't fit well in my opinion.

I appreciate the fact that Mistral got some development and screentime, I really liked her as a character in the main game but she appeared for a very short time.

Lastly, the boss fight is a little bit disappointing and just okay.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

I honestly think that some parts of this Expansion should have been in the main game. It contains the best content in the entire game, adds more depth to the story and answers some questions.

Also, the boss fights are significantly more challenging, which is a good thing because the second half of the main game was a letdown.

The only thing that bothered me is the length and the lack of areas to explore, it feels quite short but it really is worth playing, it's a must-play.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

An absolute monster of a videogame.
The main story is very well made with an exceptional cast of characters, and the writing is fantastic, everything in the game has depth to it.

The amount of content is absolutely ridiculous, at first you might get overwhelmed by all the activities the game throws at you, but exploring the map and doing side quests is definitely worth it, this game has perhaps the best side quests I've ever experienced, and the quest design is phenomenal.

The dialogue options are groundbreaking, almost every quest has different outcomes and interactions, it's insane. Your actions have consequences and if you're not careful, you can miss entire questlines that can alter your entire experience with the game.

Also I think it's worth mentioning how beautiful the soundtrack is, it's pretty much one of the highlights of the game and really sets the tone perfectly.

It's an all-around solid game, it does almost everything very well, except from the gameplay which is a little bit clunky so you'll have to get used to it.
The biggest problem I have with the game personally is the amount of filler and padding in the first half of the story, it's a slow burn and takes too long for the pacing to get good, however, even when it's slow, it's still great and has so many things to offer.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt achieved the impossible, it's unbelievable how a small Polish studio managed to create a remarkable videogame like this one.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

The beginning of everything.
This is a very beautiful videogame, the environments, the areas you can explore, and all the different biomes are genuinely breathtaking. Exploring feels nice, there are random errands and side quests scattered throughout the world, it's almost something like an Open World.

I liked the characters, it's rare for a JRPG to have many characters and make them all likeable, but Xenoblade Chronicles managed to do that and I didn't expect it.
Every character plays differently, and there's a lot of customization, like changing outfits or even weapons, swapping and leveling up abilities, and progressing the skill-tree.

As for the combat, in the beginning it felt fresh but it did get quite repetitive later on, I do like it but it's not anything special, it's enjoyable for the most part and there's some depth to it, and some cool mechanics.

Also the music is great, the soundtrack is memorable and it's varied with beautiful overworld exploration songs and some pretty iconic battle themes.

This is genuinely a very solid game, it reminded me of some old JRPGs, and for its time it was probably one of the biggest. When I started playing it, I wasn't really blown away, the pacing is slow and it takes a while for the story to pick up, but the last few chapters are honestly impressive, by the end it really got better and better, there are so many plot twists and interesting ideas, and the pay-off is worth it.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

Exactly what I expected.
It's a short but sweet expansion that adds a new cool area to explore, new music tracks, some additional weapons and tools which are pretty strong, and arguably one of the best and most challenging boss fights in the entire game.

I enjoyed the new story arc despite the slow start, it adds some important things to the overall lore. Also it's cheap so if you enjoyed the main game it's definitely worth buying.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

Evolution of a Revolution.
Tears of the Kingdom somehow managed to exceed my expectations, it's arguably the best Open World videogame experience I've ever had and I absolutely love everything about it.

The world truly feels very alive, with a big enemy variety, and 3 entirely different maps to explore, it's overwhelmingly huge and there is so much to do.
First you have the overworld, which works in a similar way as Breath of the Wild, then you have the Sky Islands which exist in the sky, and they are fully explorable, they contain different rewards than the overworld and some shrines to do, and lastly there are the Depths which work as a farming area mainly for Zonaite, or you can fight again some bosses for loot. Obviously every area has some cool stories to tell, which makes exploring worthwhile, and the amount of content is insane.

The core gameplay is pretty much the same as Breath of the Wild, but the addition of the abilities is a game-changer.
With Ultrahand you are able to move around or build everything, from vehicles to weapons and literally every single thing you can imagine, which is genuinely crazy and changes the entire game. Fusion allows you to fuse every item you can find to your weapon, shield or arrow, which greatly rewards exploration and killing enemies, and is incredibly useful, because at first most weapons seem useless due to their low base damage, but fusing unique items not only increases the damage by a lot, but grants the weapon various buffs and different ways to use them. If you are stuck somewhere and you can't find a way to escape, you can use Ascend which helps you traverse the world and escape from caves or climb through terrain which makes exploration easier, faster and more satisfying. Last but not least, Recall rewinds time and it can be very useful during combat or while solving a puzzle, and there are so many clever ways to use it to your advantage.
These new abilities change the way we are used to playing Open World games, Tears of the Kingdom's world was made in a way for the abilities to be used without truly breaking the rules, while at the same time giving us absolute freedom and control over everything, and it's just so damn fun.

One thing that actually surprised me is the important main story boss fights, this time around every single boss is unique and that final boss fight is just phenomenal and quite challenging in a good way.

The game focuses a lot on physics, creativity, imagination and enjoyability, it's pure videogame bliss, and the fact that the player has full agency of their actions without the game interrupting or limiting the player's freedom and fun, proves to us that this game is not ashamed to show us what videogames truly are.

If Breath of the Wild was a Revolution of the Open World genre, Tears of the Kingdom is an Evolution, an improvement in every single way, which is unbelievable considering Breath of the Wild is one of the best videogames ever created, and Tears of the Kingdom managed to surpass it.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

To Infinity and Beyond.
BioShock Infinite is gorgeous, it has some of the best world-building in any videogame, and a very unique artstyle that makes it look special and timeless.

The story's premise is very interesting, it touches some controversial topics, but what I like the most about the game is the 2 main characters, they are the heart and soul of the story and carry the entire game all the way to the end.

As for the gameplay, it's pretty good, the shooting feels heavy and responsive, and the vigors add some depth to it, all in all I'm satisfied.

Unfortunately though, the mission structure is quite repetitive, and combined with the questionable pacing, the game feels longer than intended, also the late game difficulty spike felt tedious and unnecessary.

This is a very solid game overall, it's full of style and flair, the focus on being a fast paced First Person Shooter game is definitely a big departure from the toned down, dark and grounded nature of the previous games. Where Infinite lacks the horror and more experimental gameplay mechanics, it makes up with the improved fast paced shooting and environmental combat.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

A pretty nice side story for the main game, Burial at Sea - Episode One is worth checking out, however, it's a bit too short, and doesn't add anything to the story.

There are some gameplay improvements such as being able to hold multiple weapons, and additional plasmids, which is cool.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.

Elden Ring is the most Ambitious FromSoftware title to date.
For the first half of the game, I was blown away, the Open World is huge and there are so many things you can do in it, it's absolutely groundbreaking, there are so many areas to explore, a huge map full of castles, ruins, dungeons and cities... even underground cities! It's honestly crazy, this game is insanely big, it has everything you'd expect from a Medieval Open World RPG.

Although the gameplay is identical to previous FromSoftware titles, there are indeed some minor tweaks and changes, new magic spells, a ton of additional weapons to use in combat and many more. Summons are also useful, and quite necessary in some cases.

As for the lore, it's pretty deep and interesting for the most part, the game always encourages the player to keep learning new things via exploring or reading.

The boss fights are spectacular, most of them look phenomenal, their movesets are varied and the animations look gorgeous, however, the game is unbalanced, with some questionable difficulty spikes specifically towards the endgame.

And lastly, there's a lot of recycled content, all the dungeons look the same, many boss fights are reused, some areas look identical but with different colors... there's a lot of copy paste, which isn't necessarily a very bad thing, but it's worth mentioning.

Elden Ring is the true evolution of the genre, an amalgamation of everything FromSoftware has done the past few years, and the ultimate souls game.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.