My favorite RPG of all time, this game perfected building your character, there is zero quest markers! You have to figure everything out by yourself, looking at quest journal that your character writes, each quest probably has at least 2 ways to complete it, with diffrent results, rewards and making new enemies or friends along the way. For example there is a quest to find an orc weapon, however orc is kind of an end game enemy, so you go exploring after you hear from a wall guard in the city that an orc was sighted along the wall not so long ago and so you go to check it out and there it is, a cave filled with skeletons and missed arrows, in the middle there it is, the weapon. Second thing that i think this game does perfectly is open world - It is quite small in today's standards, BUT it is not accesible for you at the beginning, there are reasons why you cannot go and explore dangerous areas, well these are really dangerous, you need to train, level up, find equipment and the map opens up and oh boy is the map good. A LOT of things to find, secrets, enemies, items, weapons, artefacts, quests, NPC's going about their life. Such an experience, if you don't mind a bit clunky (but extremely fun if you learn it) fighting, a bit outdated graphics YOU HAVE TO GIVE THE GAME A TRY!

While having some good ideas and few interesting quests, the game do not seem to understand its own universe. Most mutants that are roaming the wastelands should not even be here. Main story of Fallout 3 is in pure Bethesda fashion boring and predictable, however I remember being pleasantly surpirsed with quest in which i could decide fate of Megaton, at least some things important for the first two games were present here.

Probably the worst Fallout game to date, it threw world building done by previous games and threw it into the bin. Instead of interesting characters and factions it all came down to meaningless quests and activities. Weapon crafting at first seem like a good and fun idea, however after a while you get a feeling that it is very shallow. I personally also hate the way they treated power armors, instead of cool achievement after completing many things and getting trained to use it, you just get it at first main quest and is just like a mech that you go in and out of. World is also filled with garbage, like after so many years of living in the wastelands could no one just clean it up? There are skeletons laying around like some kind of furniture. RPG elements are now skills that give you a few percents to damage or allow you to build a new structure. Dialogues come down to four answers none of which are what you want to say, heck you do not even know what exactly will your character will say. While exploration and gunplay are kind of okay, the rest is complete garbage. This game is a disgrace for the Fallout series... Unfortunately TV Series for which I had high hopes for seem to take a lot of inspiration from this Bethesda trash. Really hope that this series will get some more love, perhaps Obsidian can make it happen.

Probably the worst Pokemon game in the franchise. Very tedious beginning, game is extremely easy to the point where you can easily beat it with starter pokemon only without issues maybe expect the endgame. Animations in the game were to say it lightly laughably bad. However I still had some fun going around the wild area and catching Pokemons (SOME)

This game collection got me hooked from the first hour, great characters, amazing cases to solve with extremely satisfying ending to the trilogy. OST still plays in my head sometimes and I still think of some cases in retrospection. Love games like that, left me speechless and imedietely went to play other games in the series (although not as good as original trilogy).

Where do I even begin... Game is extremely boring and bad, I am giving it half a star for cinematics, which were only 2 (one of them was trailer of the game). Character building is big downgrade from Diablo III, not even mentioning Diablo II. I know it was not supposed to be as massive as Path of Exile, but I would expect even a little itemization or endgame. Campaign is boring, open world is a disaster with level scaling and very bad power spikes for your characters. New world tiers are very bad way to make big power spikes with nothing at all inbetween. Items are as basic as could be, uniques are very few and uninspired. Bosses are somewhat ok, but easy and spongy like everything else in the game. I do not think the game can get any better, as I do not see developers even knowing what aRPG even is, astronomically big dissapointment from company that made Diablo II.

Great RPG, Obsidian did a really good job with making this game in 8 months on bethesda engine. It takes many inspirations and care from Fallout 1 and 2. Many nods to previous games, great RPG mechanics, amazing dialogues and characters, interesting world and plot with many twists and turns. Loved the factions system where someone finally understood what NCR stood for and what how brotherhood of steel operates.

Probably my favorite mario game, everytime a new mario game comes out it sparks that platformer itch i always try to find. This one is problably the best 3D platformer I have ever played, very fun mechanics, incredible maps and so many secrets and challanges to be found.

Problems at the launch aside, game is very good. Story was very interesting and gripped me from the beginning, side quests were amazing, character building was fine. With 2.0 update game became a really good RPG experience with great story and characters, fun gameplay and interesting world with many places to see.

Really wish i could like the game more, they created really interesting world with cool build up, yet they failed on everything else. Dialogues are horrible, plot is somewhat boring and too long, combat is simple and not satisfying.

Game was not made for me I suppose, yet I can say with full honesty i loved it. The attention to details, story, lore and everything inbetween was made with so much care. Big step up from previous game with amazing co-op experience.

Really decent exploration, interesting side quests and fun RPG systems (especially with mods). Story of this game is very boring and predictable, however it is not the most important thing here. Dungeons and structures can feel samey and repeatable, yet somewhat fun to find and explore.

Oh my f god, this game is horrible, exploration feels like 10 steps down from skryim and 100 steps from daggerfall, their own games might I remind you. Plot is bad with bland characters and uneventful quests without meaning to the universe. Weapons are unbalanced, skill tree is as plain as can be. Copy and pasted outposts and buildings on planets are just cherry on this pile of dog food.

Another one of sony's interactive movies type of game. This one at least tries to have good gameplay, okayish to bad exploration, decent plot, good graphics, very good quest/location tracking feature with wind showing the way. Combat is at least somewhat satisfying, yet simple and repetitive. Overall decent.

Good experience, good graphics and plot. Gameplay however feels like a slog of trying to clean a clogged toilet with a toothpick. Sony stop making games play like a interactive movie, pretty please.