i remeber begging my mum for this game when it had originally came out for the 3ds. Its such a good, wacky and fun game ive never really enjoyed Rpgs but this is seriously one of my favourites. i just love the miis so much man

I cant really decide whether or not i love this game more than the original but im kinda edging on this game is better. im a big yoshi fan and i feel that the overall levels are an upgrade to galaxy 1. The final levels in this game are also such peak

Man this game is pure joy for me. Every time i play this game i cant help but smile the worlds, the music. To me this is what peak mario is

I don't know know what i really want to say about this game i was really hoping it would be an actually retelling of the events that had occurred 100 years prior to BOTW and was really enjoying it until its "fanservicey" parts. Was hoping this would be the crisis core to BOTW.

man so much charm in this game. Suda51 truely is a goat. I love its story it's so fucking weird and so good

Man this game is really good. i never intended on purchasing this game but had played a bit of it at a friends house and fell in love with it its story is so interesting and its gameplay is so fucking fun. Combat is peak too

I had a lotta fun with this game and enjoyed the motion controls definitely one of the better Zelda stories

Man I do love this game but its ending is so ehhh music is really good and i love its characters

Man I love Clive so much. the story and gameplay is so fucking good and the set pieces are seriously so good and the music.. mwah. the ending had me in tears for weeks and i still think about its ending. when i think of next gen games this is seriously the only one to me that feels next gen that i have played

Man this game is really good Finished ending A and having gotten the other endings yet but honestly i don't want this story to end

I don't really know how i feel about this game at times i am loving it and at times i'm so drained by it. but the gameplay is really fun though

I need to actually sit down and try to play though it i keep quitting after I die a bunch of times. this is my first souls borne game and i don't think i've fully understood what i've gotten myself into haha

The best Shooter ever made. COD doesnt got shit on it

I have so much nostalgia for this game. Playing it with my sister when we were younger was some of the most fun ive had with a game ever. Very good memories

If i'm being real honest i didn't do anything else in this game than play through the story i somewhat enjoyed it . Probably should replay though the game and take my time with it but for now 3.5 stars is enough for me