Absolutely the best 2D Mario in years, and possibly the best outside of Super Mario World all the way back on the SNES. Such a delightful game that oozes creativity out of every pore. I had a stupid grin on my face the whole way through. Reminded me of the unbridled joy that video games can give you, and the fact that most modern releases from big companies actually do suck and that you're not growing out of enjoying them.

Genuinely one of the best indie games in recent memory. Fun combat with a memorable story and characters. All of the pixel art is wonderful and the soundtrack is great.

The best 3D Zelda behind Majora's Mask in my eyes. Every other traditional 3D Zelda after this fails in some key way to match or outdo what this game did all the way back on the N64. It has it's flaws, but it's still such a great time that holds up even in the modern day.

A downgrade from New Leaf in every way. The game gives you so much control over every minute detail that it becomes less about living a virtual life with your animal neighbors and more about customizing your virtual dollhouse island down to the smallest grain of sand. It was missing many features from New Leaf at launch, and it still is even after all the updates. Villagers lack so much dialogue compared to New Leaf, and the amount of ways you can interact with them on a day to day basis is incredibly lacking as well. Making money feels like a chore because it's always gatekeeping from making changes to your island, and the only real way to make it is to monotonously catch bugs for hours and hours and every change to your island is prohibitively expensive even though the game encourages you to go as wild as you'd like. And the day to day systems of the AC series feel more annoying than novel when you want to move a house and you have to wait the entire day just for that. Just feels like an overall downgrade from the games that came before, thought the house and character customization is absolutely the best it's ever been and it completely blows every other AC game out of the water.

Beautiful soundtrack with with my all time favorite aesthetic for a Mario game. Is it the best Mario? Probably not. But everything combines together in such a magical way that no other Mario game does for me.

Genuinely magical first time playing through a game. Actually feels like exploring a brand new world step by step. It completely revolutionized how an open world game could feel when it released. It has no replay value because the game is entirely about discovering the world you're placed in but it's still a wonderful time I could recommend to just about anybody.

Incredibly fun physics sandbox held back by being too similar to the first one. I'd never want to replay it but it's a wonderful first experience, same as the first game.

Truly the video game ever. You could frame every line of dialogue on a wall.

One of the greatest games of all time, go into it with little to no knowledge for an unforgettable experience